almost 10 weeks post-op!

Aug 27, 2009

And 58lbs down!!! Hooray!!! I feel so good, and so good about taking control of my life. 

I still have some days where its hard to eat - but I am finding correlations to being tired, and not paying attention, eating too fast, what I am eating is too dry, and I've been sticking to what I know and slowing down, and that seems to be helping. 

Some days the scale surprises the heck out of me and I get off it dancing around sooo happy, othertimes its holding out on me... but I try not to worry and just try to keep following my surgeon's and doctor's orders and rely on trusting that my body knows what to do.  It helps. 

It also helps to read and respond here on the boards and help others with questions, and to be involved.  Ive never been one to sit on the sidelines and go with the crowd... and now even more so.  Being involved and being a part of all of this is so beneficial to my progress and my piece of mind.  Sometimes I sit here and cry for others who have had such a tough time of it, and sometimes I cry because the stories are so happy and inspirational... its hard to find the words sometimes to respond, but just doing so makes me feel better and more focused.  I still have that nagging fear that Im gonna sound stupid but its an irrational fear, I know. 

I started out this journey wearing a size 28/30 and yesterday was in a 18/20.  WHAT AN AMAZING FEELING.  Now the scale has to catch up, but I know it will.  

My parents are also taking a more proactive approach to their health and losing weight, they say they are inspired by me.  I don't care why they are doing it, and hardly can believe I'm an inspiration... but I sure am glad to see that they are.  I also have a friend who walks with me during the lunch hour and while she hasn't had surgery we had a high-five moment today where she had to return a pair of capris that were way too big for her. 

Its nice to see everyone around me taking better care of themselves, and that makes me sooo happy because I love my family and friends so much!

... so that's all for now. 

Love & Hugs!!!  


About Me
Pinole, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 20, 2009
Member Since

Friends 32

Latest Blog 16
