Almost Six Years Post Op - Doing Well!

Aug 17, 2014

I am almost 6 years post-op and I am doing very well and feel great.  I have joined a Team Weightloss class at my healthclub and I workout almost every day and keep a very close eye on my nutrition to insure I am eating my goal wait in grams of protein and only having healthy, natural carbohydrates along with limited processed foods.  I am so glad I had my surgery!


11/12/2010: Two Years Post-Op!

Nov 11, 2010

I am two years post-op today.  Wow!  What a DIFFERENCE a single year can make... thanks to bariatric surgery and my surgeon, Dr. Charles Svendsen!  I have lost 166 pounds since deciding to have bariatric surgery back at the start of 2008 when I weighed 380 pounds!  I still feel GREAT and I have been able to maintain my weight loss for over a year and I have resumed a very active and fulfilling lifestyle.  THANK YOU Dr. Svendsen and Bariatric Surgery!

10/10/2008:  My Official BEFORE Picture with Park Nicollet Bariatric Center:  I weigh 364 pounds in this picture.

11/12/2010:  My Two Years Post-Op Picture:  I weigh 214 pounds in this picture.

11/11/2009: 1 Year Post-Op

Nov 11, 2009

I am one year post-op today.  Wow!  What a DIFFERENCE a single year can make... thanks to bariatric surgery and my surgeon, Dr. Charles Svendsen!  I have lost 174 pounds since deciding to have bariatric surgery back at the start of 2008 when I weighed 380 pounds!  I feel GREAT and I have a whole new lease on an active lifestyle with my family.  I wish I had had my weight loss surgery three years earlier!

10/10/2008:  My Official BEFORE Picture with Park Nicollet Bariatric Center:  I weigh 364 pounds in this picture.

11/11/2009:  My One Year Post-Op Picture:  I weigh 206 pounds in this picture.

9 Months Post Op

Aug 15, 2009

I am over 9 month's post-op and I have lost 161 pounds since I decided to have Gastric Bypass surgery.  I am currently working out about 4 times a week - usually jogging on the treadmill and also total conditioning classes that focus on core body workouts.  I currently weigh 219 pounds and I have 29 pounds left to lose in order go reach my goal weight of 185 pounds.


Over 8 Months Post-Op and My Old Pants Are WAY Too Big!

Jul 26, 2009

I think a picture is worth a 1000 words.  So I'll cut this post short and just post this picture that I took today:

HINT:  For more details, click on the picture. 

Over Seven Months Post-Op, Down 158 Pounds (37 Pounds Left)

Jun 21, 2009

I am over seven month's post-op, and I am down 158 pounds.   Here is a graph that my personal physician plotted out for me during my visit to see him on 06/04/2009:

I work out almost every day and have been increasing the intensity of my workouts in order to stay at an aerobic level.  Currently, I am jogging for 30 minutes on the treadmill every other workout, and using an eliptical rider on the alternate days.

I am very happy with being able to jog again on the treadmill, and I plan on "graduating" to jogging out on the open road soon.  I am SO looking forward to this, since I work in Seattle (lots of beautiful jogging trails) and live in Minnesota (with a lot of nice parks and trails there too).

Here are three pictures I took in June, 2009 (my 7 month's post-op pictures).

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Six Months Post-Op, Down 140 Pounds, 55 Pounds Left to Lose

May 11, 2009

I am six month's post-op today.  What can I say?  I feel great!  I have started jogging again on the treadmill, and I am now doing full body workouts with the help of my wife and sometimes a personal trainer.  Life is good, what can I say?


Five Months Post-Op, Down 131 Pounds, 64 Pounds Left to Lose

Apr 12, 2009

I am now five months post-op and a feel fantastic!  Today, I was able to put on a suit that I had bought from Marshall Fields in 2002 (just after I lost some weight on a supervised Atkins plan) and I have not been able to wear this suit in six years (the weight I had lost came back quickly and then some)!  I have been working out almost every day, mostly on my own but also with a personal trainer (Chad Johnson from Lifetime Fitness in Maple Grove, Minnesota).  I have also been taking spinning classes at Lifetime Fitness and also the YMCA in Seattle.


Over Four Months Post-Op, 122 Pounds Down, 73 Pounds to Goal

Mar 20, 2009

I have a specific scale at my healthclub that I use to track my weight.  It has been three weeks since I last weighed myself, and I was happy to see that I have lost another 13 pounds.  I feel great and decided to buy myself a new workout outfit for my spnning classes (along with a much needed gel seat pad for the bike).  I also had a couple of "wow" moments today.  First, I had to take out a link from my watch band to keep my watch from twirling around all day long.  Also, I decided to cut my Casual Male XL frequent shopper card up - since I can now buy clothes "off the rack" at the mainstream department  stores.  Thanks to everyone on OH for their support! 


100 Days Post-Op: I'm taking spinning classes!

Feb 21, 2009

I am 100 days post-op today.  I went to a spinning (a.k.a. studio cycle) class today for the first time in five years! I made it thru the class pretty good and I actually worked out to a point of really getting sweaty today.  What a difference taking an instructor led group class makes on your work out!  Here's my 100 day post-op photo.  I currently weigh 271 pounds, having lost 109 pounds in the last year:

