Weight Loss Surgery

Oct 13, 2009

I have been overweight since 1977.  That is the year my middle son, Kevin,  past away at 6 weeks old.  I gained 80 pounds the year after he died and have never been able to lose it.  In fact, I have gained even more.

A 57 years old,  5'1" and 230lbs, I am a little chubby to say the least.  I am on medications for high blood pressure, high cholesterol,  high triglicerides, acid refluc, depression, diabetes (I am pre-diabetic) and roscea.  My goal is to get off of most of the medications I am now on.

On May 4th, my youngest son, Jim and his wife, Jessica blessed me with twin grandbabies - a boy and a girl.  Harry & Rosie have become my life - they have totally stolen my heart.  It was on the day they were born that I knew I had to do something about my weight. - and also the day I began thinking of weight loss surgery.  I want to be around to watch them grow up.

As you all know, being overweight is not a fun thing to be.  It is the last thing that people can make fun of, discrimate against and overall make you feel terrible about yourself.  I have had so many  humiliating moments in the past 30 years, I cant even begin to list them.  Im so tired of having to worry about when those moments may come again.  And Im a fun loving person - I love people and love meeting and being with people.  Ive found my weight is holding me back as I have become so self-conscious of how I look that I have become almost reclusive.  I go to work and come home - only doing things with my family.  I miss socializing - I miss being with my friends -  I miss getting out and laughing and having fun - dancing.  The whole thing is depressing to me - and overwhelming.

So, its time to do something about it.  Im excited that I have completed all my requirements, the surgeon approved me, the insurance company has approved me and I have my pre-op testing on Oct 21st.  Surgery date should be soon!
The only snag I have run into is my job.  My boss told me today that the holidays are coming and I may not be able to get off - that it might be best to have my surgery after the first of the year.  Im very disappointed to say the least.  But Im continueing on in hopes that I can get a surgery date soon..   The work calendar is full and there isnt much time left for me to have a couple of weeks off.  I know my boss wants to me say I will wait until next year.  If I cant get a surgery date withing a certain time frame, I will have no choice but to wait until next year.  I cant lose my job, so Im at their mercy.

About Me
Sullivan, MO
Aug 06, 2009
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