Done with the shaky shakes... for now

Aug 27, 2011

2 Weeks of Chocolate and Banana Shakes from Bariatric Advantage... while they were pretty good, 3-5 times a day, everyday was exhausting to say the least... I just drank my last one... for now... tomorrow is day before the BIG DAY so it's all clear liquid.. I've already prepared by making 2 boxes of sugar free gelatin in about  7 different serving containers.. I have 11 cans of chicken broth, so yeah.. I'm prepared.  At least it'll be something different than what I've been doing.  Tomorrow night I will stay with my sister who lives closer to the hospital... AND she works there, so it is a plus.  Sorry I am making her get there 2 hours before her shift starts, but it's great to have the support.  So wish me well people.. and pray for me.. for it is not in my own strength that I can go forward, it is in the strength that God provides me through his son Jesus Christ.  Love and hugs... Alyssa


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Surgery Date
Aug 23, 2011
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