1st WOW moment!!!

Jan 03, 2008

I'm not quite 3 months out just yet, but I was able to get into a size 16 last night!! How friggin awesome is that?!??!! I'm so excited I can't even tell you. I had gotten a little lazy once true winter had set in, it was much too cold to walk outside and believe me I could feel the excuses pouring on, terrified of allowing myself to slip into noncompliance, I joined the local Anytime Fitness, Noah and I have gone everyday, and I'm already feeling 10X better, it's amazing how good I feel when I excercise! Wow! I can't believe I just wrote that lol. Other than that things have been going really good, I'm down 66 lbs so far, and am axious to weight in and take pics and measurements on the 12th. I just need to get the darn things posted on here finally, I keep forgetting to bring in the disc to do that. 
Well, I think I'm off to a good start for the New Year and I'm so excited to see what it has in store!

Dec. 12, 2007 2 months gone

Dec 12, 2007

wow! I can't believe it's been two months today. I'm down 14 pounds for the month and 56 pounds total. I lost 10 inches this month and 21 total!!! I've gone from the tight 24 pants to a 20 and a 3X shirt to a loose 2X. I'm started to see a waist emerge along with get this.... collar bones! I'm so excited about that one. I can feel them and the indentions of the area around them are starting to show. I think the funniest thing though is that people keep noticing how long my hair is ... I'm convinced my hair is the same length it's just that my face is thinner so it looks longer. LOL

Finally lost a pant size

Nov 26, 2007

well I'm just over 6 weeks out from surgery and I'm down 51 lbs and went from a tight 24 pants to a tight 20. I lost the 22 in there somewhere lol. Things are going quit well actually. The weightloss started out at a running 3 lbs a day or so to just 1 lb a day or everyother day right now. I'm walking 60 minutes a day 7 days a week and just added in pilates 3 times a week.

Just a little over two weeks out!

Oct 30, 2007

Well, I had my surgery on the 12th. and I'm feeling awesome. I'm down a total of 31 lbs and 22 from the day of surgery. The staff at Methodist was amazing and Dr. Jones was fantastic. The hubs took excellent care of me once we got home too. Yesterday was my first day back to work and I gotta say... I'm feeling a little shy about people discussing my weight. It was unacceptable before to discuss it, why is it ok now? and whats the deal with watching me EAT? I'm going to go back to eating in my office if they don't bugger off. Theres a huge part of me that wishes I hadn't told the girls in my department why I was having surgery. *sigh* ok rant done. On the flipside I am happy I did this. I'm starting to see small changes in a few things and I certainly FEEL better, I can breath and my kankles are gone... I have bonafide ankles again... those have been MIA for about 6 years.

I've gotta date!!!

Sep 12, 2007

I met with Dr. Jones this morning for my pre-op visit. I'm scheduled for October 12th at 7am woohoo me!!!!

July 30, 2007

Jul 30, 2007

Gosh I'm pretty bad at this! Well here's the update. I've been required to go for a sleep study, which came back that I have mild to moderate sleep apnea so I get the lovely CPAP machine... have I mentioned that I'm kind of claustrophobic? I've been on it now for a week.... it's tough but I'm pushing through. 
My thyroid levels came back at 9.44 so I have now been put on synthroid, but the good news is that my paperwork has been submitted to the insurance company and I've got a couple of phone counseling sessions required by the insurance company so I'm hoping to be home free by September.

Getting closer ~ July 9, 2007

Jul 09, 2007

It's been a little while since I last wrote. But here's the scoop on whats been happening. I had to go in for a sleep study per the bariatric nurse because my BMI is very close to 50. I haven't gotten the results back from that yet. I go in the 18th for the next 3 appointments. 1. the physical therapist, 2. the nutritionist, 3. the bariatric doctor, where I'll also get the results of the sleep study. Then the insurance goes for approval. Once that is approved I'll meet with the surgeon and get the surgery scheduled. I'm hoping if all goes well I should be ready for surgy by mid August at the latest. god i hope so. I've been having more and more trouble with my feet lately. Aside from being exhausted all the time I've recently discovered the joys of throbbing feet in the evenings if I've been on them all day and that when standing after sitting or laying down it feels like I have tonage on my feet. Reality check: I guess I really do. :0(

June 11, 2007

Jun 11, 2007

I had my appt today with the nurse and did the 600 odd questions pysc eval test. some of the questions were a little silly. They bumped up my pysc eval with the pyscologist from June 20th to tomorrow. and I have to go have a sleep study done to make sure I don't have sleep apnea. It looks like it's going to be a long hoop jumping process but one that in the end I believe will be worth it.

Day 1 June 8, 2007

Jun 08, 2007

Today, I found this website and will record my journey, not only to use for reflection when I find myself at those places where I find temptation and discouragment but to hopefully help others who find themselves at the place I currently am at. 
Thus far I have gone to the info session and filed all of my paperwork. Monday I go for my psyc test and to meet with the nurse. I will update you later Monday.
Wish me luck!

About Me
Independence, KS
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 19
8 months
7 month update
6 months post op.... well tomorrow!
5 months post op
4 months Post Op!
It happened!
It's been awhile
3 months out
