Shopping Bug

Oct 06, 2008

Well ladies I have finally been bit by the shopping bug. My husband took me shopping last week, and ever since than all I want to do is buy clothes and shoes. I love Ashley Stewarts, and DSW. I am really being daring and trying new things, such as, skinny jeans and boots that come up the legg. I am really embracing my femininity and enjoying my body for once in my life. So if anyone on here is loving this time in their life as well hit me up.

Wanting a baby

Sep 26, 2008

Hey OH family,

Well I am back on here and feeling better than ever. The last time I bloged I was experiencing some discomfort in my belly. Ends up that I was really constipated and backed up. I am now flowing easy LOL! Well I am now on to my next chapter in life. I WANT A BABY, my husband and I both have wanted a family for a while, but due to medical reasons couldn't concieve. I have something called PCOS where because of my obesity I wouldn't ovulate. Now that I have lost a ton of weight my cycles have improved drasticly. I have even talked with my surgeon, and he said that my progress has been stellar. He believes that by the beginning of the year we can proceed to really try to start a family. If I am able to get pregnant I tell you no lie I will be the happiest woman in the world.  If there are any people on here that has PCOS and could give me advice or just want to share their story please email me. Also if anyone has PCOS and after having surgery and losing weight was able to concieve I would definitely love to hear your success stories.

Be blessed.


Sep 12, 2008

Hey everyone,
Listen to what is up with me, since I have came back from my vacation I have been experiencing some discomfort. My stomach feels swollen and is also tender. I also have gained 6lbs without changing my eating habits or exercise routine. I at first thought it was nothing, but I am now concerned. Has anyone felt this? Does anyone think it could be serious?
Hit me back and give me your thoughts.

Much Love

Back on the grind

Sep 08, 2008

Hey everyone,
well I am back from vacation feeling relaxed and anxious all at the same time. My vacation was probley the best I have had in years. We had a group of 23 people that went all close friends. I through all inhabitions to the wind and let my hair down and partyed like i was crazy.  Now I am back home and having to reel myself back in. I have a ton of school stuff due and work. I also have to get back to my normal eating habits. so this morning I got up and hit the gym hard. I am really liking what I see when I look in the mirror fully clothed. When the clothes are off it aint so pretty. Skin and chitlin like things are everywhere. I amreally thinking more about breast reduction and under arm flab. I am ok with everything else a girdle can fix it. Well hope everyone is well and happy and loving life.

Take it easy


Aug 26, 2008

Hey everyone,
Sorry that I haven't been able to blog lately, but with school and work I have been crazy busy.  The good news is that I am leaving this friday for a 6 day vacation.  We are cruising to Cozumel and Yucatan Peninsula, and I am so excited.  This vacation is long long over due.  When I get back I will have alot of new pictures to post.  Take care O family and be blessed.


6 month check up

Jul 15, 2008

Hey Everyone!

Well Yesterday I had my six month check up with Dr. Williams.  I am officialy down 101 lbs and loving every minute of it.  I feel so alive, accomplished, and beautiful.  Working hard and going to school to get my degree.  Doing all the things in life I want to do.

Be Blessed

School, Work, and WLS

Jul 09, 2008

So I started school yesterday it went well. I am just concerned as to how I'm going to be able to juggle everything and still work out.  I have not excersised any this week. When I get home after school and work I am dog tired.  Help me out OH friends what is a good work out video I can get to do in front of the tv?

It's a new day!

Jun 26, 2008

Well everyone I am officialy a college student.  I start school monday July 9th here in Savannah, GA.  I am just taking some of my gen. ed. classes right now untill we know where we will be moving to.  Then I will transfer to a 4 year college.  I am wanting to go to school for Healthcare management or administration.  I am so proud of myself and determined to reach my goals.  

Still at a stall with the weight loss I think it is because I worry to much about it.  I am just going to let it do what it do while I do what im suppose to do. Hope everyone on here is doing great, making great strides, and reaching all your goals.

Be Blessed

Tired as @#$%T

Jun 18, 2008

I got home about an hour ago from my first real walk.  I have been walking a mile and a half on the treadmill and doing water aerobics and some resistance training since the surgery.  Lately I have been experiencing a plataue and decided maybe it is time to kick it up a notch.  I walked not on the treadmill but outside four miles, can we all say four miles.  That aint no joke do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth.  I hurt so bad but as soon as I got home I stretched really good.  I am praying that I will not wake up in the moring and be a cripple.  I also changed up my diet again.  I am eating straight meat with 2 small servings of veggies a day only. No snacks at all other than a piece of fresh fruit.  I am also increasing my water intake.  I am going to try this out for a month and see what happens.  I am going to eat a scrambled egg or small piece of meat for breakfast.  A large piece of meat and veggie for lunch and 1 or 2 large pieces of meat for dinner and veggies.  I am also changing up the times I eat as well. I am going to walk on my off days twice a week and the rest will be water aerobics. Then I will increase it to three times a week and so forth.

My hair is still a mess and walking outside in the heat with a wig on aint cool.  I am going to have to figure something else out with the hairdo.


Jun 11, 2008

Well I think I have hit another plataue.  I have not lost a lb since coming home from Kansas.  I am just going to keep doing what i need to do and leave the rest up to the Lord.

About Me
Feb 17, 2008
Member Since

Friends 64

Latest Blog 29
Shopping Bug
Wanting a baby
Back on the grind
6 month check up
School, Work, and WLS
It's a new day!
Tired as @#$%T
