I am 20 years old and have stuggled with weight for as long as I can remember.  I have a family history of obesity, and I kind of caught on.  I made the decision to have the baratric surgery - lap-RNY - because my mom just had it done in Feb, 2006, and is doing great!  I am a pretty active girl, I'm fun and outgoing, so, I feel that with my daily routines, and excersise - losing weight post-op will be very easy.... i hope.  I've never been able to lose weight with just diet and excercise, so, this is my last resort, and i am very excited/nervous!!

Well, tomorrow is the BIG day!  I'm so nervous that I can't sleep!!!  Today, I have to start my liquid/sugar-free diet.  Then, at noon, I have to take 2 oz. of Milk of Magnesia to cleanse my insides!  So, it's going to be a boring 4th of July... but, i am DEFINITELY willing to sacrafice one  4th of July for a entirely new and healthier life!


Okay, so, it's been a week and 2 days since my surgery and things are turning out pretty well!  I've lost 17lbs, and I feel like NoThiNgS happened!  I feel completely normal!  I don't really like the fact that I'm on a srict liquid diet for 3 weeks, and a baby food diet for the next 3 weeks... I'm dying to CHEW something!  But that is the only hardship I'm going through!  I can't wait for all of this weight to come off!  I'm so greatful that everything went well, and I'm starting my new lifestyle!

So it's basically been a month since surgery, and I am slowly but surely creeping through my monitered diet phases. As of right now, I am only allowed to have soft, pureed, or baby foods. It's hard... especially when I smell something - like BBQ... it just makes me want it - and I know I can't have it!!!  But let me tell you something - in the end it ROCKS!  Here are some before and after pictures from just ONE MONTH! I can't wait to see what happens in say 4... 6... 12...  Woop! Ima be skinny!


Yay! only one more week until i can eat regular food again! i'm so starving! haha! but yeah, only one more week!  Any ideas on what to have for my first meal?  I was thinking either thin crust pizza, or the insides of a burritto!  let me know!


Okay, so it's week 7, I've been able to eat solid food for a week. But it's really hard to do so! I have tried eating some chicken, but it gets stuck a lot. I am loving green olives right now tho. They go down very easy, and are SOOO yummy! I had my first bowl of cereal today, but couldn't finish it... but that's a good thing! I am also eating a lot of bananas, and drinking A LOT of water. Oh, and I can tolerate a soft taco with meat only from Taco Bell pretty easily... but I can't finish it.. but like i keep saying.... thats the point! haha. I am eating a lot of Weight Watchers and Lean Cousines... but only a few bites... I'm suprised I'm not loosing a lot of weight right now... I seem to be stuck at 40lbs... I've been here since week 5! I guess it really does come off in waves... but I've definitly noticed a difference in my clothing sizes... it's like, I lose a bunch of weight for a couple of days... stop for 2 or 3 weeks, but my body adjusts... all of my clothes are totally big right now! But I can't wait to hit 50lbs! I hope its soon!!!


Alright everyone! It's the start of week 8! I'm still hanging around -43lbs, so I decided to hit the gym hard this week.  I really want to hit 50lbs before my two months... which is on Tuesday!  I can't believe how fast it's gone!


Alright everyone! Today is month 2 of my journey, and things are looking pretty good. I feel totally normal, I'm going out to eat again... well, no fast food yet, but I am going to restaurants with friends and such... granted, I can usually only take like 2 bites, and the other day at the beach, it took me 3 tries to eat a whole pickle, and I had a quarter of an iced fruit bar! haha! Anywho, just to let you know what it feels like... it's like, eating at one of those all you can eat buffets and you're so stuffed that you can't handle it! Yeah- that's how I feel all of the time after like 3 bites of my food! But, that's good - well, and bad, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to even feel that stuffed!  I didn't get to my 50lbs in 2 months goal, but I am at 45... and that's pretty good right?


Hey everyone! Well, I'm 3 months out, and feeling pretty good! I'm really taking control of my vitamin intake... I'm taking Centrum, Iron, and Vitamin E daily, and I'm taking B-12 weekly. So, things are still moving along... I'm too poor to be going out to eat... so I've just been eating at home mostly this month.. and I went to Disneyland, and lost SIX LBS while I was there! AMAZING! haha. But anywho, I have a new picture... and I didn't think that I looked much different till I put them next to eachother. Have fun looking!


So today I hit -75lbs!! I'm so excited! I only have 3 more lbs to go before I'm out of the 200s!


Okay, so on "Black Friday" I did some MAJOR credit card damage for the first time since I was like 14! haha. I never really LOVED shopping until now! I mean, sure I'm skunk broke (and only have $$ from my credit card) but I HAD to buy new clothes! (None of mine fit at all anymore). So, I went and looked around (because that's what I usually did when I shopped) but then I was like, "hey, I can probably fit into these jeans!" I asked Amber if she thought so, and she said yeah, and so I tried on the first size 13 jeans that I had since I was 13 years old! and they went right up, and zipped! no hassel! they WERE a LITTLE tight, but by today, now that I wore them all day, they are worn in and fit like a charm!!! so I can officially say I'm a size 13 after 7 years of being a size 15+++! SoOoOo after I bought the first size 13 jeans that I ever fit into, I went over to Hollister (because I always LOVED the style but could never fit) and I tried on a few shirts, loved them and bought them! I still have a while to go before I fit into THEIR jeans, but soon enough I'm sure I will! I think shopping and me... are going to get along JuSt FiNe... haha!


OKAY YA'LL I DID IT!!!! I'm under 200 lbs!! Today, I woke up and the scale read 198.4! HOLLER! I'm so excited that I can sing! la la la!!!! haha! anywho... this make Goal #2 met!

Goals: 1. Not qualify for surgery anymore (BMI under 40), 2. Get under 200lbs, 3. Get to 127 (150lbs after surgery)

So, I need to lose about 71 more lbs! and i'm set! woop woop!




Hey ya'll! I'm 6 months out today, and I'm feeling really good! I can't believe how thin I'm getting. I haven't been the weight that I am right now since like, 8th grade! I remember being ashamed to tell someone that my weight was 180lbs back then. I'm really hoping to loose more and more weight in the next 6 months - a year. I REALLY want to get down to at LEAST 140! I'm trying... and this month, I'm moving to Long Beach, so I'm going to try to go to as many support group meetings with my center as possible, and also go to the gym that is available to students! So, I think things are going to really pick up for me in the next few months (or so I hope!) I am kind of starting to think I should start over again. Like, go back to pureed foods for 3 weeks. I'm really not losing the weight as fast as I'd like to at this point. And my weight is always fluctuating. So, I hope and pray that's not bad!!! I'm tryin ya'll!


Well, I sure haven't been here in a while, but I'm glad to be back. I really need to come back and get my info all up to date! Since December, I have been going extremely slow on the weight loss! A huge plateau - I hope! I mean, I've lost one or two lbs per month... but I just wish it were more in the end. I was actually hoping to be at 140 at this point in my journey... but I do see why I haven't. Living here in the dorms of Cal State Long Beach, I have limited food options. I always try to get a chicken breast when they are served, but that is rare when they do, and I always end up eating the wrong foods. And I've been drinking with my meals. Which I have decided to stop. This month is my month to get back on track! I've declared this because this morning when I got on the scale, I was down to -100 POUNDS! I'm seriously going on a complete sugar-free low cal diet, and really stick to my work out routine! This summer is going to rock! I can just feel it!



Hey everyone in bariatricland! Wow, I haven't been here in FoReVeR i feel kind of bad actually! But anywho, today is my 14 month post-op day! I have lost a total of 110 lbs bringing me down to 167lbs! I would have never thought that I would be a size 10, and be able to see my ribs through my skin. I don't ever have to worry about a double chin in pictures anymore, and i can shop just about anywhere! the best part is - i can work out comfortably now! i can run non stop for long periods of time! it's such a freeing feeling - i NEVER thought that i'd ever say that!!! i'm more flexable than i've ever been, and i feel that my eating habits are healthier than they have ever been! all in all i think i'm doing pretty well! i'm not exactly where i wanted to be at this time period - i kind of wanted to be at least 150, by my anniversary, but that's okay, i'm working really hard right now and i think i'm going to get there soon! 
A lot has changed in my life since I last posted - i have a very loving boyfriend - a rekindled relationship - we were childhood sweethearts back when we were about 12-13 years old... Things are going great - in fact, it's been 3 months since we've been together today also! he asked me to be his girlfriend on my gastric bypass anniversary! so we are very much in love and i couldn't ask for anything better in my life! i hope everyone is doing well! and i would love to hear from everyone!
Well, talk to you soon!

About Me
Lompoc, CA
Surgery Date
May 14, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
The Day Before Surgery
277 lbslbs
4 months out and 71lbs GONE!
206 lbslbs

Friends 18
