2 Little Bulgs

Aug 17, 2009

Hey Oh Fam, I went to the doctor on 8-13-09 my first post op visit and he lanced my 2 little bulgs and all this clear and light yellow stuff came out he said it was fat. Say What ? And it is still draining !!! I posted a discussion topic and only one person so far knew this can happen. She said if you lose fat fast and your body can't get rid of it, it will leak out . Well go news he still cleared me to return to work on 8-24-09, drive and step up to pureed food. I couldn't  wait and ran out and got a baby food mill for $13 since my blender didn't seem to puree chicken well especially such small quantities. I can barely get in a whole 4 ounce cup of anything and I have to split it up to get it in.  Well enough blabbing.

Take care and GOD Bless!! 


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Willingboro, NJ
Nov 06, 2008
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