3 years 156 pounds down and all is terrific

Jul 12, 2013

My quality of life has greatly improved over the last three years. I am a happier, healthier, friendlier, much more active person.

I swim, I run. I eat well, take my vitamins, continually enjoy being smaller. I wear nicer clothes, I smile more, I participate in life more.

I fit in everywhere better. Inside myself, in an airplane, in a restaurant booth, in size 10 jeans.

I'm about ten pounds away from my personal goal of 150, and I may get there someday, or not, who knows. I'm fine where I am.

I got plastic surgery in December - had the works done, in Mexico, with the good Dr. Sauceda. It was a great experience. It's as though he ironed me and got rid of all my wrinkles. Now I not only look good with clothes on, but with clothes off as well.

I've been learning tons about health and nutrition and eating clean. I never thought I would be the person I am today, but I am so glad to have got the opportunity to meet the new me.

Good luck, everyone, I hope you have as easy a time as I had.




2 years 158 pounds gone/half my body weight

Jul 12, 2012

Losing weight and keeping it off has been a breeze so far. I've had zero complications and have never felt better. Went from size 26-8/10. Will be getting plastic surgery in December. I realize the challenge will be to maintain for the rest of my life, but I have used my time wisely to educate myself on nutrition (I really didn't even know what a carb was when I started all this). I've trained myself to enjoy exercise and incorporate it in my life. I've watched lots of documentaries on food, supplements, nutrition and read books, too, enough to make me say I will NEVER go to McDonald's or a fast food joint. And I've given up soda completely. 
I attribute my success to:
1. Reading this board to find out just about everything I need to know about RNY. Finding good role models on this board.
2. Educating myself about nutrition and healthy eating.
3. Becoming obsessed with my fitbit statstics.
4. Teaching myself to enjoy exercise and physically challenging myself.
5. Drinking protein shakes every day. I didn't like the taste at first, but I made myself keep drinking them and now I love the taste. I freeze shakes in 8 ounce pyrex bowls so I always have protein shakes available and if I eat them before I eat anything else, I'm not as hungry. I need to have these available, cause sometimes hunger overcomes me and if I don't eat immediately...I'll go crazy.
6. Taking multivitamins, D3, B12, iron and calcium every day.
7. Severely limiting my carb intake. There are no bread, crackers, pasta or rice in my house. That doesn't mean I won't eat them outside of my house, but at least they're not readily available. I need to do that because I am weak when it comes to carbs.

I have gained poise and confidence and am a happier person, so I am more fun to be around.

Happy Surgiversary indeed.

18 months 155 pounds down

Jan 13, 2012

A year and a half. Still no problems at all and loving life. I just this week started back running. I've always been walking a lot and had been swimming, but now it's cool enough that I can run about 3.5 miles. I've run 6 days in a row at 5:00am. Love the early morning schedule.

I still love my fitbit and measuring all my steps. Last year I walked/jogged 2500 miles!1 And I swam 107 miles. Everyday adds up. Now I consistently get 20K steps per day or about 8 miles.

Rather frustratingly, I've been about the same weight since October. For one second I dipped down to 158 which was exciting as it was half my starting weight and I'm eager to get and stay in the 150s or even less, and of course I'm aware my window of opportunity is closing. I'm confident that with the good habits I've cultivated over the last 18 months, I'll get to those 150s and lower.

I'm starting to lurk on  the PS board. Don't know whether I'll do it or not, at any rate it's too soon to make those decisions.

I'm going to join the walking program at my work which will last for three months.

Lately I've been listening to Fat2Fitradio.com podcasts. the hosts are a little boring, and they don't like WLS, but they DO offer good advice for losing fat and keeping fat off - eat like the person eats who is the size you want to be. I'm not sure how WLS has screwed up our metabolism, but I'm working on increasing my resting metabolic rate by doing resistance training.
Does anyone else listen to that podcast?

I'm very pleased to feel comfortable with myself.  I wear size 10 pants, large or medium tops. I fit well in my active life. I'm happier, more optimistic.


14 months. Down 152 pounds

Sep 12, 2011

I'm still feeling great. No problems. No complications. Take my vitamins. Drink my water. Eat my protein shakes and swim 6 miles a week and walk over 10K steps each day. I go to a monthly support group.

I wear dresses a lot. I definitely feel prettier. I feel stronger; up to most challenges. There's nothing I miss from my life 14 months ago. One of my pretty size 12 dresses is too big. My hands, feet, arms, legs, all of me looks better, better proportioned and more angular. 

I have only 15 pounds to get to my goal weight. No one gave me this goal weight. my doctor never set a weight and my nutritionist didn't think I'd lose this much weight. Now I'm losing about 5 lbs/month. So I should get there by Thanksgiving.  I'm going to shoot for 135 and hope to get there by next March or May, but who knows, the body does what the body does.



Surgiversary 142 pounds down

Jul 11, 2011

Hello everyone,

I feel terrific. Everything is going great. One of the several reasons I got this surgery was because I had a friend who had gotten it and she said, it was so awesome being a size four for 4 years. She's gained some weight back since then and had a baby, but I couldn't imagine anything near being a size four, and I'm still no where near a size four, but I can buy normal clothes in normal stores. My pants are size 10/12 and my tops are M or L. I still have 25 pounds to go to my goal of 150 and I hope to reach that goal by the end of the year.

The changes I've made have been drastic, and not just physically. I was never an exerciser, but I started running last fall and ran 5 miles every day until this summer when it got too hot so now I swim either a mile and a half or two miles every morning. And I love it. I get up early - the pool opens at 6:45. I go there after I've walked my dog a mile and a half.

The fitbit has fed my obsession with numbers and metrics and keeping track of every little thing. I'm embarrassed that I need that feedback, some days, if I forget my fitbit, I think, what's the point of walking. I always park far away from my destination and never complain about not being close to something, I'm always thrilled to sneak in a few extra steps.

I'm happier, more confident, feel like I fit better in the world. I've had zero problems, take my vitamins every day, drink my water and get my protein. I go to a monthly support meeting.

This weight loss has been super easy and v. gratifying. 
I hope you all have as smooth a journey as I have.
HW - 317
SW - 306
CW - 175
GW 150

11 months, down 140 pounds

Jun 12, 2011

Another great month. No problems whatsoever. I've been swimming a mile to a mile and a half 6 days/week. That feels great and exhausting. It takes me an 50 minutes to an hour and twenty minutes. I can feel my shoulders getting stronger.

I no longer hate looking at myself in the mirror. A year ago, the only time I didn't mind seeing an image of myself was at dawn or dusk when my shadow was elongated to impossibly thin proportions. I no longer cringe at my shadow beside other people's.
I also walk about 20,000 steps day, all monitored by my fitbit.

I love to wear dresses - size large or size 12. 
I fit in the world better. I'm not embarrassed to be seen or out.
I flew last month, with no need to apologize to the person next to me.

One strange aspect is I moved back to where I used to live and nobody recognizes me.
It's a bit embarrassing and strange.

I could eat anything, but I don't. I haven't had a soda, or fast food. I avoid overly processed food.
I don't allow any "bad" food in my house. I don't want to slip back into old bad habits. I love my protein
shakes, drink several a day.

I'm happy. Have lots of summer adventures planned.
How is everyone else doing?


10 months, down 133 lbs

May 14, 2011

Although I only lost 5 pounds this month, it was an easy month and all is going well.
My toe healed nicely and I'm back running again - 4-5 miles, 5-6 times a week. Love
watching the sun rise as I run around the park.

Everything else has been going well. I bought some pretty summer dresses and am
making plans for some good trips this summer.

I always take my vitamins and eat plenty of protein every day via shakes. I've introduced
blueberries and strawberries to my shakes. Yummy.

Bon bon bon.


9 months down 128 pounds

Apr 12, 2011

All is going well. Last month's weight loss slowed down, so I'm pleased with the ten pounds this month.
Feel great. Normal. Active. Healthy. Lots of energy.

Messed up my toe running, so I haven't been able to run lately. Still getting in long walks. Miss running.

Moving across town and in the midst of all that mess.  Am eager to move to my new place which is across from a pool. They allow lap swimming there from 6:30 -9:00am.
So if my toe doesn't heal fast enough at least I can swim. Still need to do some weight training, but am not going to 
join a gym...so have no idea how to go about that.

Eating too many shakes per day and not enough real food. Never was a good cook and never enjoyed cooking.
Perhaps I should take a cooking class. Maybe this summer. Drinking some wine on occasion.

Love wearing jeans despite the love handles.


8 months, down 118 pounds. Wonderland...barely

Mar 13, 2011

Again, smooth sailing this month. This has been the easiest weight loss program ever.
I'm rarely hungry and have learned to make good choices. I exercise everyday, and run
5 miles four times a week. I love my protein shakes and take my vitamins daily. My hairloss
has slowed (fingers crossed).

The weight loss has slowed this month. I haven't had a really long stall like a lot of people write about.
And, too, I can feel that I'm getting smaller even if the scale isn't moving.

I met someone I hadn't seen for awhile, and he said I seemed much happier.

I wore a belt for the first time with some jeans last night. It was tight - on the last hole - but
it was a belt.

I go out more often, don't mind being seen in public, don't hide away. Someone I worked with told
me she saw me across campus and didn't recognize me. The she said I looked terrific, not that I didn't
look terrific before...

8 months and all is well.... 

7 months, down 113 pounds, closing in on Onederland

Feb 12, 2011

It took about 100 pounds before people noticed I'd lost weight.

I am finally no longer shopping at plus sized stores, can wear size 12s
and even 10s for pants and size large t-shirts.  I can wear levi's again and even
have a pari of SEVEN jeans. That's all quite thrilling.
I don't  buy too many clothes, cause they won't last long, usually only a month or two.
I buy skirts with elastic, cause they last longer, and when they get too big, I pull my
Slimpressions compression garments over them as a belt and I can wear them even longer.

I feel great. Have had zero complications, zero problems. I run (well jog slowly)
20 miles/week. I'm also trying some yoga. I'm not v. flexible, but I'm working on it.
The pictures I've seen of people who have lost lots of weight look so much healthier
if they've been working out. That's my motivation. Plus, shocking but true, I feel better after
I've exercised. (not during, but AFTER)

My book club is reading The Happiness Project, so I'm working on other facets
to ensure happiness while the weight is taking care of itself. I stick to the plan, take my
vitamins everyday, and drink at least one protein shake a day. 

I often think I can't fit into small places (like when my car is parked too close to the next
one) and am delighted when I can squeeze in. There's lots more room in my car seat.
I haven't flown yet, but know that'll be easy now, and movie seats are quite roomy. 

The biggest change is that I'm no longer embarrassed to be seen. I feel more like I fit in
this world, in my world, and that's a huge burden removed.

Good luck everyone. I love reading the NSVs. And the gurus have answered many of my
questions long before I even considered them.

HW 317/SW 306/ CW 204/ GW 150
