I am a homemaker, wife to my hubby Brian, mom to Lindsay and Isabelle, and Grandma to my best boy Ethan. I have a degree in Social Work and have worked with children and families in the past. Though I no longer work formally, I volunteer at my child's school and have a number of interests that include: Writing, reading, volunteerism, politics, gardening, and family.

I have been obese since my 20's. In my 30's I ballooned up to over 300 lbs. I am now in my 40's and in the 400's  and climbing. I haven't developed diabetes...YET, but family history almost guarantees it. I have sleep apnea, asthma, GERD, hiatal hernia, joint pain, and a host of other aches and pains that keep me from doing all the things I would love to do. I have spondylosis/spondylolithesis ( a painful defect in my lower back) and need back surgery to repair, but the surgeon won't do the job at this weight.  It sucks to be in pain all the time, and now, with my back flexibility issues, I'm less able to care for myself....which I HATE!  I've always considered myself a self confident person, but at this weight, I have found I am losing that confidance and am less willing to be as involved in activities as I have been in the past. I am not the person I used to be.

I am hoping to have the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy performed by Dr. Alana Chock at Northwest Weight Loss Surgery in March 2012.  I have been looking into WLS since 2005, but have faced many challenges dealing with insurance, trying it on my own "one more time", and dealing with several surgeries, including the final straw surgery from February 2011--a patellar tendon rupture from a fall in a hotel bathroom.  I felt like a freak show being hauled out by 4 men on a big stretcher.  Add to that the surgery itself, three weeks in a rehab facility, and months of physical therapy.  It's beyond time to do something about my weight.  It's time to finally take care of me.



About Me
Snohomish, WA
Surgery Date
Oct 03, 2006
Member Since

Friends 33
