Also some things for me to remember

Jun 24, 2008

I had my first fill scheduled March 17.  They tried to put a cc in and I got stuck or something.. took a half cc out and again not working so they left it alone.  I started to see the sagging in skin around my thighs and upper arms **angel wings** and my lower legs still get big, the right one more than the left but its nothing to worry about according to my doc.
  I went to the cardiac weight loss ctr out on Minnesota but its soo far out there its hard to get too.  My bp is awesome and just had a blood panel so I am assuming it was ok.  However my hair is falling out by the handfuls but both my general and obrian say its not vitamins.  It is more than likely Telogen Effluvium which the short story is part of my hair follicles are turning off which is normal but after major surgery or major stress alot more turn off than normal.  I just deal with it but if it stays around for more than 6 months they start doing a little more digging.  
I did cut my hair to up around my shoulders and I liked it alot along with alot of people say it looks great.
I also sometimes feel when people compliment me its hard to know what to say except thank you.  I want to compliment back but it sounds so much like lip service even though they look great as well.  I also sometimes feel like when I talk about my weight loss it makes others who are trying to lose weight w/o the surgery feel bad or what not.  I don't want to not talk about my loss because its very dear to me but I tell them yes I am losing this way because of my stomach size is so much smaller *yadda yadda and yadda* and that it was just my personal choice to do this for my own health.  I just needed it this way for me and you are doing it this way for you and doing great at it.
I have many people in my office who have had both lapband and gastric and its so nice to talk about it and our own losses, gains, issues things like that.  I guess this is about it but just some memory issues for me.

It'ts been awhile....

Jun 24, 2008

I had taken a hiatus for some reason, maybe just not wanting to document or not think about things, who knows.   I am down to 269 as of today so I beat that 270 mark.  I have been fighting for from 280 down to 270 for a month and a half or more.  Maybe thats why I dont know.  I also did start going to the gym in April and went every day in May but I faltered in June because of the Ren fair and I havent been back yet.  I am just getting lazy but I know I am also getting depressed.  Lyle will have been gone for 11 months as of wednesday.  A good thing coming up is the 4th of july and there will be a family get together so that should be fun.  I guess thats it for now but I am going to be tracking my weight again so that will be nice.  Adios!


3 weeks post op

Feb 25, 2008

I am 294 as of today!  I am under 300 this is so AWESOME.  I really need to get into exercise though I know I need to.  I am hoping that I can either join a gym or get some weights / bands soon,  I will post later. *smile*

RIP Lyle, I love you

7 months today

1 week post op- lost 3 lbs!

Feb 11, 2008

I am down to 309!  Soon I will be under 300 and I am giving myself 2 or 3 weeks to do it.  I don't want to rush anything and I am not cleared for another week to do anything but walk.  I don't want to lose too much weight at once and I am hoping that my skin shrinks a little bit.  I can in NO way afford plastic surgery and if I would even save up for it it would be about 6 years since I have so many bills that NEED to be paid first.  Anyway I got the stitches out today which only pinched a little so that made me happy.  Well I guess thats all for today.  I just got the scare of my life however when I logged into my bank account.  My wallet got lost the day I came home from surgery, it was totally my own fault and I cancelled my bank card right away.  I went to the bank today to get my last 6.00 out.  I get home and I see a debit for 6.00 and for $600... YES 600!! I started freaking out and called the bank.  They said it was at the same teller station just 2 hours later so they balanced her info and it was just an accident.  Man my stomach hurts now ! *sigh* anyway Im happy they found the mistake.  Besides, they wouldnt have given me the money if I even tried to get it from a teller window because my acct would have been overdrawn!  Duh!

Laura c.

I'm a loser and proud of it!

Feb 05, 2008

Wow, what a day.  I went in yesterday and had it done, they also fixed a small hiatal *sp?* hernia.

I walked down and got on the operating table myself and I was like how are they going to fit my fat butt on that little table?  Last thing I remember is putting my arm out to have it strapped to a board and I was out.  I woke up a little in recovery and I don't remember being wheeled up to my room.  I was kinda groggy until about 7pm *surgery was at 12:30pm* then I got up and walked.  They had these funky things that went around my legs to keep blood pumping, they were like mini massagers!  I was up and down all night, back hurt and my front hurt.  I have 5 incisions and of course the biggest one near the top is where they put the port in. 

Then this morning I had to go down to xray and take this stuff with radioactive thingies *technical ain't I * so they could see how the band was and If I was swallowing and it getting down to where it needed.  Then I was cleared to do liquids.  They wanted me to do 4 oz an hour.  I couldnt do 2 oz an hour!  They kept asking me then if I had started to pass gas but I hadn't.  I finally did but it sort of was the precurser of things to come.  The stuff they gave to me to drink started to clean me out...literally... lets leave it to say that I am glad the nurses are well paid and I had to do laundry when I got home.  Don't worry my mom did it.  No way am I lifting over 10 lbs.  My poor cat things I am mad at him.
Dr Obrien stopped in last night and 3 times today.  It was nice and he was attentive.  Made sure I was ok to go home and my best friend, who posted on hear earlier as my angel. msutton.  Picked me and my mom up.  Anyway that was my stay in the hospital.  I know I am going to pick up a grabber thingie at wal mart.  And my friend got me the protein drink they have there to so I can start that in 2 weeks when I go to soft foods.

Have a great day!

YES no stress test.. im stressed enough!

Jan 28, 2008

I was supposed to go in for a stress test today and tomorrow * monday and tuesday*, I went into the cardiologist, he did his exam and looked at my ekg.  He didnt come out and say it but he seemed a little puzzled why they sent me to him for a stress test.  I did have an echo cardiogram which was fine, it was cool looking at my heart just sitting there beating.  I knew my doc would have had at least that done.  Better to be safe than sorry. 

I know scales are different everywhere but on his scale it said 320.  I lost another 10lbs and that was in a week!  Iiquid diets rock!... ok not really .. I miss chewing!   I got a ham from some friends of mine and I was cutting it off the bone.  **mmmm ham and bean soup sometime in the next 3 months**.  I picked up this piece of really tough outer skin , good and tough but salty, and chewed on it but didn't swallow... no comments from the peanut gallery tyvm. *grins*

Well its a week from today and I am getting anxious.  My son was up this weekend and My ex and I had agreed not to tell him when.  Well hes a pretty smart cookie and he comes in to the bedroom, leans against the door and goes, " Ok mom, whens the surgery" being all tough lol.  I told him and he said people don't think hes as smart as he is, come on mom  LIQUID DIET?  Hello!  lol.  

I had my christmas dinner with one of the companies I work for.  They were nice and made me a pureed meal.  I had this awesome creamy chicken broth , it was a taste sensation!  They also had this other yogurt stuff but i didnt like it as much.  For desert they gave me chocolate mousse in a margarita glass.   Ok Ok   I HAD to have some of that.  My first sweets in like a week and probably my last for awhile.

Ok thats enough for today.  I can't wait after a year and look back to see what all I wrote lol 

6 months gone,

Jan 25, 2008

It has been 6 months 7/25/07 since my boyfriend died of a pulmonary embolism from morbid obesity. He was 37 years old. I vowed then that I would not go the same way. Feb. 4th I will be having surgery and this is all for my son, and him , and what could have, would have, happened had we together done something before now.
I hear the clock ticking, Time is winding down.
I feel like things are moving fast and I am all alone.

How could I be so selfish and want to live my life?
Without the weight, without the guilt, without all the strife.

If I don't do this now, then tomorrow may be to late.
My duty is to my son, myself and my minds on my soul mate.

Good family and friends give support and they all agree,
The new body yet to come is just a whole new me!

I thank the Lord for my new life and all that will come to pass,
I pray for the nurses and doctors, that they all went to class!

Soon it will all be over, and I will be at home.But with God, my Family and my friends here,

I am not alone.

My life, my love, my forever soulmate. I love and miss you and when God decides to take me home in his loving arms, I will look for you and we will be together again, forever.



Tests up the wazooo! and I have a Date!

Jan 24, 2008

Well, I finally got a DATE!!  With My the get the jist hehe.
I had to go to my reg doctor and get a physical on Tues. January 22nd something was wrong with my ekg so now I have to go to a cardiologist.  I just had an ekg 2 months ago and it was fine!

I feel the clock ticking I tell you.  I have to take a stress test monday and tuesday next week.  Wednesday I meet with a nutritionist and a psych I believe.  Also there is a class the same day I have to take and its required.  $150 bucks and ins supposedly doesnt cover it which is bs in my opinion but I will check with them.  Then I see Dr Obrien in the afternoon for the last time before surgery.  

I hope they get the results from that stress test back right away.  My mom willl be here on the bus by tuesday and if my surgery is postponed i will be one pissed off girl.  I know they need me to be healthy but who knows if the clinic took it wrong or not. *sigh*  Anyway I wish they would give me an echocardiogram right away too just in case they request that.  I am getting the jitters on having it delayed. *sigh*

One more step

Jan 11, 2008


I had my post ALL WRITTEN and I get this error page so POOF it went!  *sigh* *breath*

I had a sleep study on Dec 20th.  I have sleep apnea so am now on a c pap.  I go to my lung doctor on the 15th of Jan to get the full results of the study and hopefully get one step closer to Lap Band.  I am probably going to stop by my surgeons office the same day and tell them the results are available on the system if they dont know already.  Sanford is good that way that they can access anything they need wherever you went in the system.  I believe the next step..depending on the results ..I think the nut doc is my next step.  I was also at the doc this last tuesday thinking I had gained alot over the holidays since I ate like a pig.   I did my happy dance when the scale was at 331.  I lost 8 lbs! 

I am so happy /dance/   Well definetly going to cut/paste this.   C ya *hugs*  thanks to those that actually may read this *grins*.

I am SUCH a Loser! *its a good thing!*

Nov 28, 2007

Since November 1st i have lost 17lbs.!  I was having water problems so they put me on Lasics for 5 days.  I also was having major BP problems so they added Lisinopril to my regime.  I also take Hydrochlorathiazide for water problems and since I have epilepsy I take Lamictal.  I met with Dr. OBrien my surgeon on Nov. 14th and he cleared me to do the surgery after testing.  I have to go to the Pulmanary doctor on December 20th.  I have sleep problems and also sleepiness problems during the day.  They are taking a chest x, i have to do a breathing test and one other test then meet with the Lung Doc *easier to spell than pulmi... pulma...lung doc*.  Based on the results of the test I have a sleep study all ready for me that night.  I will get to meet with the Lung doc again on Jan 15th for the results of that. 

I keep everyone at work apprised of my situation.  I am very open about whats going on because both places I work are so good to me and actually care.  I totally stopped drinking pop.  I used to be a dt. dew-aholic.  I would drink it to stay awake.  I am more awake now since I stopped! I am only drinking water and non carbonated sugar free drinks. *thank goodness for Wal Mart sugar free powdered Drink Mix **I think thats why I lost that last 7 lbs.

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 10
Also some things for me to remember
It'ts been awhile....
3 weeks post op
1 week post op- lost 3 lbs!
I'm a loser and proud of it!
YES no stress test.. im stressed enough!
6 months gone,
Tests up the wazooo! and I have a Date!
One more step
I am SUCH a Loser! *its a good thing!*
