I've been researching this site and others on gastric bypass Roux n y for over a year. I finally broke the news to my husband that I wanted to have this done. I've struggled with my weight my entire life, and I'm ready to take this step. I've been on diets since I was 8 years old, and now I'm 40. I had my first appointment with my surgeon last week, already had my psychological evaluation, and am waiting to hear from insurance.


12/16/01 - My husband and I didn't make it through this process together. After years of many different problems, we separated last summer, and divorce is upcoming. Even though it's been an extremely stressful year, my surgery is scheduled for 1/15/02, and I'm so excited, I can hardly contain myself. It took almost a year to get this far, but the struggle has been well worth it. I am not apprehensive at all about the surgery...I'm looking forward to my new beginning.


1/21/02 - Pre-op weight - 317 lbs.
Thanks to all for your good wishes and sweet messages posted to my surgery page. I had surgery 1/15/02 and spent a total of 5 days in the hospital due to complications caused by my pancreas being "irritated" by the surgery. I had classic "dumping" symptoms for 2 fun whatsoever... but made it through ok. I'm glad to finally be home again. I'm feeling very good, have been up and about, obviously, even at the computer! I'm doing ok with the clear liquid diet so far, although I'm sure it's going to get old before week's end...


1/24/02 - 296 lbs. today...BMI is 47.8...No longer in the 50's!!! Gosh, this is great!! I'm feeling good, although my energy level is still low. Clear liquids have gotten VERY monotonous. Today is my first day of full liquids, and so far, so good. I've been lucky, I guess...not much post-op pain and absolutely NO nausea or vomiting. I'm trying to do everything "by the book" and it seems to be working! I can't believe I've lost 17 lbs already! :-}


2/12/02 - 282 lbs. today...BMI 46... -35lbs!! Still on full liquid diet, but starting pureed foods on 2/15/02. I'm feeling great now, although my energy level gets low in the late afternoon. Still have had no nausea, vomiting, or any other post-op problem. The only problem I have had is trying to find a protein supplement that I like the taste of... I'm still experimenting and searching. The folks at GNC know me well!!!


2/20/02 - Went for 5 wk. follow-up with Dr. Mando today. I'm down 39 lbs. since surgery 1/15/02. I started pureed food last week, and am doing ok. Some things just get stuck going down, and I have virtually no appetite at all. The dietician advised me to stick to a schedule of eating, concentrate on getting the protein and water in. I've been walking daily, and will return to work on Monday, Feb. 25th. I'm also planning on starting a more intense exercise regimen next week. I'm already going soft!


4/17/02 - For some reason, my March entry didn't post. Hope this one does. Went for my 3-month follow-up appt. today. My weight is now 253lbs.(BMI 40.5) That puts my loss at 12 wks post-op at 68 lbs. I am feeling very well, eating with a little more security, and exercising more. I've gone from a size 26-28 to size 22 & even some 20's!! I start a strengthening program next week, using free weights...can't believe I'm going to be weight training!!!! Life is so good!!!!


5/11/02 - I'm now 15 wks. post-op and down 78 lbs. I'm feeling really good...surprising myself with the newly discovered ENERGY!! It's wonderful! I'm working with a personal trainer doing strength training and aerobic activity 3 days/wk, then walking and just being as active as possible on the other days. I'm VERY sore, but it's a good hurt. :-}


For anyone contemplating this surgery: I would do it again in a heartbeat. I'm 41 yrs old, 5'6" tall and weighed 321 the day of surgery. Now my weight is 243lbs. at less than 4 months post-op. I had no major pain or any real discomfort after surgery. I used the Morphine PCA pump in the hospital, then took only one pain pill the night I arrived home from the hospital. Otherwise, the pain was minimal. I did have difficulty with the liquid diet for the first month post-op - I felt very weak and questioned myself many times about why I did this to myself. I have had difficulty with eating too fast, forgetting to eat, tolerating the protein supplements, and exercising before I made 3 months post-op. You just have to keep pushing forward and keep your eye on the goal. I still have about 80 lbs to go before I reach my personal goal, but I know I will make it. I would be happy to help any pre-op or recent post-op patients with any questions you may have regarding the surgery and my progress since. Best of luck to all!


5/27/02 - Weighing in at 232.5 today! I'm not "morbidly" obese anymore...just "severely" obese with a BMI of 37.4. :-} That's a total loss of 89 lbs. in almost 17 wks!!


I always wanted to know what people were really "doing" on a day to day basis when I was researching the surgery and early post-op, so I'm going to post the following. I think I must be doing something right, because I haven't hit a plateau yet. My loss has been slow and steady.

I am working very hard... eating mostly protein, some veggies and fruit, exercising, drinking about 44 oz of water/day, and supplementing with *yuck* a protein shake every am (29 gms. of protein). I mix one scoop in 4 oz. of very cold water, and down it like medicine. It's the only way. The taste makes me sick!
I occasionally supplement with a protein bar (I like Carb Solutions) during the day.

Problems with food: still can't eat chicken at all, in any shape or form. It used to be my favorite! Now, I can eat shrimp, fish, ground beef or turkey, but that's about it in the meat dept. I haven't even attempted sugar in any form. I hardly ever use artificial sweeteners in anything, other than an occasional Crystal Lite. I love veggies...especially salad greens, but try to stick to the protein. I eat an omlet just about every morning. One egg with melted provolone and shallots..occasionally, I add a little salsa to change the flavor.

As far as exercise...I'm walking for 30 min. 4 days/wk, doing weight training 3 days/wk, and flexibility movements 2 days/wk. I'm also so full of energy, that I go, go, go all the time now!! The only drawback for me is that my hair is getting very brittle and is starting to fall out like crazy, so I'm looking for anything that will help that problem.

I'm also taking multi-vitamins, calcium, extra vit E & C, and getting my B-12 injection monthly. I'll have bloodwork done again the first week in July, so I guess I'll see how everything looks then. As for me, I'm feeling great! I've gone from a size 28 to a size 18-20 in these 4 months post-op. Amazing!!! The skin is sagging a bit in the thighs, arms, tummy, and rear...but I still love it! I'll just get one of those all over lycra body stockings...harness it all up, and take off!! *wink*

Best of luck to all!! :-}


6-19-02 - I'm just over 5 months post-op now, and weigh 226.5 lbs. I'm soooo excited, because I have almost a whole month to make it to my goal of 100 lbs in 6 months! The next goal will be to get under 200 lbs by my birthday in October. :-)

I'm still working out five days a week...weight training 2 days, and up to walking 40 minutes 4 days a week. I never thought this body would crave exercise, but it does! I missed a workout while on vacation a couple of weeks ago, and I felt so lethargic. The energy returned after exercising again. I'm getting at least 60 gms of protein in a day, and drinking about 50-60 oz. of water. I always try to eat protein first, but every now and again, I crave vegtables, and have a salad. I usually try to add cheese, sunflower seeds, and a hard-boiled egg to it. My hair is falling out like crazy...if it gets too bad, I'll just go get a shorter "do". Best of luck to all pre & post-ops. This has been soooo worth it! Another positive experience to share: I had someone at work tell me last week that she didn't recognize me until I started talking to her! I told her I would love her forever, because she was the first one to say that!!

7/17/02 - I made it!! Had my 6 month follow-up with Dr. Mando today, and I've lost 100 lbs (exactly!!) That was the goal I had set for myself, and I made it!! I still can't believe it. The funny thing is, some people have just started noticing, while others say they didn't recognize me...go figure...

I saw my "before" pic compared to the one I had taken today, and even I can see the difference now... It's strange that I don't see it, even when I look in a mirror these days. I still see the same body that I've had for the last 14 years, since I started gaining when I was pregnant with my son.

My routine is pretty much the same as I described in my previous posts. The only change is that I'm taking additional supplemental iron now, because my iron level was slightly low. Otherwise, all my lab tests looked fine. I am losing lots of hair (still), although the doc says that will start to taper off, and I'll see re-growth starting soon. I hope so... I'm getting pretty thin up there! I feel great otherwise, and know that makes me look better! It is without a doubt the greatest thing I've ever done for myself. Best of luck to all pre-ops and post-ops.

9/14/02 - I am now down 129 lbs and have achieved my two main goals of losing 100 lbs in 6 months, and getting below 200 lbs before my birthday in October!!!! I am so excited about the fact that I can shop for 'normal' size clothes now... I'm in a 14-16. It's like a dream come true! I look in the mirror, and sometimes I don't recognize myself. I got a very short haircut a few weeks ago, and some people don't recognize me at all now. My only 'problem' was that I had a ruptured appendix last week, and spent a week in the hospital... It had nothing to do with RNY... As a matter of fact, my surgeon said it would have been an extremely risky surgery had I still been at my former 321 lbs., and of course the recovery would have been worse.
At least I've slowed down enough to post & update my profile! LOL I'm not on the computer much these days, as life has changed so much for me. I am always popping in and reading posts when I need a little encouragement....I think I will probably always do that! Thanks to all for your continued support!
11/1/02 - A quick update....I'm still fighting healing from the appendectomy... :-( This little hole doesn't want to heal. The doc says there's no sign of infection, and it will close in time. It's probably slow healing because of my nutritional status, although I have been getting the extra protein in daily as well as all the vitamin supplements. Keep your fingers crossed that this will work! Other than that, I'm feeling great, looking even better, and just enjoying the heck out of all the compliments I get on a daily basis. There is hardly an hour that passes that someone doesn't tell me how great I look. I know that it bothers some posties that people constantly tell them that...seems it's a reminder for them of how ignored they were as MO. I choose to look at it as a reward for the last 8 1/2 months of hard work I've done, and I enjoy it! I don't think I'll ever get tired of people being complimentary of my appearance! I'm down to 182 lbs now from a pre-op weight of 321 on 1/15/02. WOW! I'm wearing size 12-14 tops and 16 bottoms. Still bigger on the always... I was reviewing my measurements this week, and discovered that my hips are now the same circumference as my chest used to be!! Unbelievable! This surgery is a life-giver, and a day doesn't pass that I'm not grateful for my new life! Best of luck to all, no matter where you are in the journey!
11/27/02 - Life is great! I'm now at 172 lbs. I've lost another 10 lbs this month, which I attribute to the fact that I was finally able to start exercising again. I've finally completely healed from the appendectomy, and I'm feeling better than ever. My only "complaint" is about the saggy-baggy skin that is all over. I can't think about going through another surgery at this time, and I have no idea if my insurance would cover TT, but I could sure use one! I have lots of loose skin everywhere....upper arms, abd, thighs are the worst places... I look like a deflated balloon! Even so, I wouldn't change a thing. I'll just keep my clothes on!!!LOL
1/3/02 - It's been awhile since I updated. I just got out of the hospital again...:-(... the gallbladder got me..finally. We knew it was coming. Thank goodness they were able to remove it by doing the lap procedure, so the recovery will be minimal. Other than that, I'm doing great. Weight now is at 162! I'm wearing 14's that are lose...need to get 12's when I recover from the holiday bills! LOL Hope everyone is doing great. I have my one-year follow-up on my anniversary date, which is 1/15/03. I'll update again at that time! Best of luck to all no matter where you are in your journey. I hope to post new pics soon.... :-)
3/24/03 - Another long gap in between posts, but here I am...finally. It's been a very eventful couple of months - some of the most trying in my entire life. I am doing fine physically. I have reached the surgeon's goal of 150-155 lbs, and seem to be maintaining. Exercise has been non-existent in my life since the middle of February. My mom suffered a heart attack and died three weeks I'm fighting fatigue and depression. It has been horrible. I tried to watch my diet and eat well, but it was difficult. The urge to snack on carbs during the long hours at the hospital was overwhelming. Now that I'm back home (she was in another town), I'm back on my regular protein diet and getting the water in, etc... Hopefully, my life will get back on track eventually. I need some positive thoughts sent my way!


4/30/03 - My weight is 152 now....down from 321 on 1/15/02 (my surgery date). My BMI has gone from 'super obese' to 'normal'. That is truly amazing! I have lost 169 lbs! I still can't believe it. I feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things now. It's been a long couple of months since my mom's initial heart attack and then her death in March. I'm eating well again...concentrating on water & protein. I still haven't been consistent with my exercise program, but I am very active. I know I need to get with the program again. One thing that is bothering me is all the sagging skin...especially with summer coming. The skin on my upper arms, thighs, and abdomen looks like a shriveled prune... I can't bring myself to look into plastics right now, considering I had 3 surgeries during the last 15 months, the most recent in December. I think I need to give my poor body a break! Maybe I'll be ready by the end of the year so I don't have to spend another summer worried about exposing my floppy self to anyone. Food doesn't seem to be an issue for me anymore. I eat what I want, and what I want these days is essentially good for me. I occasionally eat a few chips or sugar-free desserts, but for the most part I just stick to what works. I have never tried sugar or carbonated beverages since surgery, and I have no desire for them now. There are lots of sugar-free alternatives out there, and when I get an urge for something sweet, usually a sugar-free cookie suffices. I'm very grateful for all the kind words of comfort from my AMOS friends regarding my mom's death. It means the world to me to have your support. Best of luck to everyone, no matter where you are in your journey. I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have. I know how much the support of this site has meant to me during this process.

*****************************************************************1/3/05 - It's incredible to believe that it's 2005! I am now almost 3 years post-op (Jan 15). Now comes the scary part, I guess. I've made some unhealthy discoveries during the last 6 months and now, for the first time since I had surgery, I am fearful of regaining the weight. I had gone almost 3 years without eating sugar and avoiding carbonated drinks, but I made the decision to give both a try. Unfortunately, it has resulted in a 20 lb. weight gain in a very short period of time - 3 months... I am coming back to this site and looking for guidance (as always) from people who have been in this situation. I know the rules and I have no desire to ever be overweight how do I get back on track? Give up the sugar and diet cokes... I know...I know. Exercise, drink LOTS of water...don't graze (which I have also been doing) and those dang carbs!*:*(!! Concentrate on protein. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!
****************************************************************'1/18/05 - I celebrated my 3 yr re-birthday on 1/15/05. The first year post-op was very difficult, but my quality of life has improved so greatly that it makes all those memories of misery feel so distant. This is truly a new way of life. I think the difficult task now is staying focused on this investment that I've made in myself. It's so easy to fall back into the trap of caring more for others than you do for yourself. I have to keep reminding myself that someone else can WAIT (God forbid!!) while I exercise or spend time preparing a healthy meal. It's easy to be focused during the immediate post-op period because you are consumed by it all... because you have to be! If you don't follow the "rules", you will be physically ill. Your loved ones are also focused with you, because they don't want you to be ill, so everyone is pulling in the same direction. What I've found is that as life has slowly returned to "normal", the old habits easily sneak up on me because I'm not "on guard" as much anymore. So, now I've promised myself that this year I will continue to work on myself as my personal project. I'll be happier and so will everyone else around me....because as the old saying goes..."if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" May you have a blessed day! I am always happy to answer any questions or provide support in any way, so just email me!
6/10/05 - I'm still struggling! My weight gain is around 16lbs. from a year ago (which was my lowest weight). I am now 3 1/2 years post-op. I have gone up a size in most clothes, which really bothers me (but not enough to motivate me to exercise...) I am concentrating on protein, water and no sugar/low carbs. I know that if I exercise, I will get the extra pounds off. This will be the battle for the rest of my life, because while I'm active, I hate "exercising". As always, I'm grateful for this site and the motivation I get by coming here and reading the posts, Q&A's (over & over), and the helpful articles. This site has saved me from myself many days! Any helpful hints for maintenance from "oldies" would be appreciated! God bless and everyone take care!

7/15/06 - It's been a little over a year since my last post. I'm hardly ever on the computer anymore, but I always try to check in on this site that has played such an important role in my weight loss "adventure". I am 4 1/2 years post op and have maintained a net weight loss of around 120 lbs. I am still fighting the same old battles... eat the right foods (low carb, low sugar) and exercise more (which I HATE). It helps to look back over the last 5 years of posts I've made on this site to motivate me to get back into those size 12's again! Really, once the initial weight loss is over following WLS, all the old demons are still there and must be dealt with to have this be a success. It was easy motivation when I physically couldn't eat sugar or too much of anything without throwing up...I hate throwing up, so I ate right and lost the weight. Now, those things no longer happen and I do have the stress eating habits - especially where carbs are concerned! I love crunchy things when I'm upset! Exercise is another "chore" for me, but a necessity to remind myself that I'm not a "normal" person with a "normal" metabolism that can eat whatever and not exercise regularly and never gains weight (don't you HATE those people???). Exercising is work for me, and it makes me think twice about eating that brownie or cookie or too much of anything, because I know I've got to exercise MORE if I EAT more... So goes the struggle of one WLS survivor! It'll be 5 years in January 2007 and I plan to celebrate every ounce that I have lost and every wonderful activity that I've been able to participate in because I no longer weigh 321 lbs! Best of luck to all. Please email me encouragement or if I can help answer any questions you may have! See ya!
10/12/06 - Updating again on the struggles of a WLS survivor... I'm now over 200 lbs...209 to be exact, and I am extremely disgusted that I've let it go this far. However, I have gotten back to the protein, no sugar, no carbs for the last 2 weeks, and I've lost 9 lbs. I need to add exercise (YUCK) to be able to increase my success. My plan is to be at 180 by the time my 5 year anniversary rolls around (1/15/07). I think I can lose 30 lbs by then if I stick to what I know works. Why do we sabatoge ourselves, when we know what we need to do? Water, protein, exercise, no sugar, low carbs, no carbonated works, but I have strayed from the plan for the last 2 years and it's gotten me back to size 18's from 10 - 12's! I need some encouragement here!!
8/1/08--I guess I like to check in every couple of years! I am still doing well 6 1/2 yrs post-op now. It's hard to believe! Life goes on and I have fallen back into the old ways of taking care of everyone but myself, which has contributed to my weight gain, although I am still very happy with a net loss of 110 - 115 lbs since RNYGBS in 2002. My lowest weight was around 142 and today I am back between 204-211, depending on the day and my diet. The regain was fast and slow... I regained about 40 lbs really quick about 4 yrs post op and then the rest has crept back on. I'm not very good with exercise, although I do walk on my treadmill daily for 30 minutes...but that's about it. I don't do weights and aerobics like I was doing immediately post-op. However, I lead an active lifestyle otherwise, so I think that helps. I work 5 days a week and I'm always in my garden when the weather allows. My biggest problem is that my husband is a wonderful cook! If I made healthier food choices, I'd probably be 30 lbs lighter, but I'm a happy camper because I'm able to do things now that I couldn't do for so long! I wish everyone beginning and continuing their journey the very best! This site has been a source of support to me for so long! I visit more often than I update, but it's a great resource. Thanks!


321 lbs
At pre-op support group meeting Jan 2002

145 lbs
18 mos post op 2003

1/3/11 -  I'm updating my profile - again....  The saga continues, so I feel I have to let everyone know "the rest of the story".   I just transferred all the information from my "old" profile so anyone could see my evolution.   I was a picture-perfect, textbook success story for WLS.  However, following Hurricane Katrina and the PTSD that accompanied her, taking care of myself seemed no longer important and my weight did ballloon up to 247 lbs again.  I've had nothing but health problems over the last few years, from septic joints to anemia to GI problems.  However, a few months ago, I decided to do something about it and get my life back.  I have lupus & psoriatic arthritis, and the worst thing I could do for my body was gain the weight back.  However, being on steroids and anti-inflammatory meds hasn't helped keep that weight regain in check.  As a matter of fact, the last 30 lbs came on in about  6 months' time following and increase in steroids...  So, I found a surgeon who explained to me that there were certain problems that existed with the "old style RNY" procedure that I had done.  This could cause numerous problems, but one is harboring bacteria in the partitioned stomach.  So, after testing and praying and gnashing of teeth, I decided to undergo revision surgery.  I had the revision on December 22, 2011, so I am now almost 2 weeks post-op.

I will tell you that this has been the most difficult surgery I have experienced.  It was done laparoscopically, but except for the 7 small incisions on the surface, I can tell you that I FEEL that my guts have been ripped out... which they were.  The surgeon essentially went in and removed my old plumbing, resected the old stomach and built me  a new pouch and reconnected it at a lower spot on the small intesting.  All of the old stuff is gone. big hope is that all of the old bacteria-harboring organs that were keeping me sick are gone!  I still have 2 drains, which hopefully will be removed today so I can get on the road to recovery.  It's been very difficult being on liquids this last 2 weeks.... I really don't remember it being so hard the first time around, but as I read my old profile, I see that it was.  At least I will not be on liquids for an entire month post-op this time, like in the old days!   Hopefully, I have learned the lessons of WLS and will do well on this journey also.

If there is only one piece of wisdom I can give to anyone out there, it is this:  my success with the original surgery started to unwind when I allowed 3 things to happen:   First, I did not exercise regularly.  Although I was very active, I stopped doing the DEDICATED workouts 4-5 days/wk.  Second, I started drinking carbonated DIET drinks (never regular colas- always diet coke or coke zero).  Third:  I started eating small amounts, but still...  I knew exactly how big a piece of chocolate I could eat without dumping - or piece of cake - or pie - get the idea.  Just don't go there at all!  It's not worth it!  I think if we just don't go there, we substitute those things for healthier items and we don't miss them.  However, once we go down that path to the colas and sweets, it's hard to turn around and go back.   Also, don't stop exercising!  You can take periodic breaks, but never longer than a couple of weeks... get back on the treadmeal or at least the dance video or anything!

I hope an pray that this time I will follow my own advice and maintain my success for longer than 7 years (like i did before)... I really do know where I went wrong, but you know how that works.... Wishing you success no matter where you are on your journey!  S

About Me
Ponchatoula, LA
Surgery Date
May 27, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
At pre-op support group meeting Jan 2002
321 lbslbs
18 mos post op 2003
145 lbslbs
