I Got a Date!!!!

Jan 25, 2008

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow???

Jan 24, 2008

I was wondering. I know post RNY it is very common for people to loose their hair. I believe it is due to the malnutrition?? Does that happen to patients post Lap-band?? I should probably post this question on the Q&A, but I figured I'd ask my friends first. Thank ya!!

Thanks for the Insight.

IM DONE!!!!!!!!

Jan 23, 2008

I have finally gone to all of my appointments!!!! I have been to the doctor almost every day for 2 weeks and I am finally done!!!!! I got clearance from everyone. Now my Dr. has to review my chart and I can get a surgery date!!!!!


Depression or Nerves?

Jan 19, 2008

The past few weeks I have not ben feeling well at all. I never want to leave the house. I don't want to go out with my friends or my husband. I am wondering if it just my nerves getting the best of me? I have been really pre-occupied with having my surgery... Maybe it's depression. I have never been "depressed" before. I am pretty happy go lucky person (I think). Maybe it's my weight just weighing me down. All my tests have come back normal. I don't have any heart problems (thank G-d)!! I don't have diabetes, high cholesterol, or any other medical problems that would make me feel like this. What's wrong with me!?!?! I want to feel good I want to have fun. I'm young, I hate this feeling!!!! AHHHH I just want to scream. Did anyone else go through this pre surgery?


A New Thought....

Jan 17, 2008

I have began to think of my life in a whole new light. When I got home tonight my husband got me an amazing surprise. 4 days and 3 night in the Bahamas this summer. I was dying to go to the Bahamas this month before I had surgery so I could have one last ho-rah to eat and drink myself stupid. I began thinking today that it would be sooo much better to wait until this summer to vacay because this way I will be 50lbs or so lighter and my vacation will not revolve around food!!! It is such a freeing thought. So begins my new thought (process).

On My Way To Becoming A Bandster!!!

Appointments Scheduled!!!!

Jan 14, 2008

I am so proud of myself!! I didn't think I would be able to pull off having all of my appointments before I started school. But I did it!!!! I am seeing the Nutritionist tomorrow at 4:15... The Shrink on Friday (hopefully). She is going to call me tomorrow to schedule a time. The Cardiologist Wed. The Pulmonologist on Tuesday. Then I just have to go to the Lap Band Seminar Feb 5th and I will be able to get a surgery date!!!! Hooray for me!! I am on my way to becoming a BANDSTER!!!!!

Update.... Shrink on Friday isn't going to work :-( 3:30 is just cutting it too close to Shabbos... But I changed the appointment to Wednesday, at 2:30pm.... Just glad to be done with the testing in January!

I'm Almost There!!!

Post-op concerns...

Jan 09, 2008

I know this may sound weird, but I am nervous that once I have the surgery and loose the weight my husband may not find me attractive. I met my husband when I was overweight (265lbs) and he has always been attracted to bigger women. Has anyone had this problem? Can anyone give me some advise?

I Love You!!

First Pre op test!!!!

Jan 05, 2008

Tonight I'm going for my sleep study to update my c-pap settings. I haven't had a sleep study in 3.5 years. This is my first step towards a surgery date!!!! Im so excited....

Wish Me Luck!!

It's 6:29 am... Why am I awake...

Jan 04, 2008

I just had a dream from hell. This week has been a total disaster... New years eve I got into a huge fight with my husband because I caught him flirting with a single friend of mine. He was totally drunk and the flirting was prob harmless but I can't get it out of my head. I don't know if it is because I feel so gross about myself right now or if it is because I'm paranoid... I just want this feeling to go away. I can stop thinking about him and her. I dreamt he left me for her. I know my husband loves me and only me in my head...... but my heart?

I Feel More Like Eyore...

The Consultation

Jan 04, 2008

So this morning was my consultation... It went much better and much smoother than I expected. Dr. Geiss was amazing!!! He made me feel so comfortable. He broke the ice by telling me and my very skeptical mom that he has performed over 2000 lap band surgeries and he hasn't lost anyone yet. He didn't cringe when I told him how much I weighed... I know professionally he's not supposed to but you can always see it in their eyes if inside they are cringing. After a few questions he told me I was a perfect candidate for the lap band and he answered all the questions we had. Our appointment winded up lasting over an hour. He was so patient and I never felt that he was pushing me out of the office. When my mom and I left she said she liked him and if I was going to do this she trusted him to perform the operation. I felt the same way.

I'm Meeting Dr. Geiss Today!!!! I hope He's Sweet Like honey

About Me
Hicksville, NY
Surgery Date
Nov 06, 2007
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