June 28th

Jun 28, 2007

Was pleasantly surprised to learn this morning that not only have I been losing weight since surgery but also my 10 year old daughter has as well.  I had her get on the scale this morning because I notice last night that she looked as if she had lost weight.  She is down 10lbs.  she went from 172 to 162lbs.  She was so excited she wanted me to get on the scale as well.  I have now lost 22lbs since surgery and 41 lbs total.  So glad that Sam is picking up on some of my new ways.  Maybe I've done this early enough not only to be around longer for her but also so she will develop better habits and not have to go through this herself someday.

June 3rd

Jun 03, 2007

Officially off work now until around the first of August.  I'm getting so excited and nervous.  I know I'm going to be in the best of care after all it will be my coworkers taking care of me.  I've taken care of Dr. Rosen's patients for the last 2 years so I know I have a wonderful, caring surgeon.  But still the thought of waking up from anesthesia is scary.  Especially with the sleep apnea.  It's been a tough 10 days on this liquid diet.  Can't wait for pureed food.  Who would have ever thought I would be so excited at the thought of getting to eat pureed food. LOL Going to spend the day today cleaning house and getting ready to move to Mom and Dad's tonight for a week.

May 29th

May 29, 2007

Thought I'ld get on the scale just for some much needed encouragement this morning.  I've lost 16 lbs now since Saturday.  Feels good knowing my hunger is for something.  Had a hard time last night as I so wanted a snack bag of popcorn.  Seven more days till surgery.


May 28th

May 28, 2007

3rd day of liquid diet.  I am so hungry.  Have to go potty ever 5mins due to the amount of liquids I'm taking in.  Weighed just before I started the liquid diet and I've gained back all but 1 pound from the physician supervised diet.  So here I go all over again from almost the beginning.  At least there's light at the end of the tunnel.  Surgery is just a little over a week away. Can't wait.

Slow down

May 04, 2007

Saw Dr. Rosen for my last pre op visit 5/1.  Apparently I've been so excited about getting insurance approval  that I've celebrated myself 5lbs heavier than my last visit with my PCP.  Definitely need to slow down my calorie intacke or I'll be as heavy as I was 6 months ago!! 

Insurace approval received

Apr 18, 2007

Ran into Dr. Rosen at the hospital Monday morning.  He jokingly said I owed him one.  He said he had talked to my insurance and they were going to deny my request for the lap band because my primary physician had not documented my 6 month physician supervised dieting well enough.  Dr. Rosen had told them that I was one of his Bariatric nurses and that I had been keeping him up to date on everything I was doing to meet the qualifications for surgery so they should approve me.  They did!!!  I see Dr. Rosen in the office on May 1rst for my last prop visit before surgery.  We will set the surgery date then.  I'm hoping for the last Tuesday in May or first Tuesday in June.  The hospital won't let me work with a 20lb lifting restriction so I have to take 2 months off work.  So I might as well time it so I can have most of the summer off with my daughter.  She's already planning what were are going to do for the summer. (Mostly spend time at the pool).  I'll write more later when I get my surgery date.

April 4th

Apr 04, 2007

Went for my last visit , as far as the 6 month physician supervised dieting goes, with my primary care physician today.  I've lost 9 pounds since my visit with the dietician 2 weeks ago.  Of coarse it helps that I'm sick at the moment and just don't feel like eating.  Any way have gone from 324 at the start of the 6 months to 305 today.  Not a huge victory but one I will acknowledge any way.

They found 2 polyps and a spot of gastritis when they did my upper endoscopy last week.  Suppose to call back today or tomorrow to get the results of the biopsies.  Not too worried though.  Polyps in the stomach can be caused from long-term proton-pump inhibitor use.  I've been using proton pump inhibitors for my acid reflux for 4-5 yrs now.  Hoping I won't need to take them any more after I lose the weight from surgery.

Waiting for my primary care physician's office to get me copies of the records I need to send into insurance for approval.

March 21 rst

Mar 21, 2007

Saw the dietician at my primary care physicians office today.  It was our last visit before I send everything in for insurance review!  Lost 1 pound in the last 2 weeks.  

Have to go next Wednesday for an Upper endoscopy to make sure there's nothing happening there to impede my surgery.  The Wednesday after that I see my primary care physician one last time before sending everything off for insurance approval.  

Getting excited but nervous at the same time.  Still feel that this is the best choice for me.  My Mom, who is my support person, is getting really excited as well.  She had her stomach stapled in the late 80's and is doing well.  She's hoping I have as much success.  I think she's also excited to finally have some else at family functions that has the same eating restrictions.  I know she's excited about my getting healthier.

March 17th

Mar 17, 2007

Well I finally took time to find this site.  I work as a Bariatric/ Othopedic nurse and have had a couple of patient's recommend this site.  Glad they did!!  I'm just finishing up my 6 months of physicain supervised dieting.  The longest I've ever been able to diet is 6 months.  I've not done as well this time either.  I'm working on practicing the 6 meals a day, not drinking within a half hour of meals, and no carbonation.  That part is the easy part for me.  The hard part is getting the exercise in.  I have one knee that pops like popcorn all the time and it doesn't take much to aggrevate it.  I also work 13-14 hours at the hospital.  I'v been picking up extra shifts as I'm going to have to take 2 month off work to have my surgery done.  The hospital has a policy that Nurses will only be given light duty work if they are hurt at work.  I've been working extra to get a cushion built up for that time off.  I started this whole thing at 324 pounds (my heaviest).  Two weeks ago I was down to 313 pound.  I see the dietician this Wednesday at my Primary care physician's office for another weigh in.  Dreading it.  The Girl Scout cookies I bought from my daughter came in last week.  Lets just say it wasn't a pretty sight.  Ended up taking the majority of the boxes to work just to get rid of them.  I'm going to have start buckling down though.  I know I can do it!!

About Me
Sycamore, IL
Surgery Date
Mar 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 9
June 28th
June 3rd
May 29th
May 28th
Slow down
Insurace approval received
April 4th
March 21 rst
March 17th
