
Aug 22, 2011

I have been a smoker for the past 17 years. I am trying to over come this obstactle with the not smoking thing. So I've been a non-smoker since 7/26/2011. That's how bad I want this. I am getting my self in a frame of mind & dedication, knowing that they won't operate on me  as a smoker - I should just get a head start. So yes it has been hard. I can say I haven't been a bitch just a little on edge. I've also been reading a book by Allen Carr - Easy way to stop smoking. So far I'm winning this battle of nicotine addiction!

Schedule of Events:

Aug 22, 2011

June / July had lots of testing already done because of my story below. It kinda sped up the process and my time off from work.
7/18/11 - Made my first appt to meet w/ Dr. Merymore@ Barix in Langhorn
7/22/11-  Had my appt w/ Merymor
8/3/11 - Wanted to get a 2nd opinion and visit a couple doctors. Met w/ Maggie (RN) @ Abington Hospital. She gave me a 2 scripts for 2 more tests that I still needed to complete
8/3/11 - Another Sleep test
8/4/11 - Blood Gas test (Heard horror stories about this) Was so scarred. It was cake. Maybe I just got luck and she knew what she was doing. But yes - first try no problems. Just like a normal blood draw.
8/8/11 - Psych Evaul w Dr. Custer @ Abington. Passed w/ flyiing colors
8/15/11 - Sent my own 3 page letter to Personal Choice explaining my situation and how and why I need this, and the reason for me getting all these tests done. Basically a heads up for what they will be getting for Abington.
8/19/11 - Met w/ Dr. G @ Abington (Gintaras Antanavicius) - Appt went great.
I just have 2 more appts to follow up with those things found in the Cat Scan. Then we both will decide what's best for me.
8/30/11 - Met w/ Ann the Nutritionist @ 8:00 (she's great). And the end of the meeting I was chatting w her, and I was ready for her to send my paperwork over for approval. She gave me heads up that it takes 2 weeks for personal choice to review and give approval. Well 4:00 my phone rings. Personal choice gave them a answer right away. I'M APPROVED. Oh my!!!!! That was fast. My letter had everything to do w/ it. Personal Choice already gave the approval according to my letter they were just waiting on Abington to send over all the other necessary documents. WAHOOOO. My date is set for September 21,2011 for the VSG.  

About Me
Royersford, PA
Aug 27, 2009
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