Almost three months post-op :)

Dec 29, 2008

I feel freaking ahhhmayyyzing!  As of today I have lost 67 pounds!  It's still alittle hard getting in the protein tho, but I try my hardest and love how my eating habits have changed.  Plus my taste buds have changed alot as well and actually enjoy alot of the food I can tolerate. 

Feeling full so early is awesome, I cannot tell you how it would just puzzle me as I would see myself push food away!  Something I really not used too LOL!!!

My energy level is thru the roof!  I am on the go constantly, I love being out and about with my family.  It was great to be able to do so much shopping and have the stamina to do so.  I worried about this for many years because I wasnt able to stand on my feet for very long.  My husband and I spent all day together the friday after Christmas, grabbing up new holiday decorations and lights and lots of good sales.  We walked thru all the stores practically in the mall! LOL...Even Macy's as crazy as it was there, made me excited to be there, looking and touching everything lol.  I finally bottomed out about 11:00 though and felt like I could sleep for days!

This is the best decision I could have ever made.  I am still in shock that I feel so good and amazingly enough LOOK and feel pretty..................I think Im getting my cute-ness factor back LOL

I havent posted any blogs for awhile, and although this is a short one, I knew it would be good to vent alittle....even if its a good vent :)

started 282, now 215 :)
Surgery was October 6, 2008


About Me
gainesville, GA
Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 53

Latest Blog 6
Long time no write!
Waiting Simply Sucks!
SLOW waiting, OMG! lol
The time has come.....again (lol)
