Well here the part were i tell my whole lomg life story.....lol.but N-E-Way here it gose.<33


Well my name is Rochelle i'm 19 years old, I live in Baltimore,MD and I have been overweight my whole life.My current weight is 350 and i'm only5'3....lol i know i'm short.well being overweight 219lbs is a wear on my body,i have back pain,my knees,chest, and feet.All do to my weight.Its soo hard growning up as an over weight child.To being called names or to being picked last for a game of kick ball in gym class. And then makeing our fat tales wear those lil tiny short in gym class.There were so many time i just wanted to drop out of school because of name calling/harassment or just feeling like an out cast, But i would just tell myself i have came to far to let some stupid low life person, that has to talk bad about me just make there self's feel better wasn't going to stop me from getting my education.Soo i stayed with it and graduated from high school in May of 2006 yaayyy me.....lol N-E-Way, i deiced to take a year off from school my mom wasn't to happy about it but she supports me in anything i do and i love for that<33i deiced to take year off because i needed some me time,from all i have been through with school in all.ok while on my me time i plan on have the WLS done.I have been wanting the WLS for about 3 yrs now,but i have always been to young to have it.....but now i'm 18 and can have it soo i'm happy.Soo back in November of 2006 i went to see my surgeon for the first time He seem nice and careing a lil but nothing i had in mine But.yeah he said  he wanted me to loss 20-30lbs before surgery before i can have the surgery and was like ok i'm here because i need help loseing weight.....he told me i would have to do six monthof supervise weight loss so i had plenty of time to get the 30lbs off......so i have to get weighed in every month ....i have only lot 15lbs of the 30lbs i have to loss.My last month of the supervise weight loss is April 9,2007......so u know what that mean there going to be sending my paper off to see if i'm approved or not ......so i can't wait  and my brithday is April 24 soo if i can get approved by then it will be the best brithday ever !!!!So i have been praying to god too bless me with the WLS......but  too my family on OH i would like to thank u for praying for me and supporting through my life long change....thanks it really help's....well i'm typeing in a new color now b/c i'm up dateing my story since the last time Since the last time ..... i have finish my six months......i have gotten approved on my birthday .....i'm now 19 .....i have my surgery date it's june 19,2007 and i can't waite to be a loser....lol ....so yeah everytime i update my story i will start typing in a new color so  my reader will know where to start reading and don't have to keep reading it from the top every time....well in till the next color Rochelle.<33........well time is almost here for me to have my surgery .....today is june 15,2007.....this has been i real busy week for me...everyday this week i got blood taken, i really hated that.....then i was in the ER for 5hrs b/c monday i had my IVC Filter put in ....but i was haveing some pain with it so my surgeon told me to go to the ER......to make sure the filter didn't move....so the catscan and the X-rays came back and everything showed up fine so everything was good so they sent me home....now i have one more doctor apt....today at 2:00 with my primary doctor so he can get a update of whats going on well thats it for now untill a new color<33
WEll i have a new update!!!! And new color.......well i'm almost 3 months out and down 50Lbs......yes i said 50lbs...and i feel Great......this is one of the best things i  could have ever done......i just wanted to thank everyone for the support..... but everything has been going well ...i have droped two pants sizes and one top size.......and staying to my deit.......BUt the new me is feeling good<33.....until a new color<33
Well it now Dec the 11 and almost 6 mothes out i'm down 80lbs now
and still feeling great...since now my weight lost has slow dowm a lil....but i'm find with i just know i have to work a lil hard to keep things moveing ....i just been to busy lately...my life has change so much this past year to haveing the surgery, to moveing  out on my own ,to looking diffrent ....but i wouldn't change it for the world....but that all i have to say for right know until a new color for my new life<3



About Me
Baltimore, MD
Surgery Date
Jan 26, 2007
Member Since

Friends 246

Latest Blog 33
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Feeling Good<33
Feeling Good<33
52lbs Down and almost 3months out
