7 weeks out.

Aug 25, 2008

Ok, so I posted some pictures and stuff...check um out, tell me what you think.


so I'm almost 7 weeks out...

Aug 22, 2008

I haven't really had anymore physical complications but I've been having some emotional complications. I just get pissed off at everything. I'm normally not like that, So, I scheduled an appointment with the counselor at my hospital's Bariatric Program. Anyway, I had a good talk with her and she seems to think that I was always aggrivated by the things that are pissing me off, but I was so used to suppressing them, that I didn't think twice about it, but now she says that I am experiencing alot of stress so those things are harder to tolerate.

I'm about to move into my own apartment (after my 2 year mission trip, I moved in with my grandparents). I'm looking for furniture and all that stuff. As well, I'm getting a ball python. Anyway, Thanks to you guys who've sent me messages asking how I was. I hope all of you are okay. If you know some good furniture for cheap, let me know. Also, send me a message to let me know you're still alive.

Thanks for reading,



Jul 17, 2008

Ok, So I'm more than a week out. I am excited, I had a couple of problems with a bite of green peas. My main wound is still bleeding a little, I'm a little worried about it, but I do have an appointment tomorrow at 9 am. I've been moving around quite alot lately which is nice, but I still can't sit on my left side. It pulls too much and kinda hurts. I think the small amount of bleeding (I can clean it with just one Q-Tip) is from the fact that I'm moving around quite alot. General discomfort, and not cravings, but social eating stigma has me a little...i don't want to say depressed, but just a little down. Anyway, I doubt that anyone reads this, but if you do, i'm not really down, down because my girlfriend has been SUPER during this whole thing, but she keeps thinking that I'm going to lose a bunch of weight and leave her for "someone better looking". She's about 200 at 5'7" and is afraid I will want to be with someone thinner. I actually like women with a little meat on her bones, not to mention, she is the most patient, beautiful, tolerant, and wonderfully sweet woman that I know. I can only say that despite, my little woes of social eating, crunchy things, and a little pain from my puncture points, God has blessed me immensely with wonderful things in my life.

Well, I'm home

Jul 12, 2008

So, I'm home. After a 3 day stay in the hospital. I'm walking around pretty zombie like. I've already lost a good bit of weight from lack of intake. Everything went well today, my dad came to see me. It just feels really weird. I lost about 50 lbs pre-op. But not eating anything is strange. And everytime I try to fix a puree with various proteins/moisturizers/vegatable/and spices i get it in the blender, take a bite and just put it in the fridge. Nothing seems appetizing to me right now. SOOOO, I force down my shakes and I force down my water. I'll post pictures soon.

About Me
Lafayette, LA
Surgery Date
Oct 09, 2005
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 4
7 weeks out.
so I'm almost 7 weeks out...
Well, I'm home
