100 lbs lost

Feb 08, 2011

I have done it... another milestone.. I have lost 102 lbs since May 3rd 2010... this is an amazing accomplishment and I am so freaking happy I can't even tell ya. Eventhough I have not been able to exercise the way I really want to due to back and having 3 yes THREE major surgeries in those 8 months, the last one just 2 weeks ago, I am still losing weight faster and better than I ever did on any of the millions of diets I tried. I am now pretty confident in wearing tighter tshirts and jeans and not hiding my body under clothes that are 4 sizes too big. I feel much more secure in myself and feel so much healthier.

I am wanting to do a spin class as soon as I have recovered from this surgery.... and I need to get back to my daily 20 min. class of Zumba.. I love that workout:)

Well I am off to my monthly WLS support group meeting so will see you all later.




Nov 05, 2010

WOW I am so amazed that a pair of size 16 really tight jeans I bought a mere 3 weeks ago are now so loose on me that I can put them on and take them off without having to unbotton/unzip them. Going shopping is getting too expensive so today I am going to Good Will.. see if I can't find some size 14 jeans.. wow did I really just say size 14? I haven't been in a size 14 in 10 years..WOOOOHOOO.. I am so excited... can you believe that I bought my first thong the other day?? hahahaha I only bought it because my daughter kept saying I had to get out of the "granny panties" aka Briefs... So I bought the thong.. nope aint for me, horrible feeling..hahaha.. I bought some hipsters though.. they feel good and aren't the chest high briefs..so my daughter approved:)

I'll update you guys later on what I found at Good WIll... So here is the update.. I have only shopped at Good Will twice in the 10 years I have lived here because I could never find anything... This time however I came home with 2 pairs of jeans and 4 tops... Not a lot but I figured with the way I am going I'll need the next size down in a week or two..lol So I am a happy shopper now instead of a frustrated one:)

Have a great day!!


Knee infected

Jul 21, 2010

Well I have a bad knee infection where I fell on my knee last Thursday.. dr. not sure what the infection is and if it is only in the soft tissue or also in my joint. I got a pennacillan shot and antibiotics and have to come back tomorrow to see if redness has gone down or not.
In other news... I had a follow up ultrasound done on the ovarian cysts that I have, they have multiplied and grown in the last 6 weeks so my ob/gyn did a CA125 blood test on me, it is a test for ovarian cancer, I will get the results next week.. so this week hasn't been the best for me:(

I hope you all are doing much better :) 


Fifty-one pounds gone forever

Jul 16, 2010

WOW 10 weeks out and I've lost 51 lbs. I am amazed!!! In the first 6 or 7 weeks I lost over 40 lbs and then just stood still. I didn't know what was happening and started to panic, my dr and nut.  told me it was because I wasn't eating enough calories. It was difficult for me to eat, I'd get full so quickly that I couldn't eat any more but I made myself eat more often in a day.. just a few bites here and there and I guess I got enough calories in because I am losing again...yay.. I was exercising more as well but that has to go back to the back burner for a little bit as I fell on the pavement Thursday and have bruised my left knee really bad:( luckily it has no fractures so I am hoping it wont take too long to heal but as of now it is hurting like a $&@*^....I try to walk as much as I can on it but my knee is 3x the size it should be and bending isn't easy:( .. oh well if I have to I'll just jump up and down 100 times on my right leg to get my exercise in:) 

Hope all of you are doing well... HUGS


And so it begins...

Apr 24, 2010

So I started my pre-op liquid diet on Thursday. I was worried I wouldn't like the taste of the shakes but I have to say that they taste pretty good. I decided on the Bariatric Advantage Chocolate - and the Chike Orange Cream Meal Replacement powders. The chocolate is my favorite but then again that is not surprising seeing I am a chocoholic:) 

I have learned one very important thing about myself though, I eat Automatically... does that sound silly to any of you?.. Let me explain...When I quit smoking in Jan.2009 I didn't have the urge to smoke but yet I would automatically reach for the pack of cigs. If I were on the computer.. reach.. talking on the phone? .. Reach... It drove me nuts because I knew I didn't want a cigarette, in fact just the idea of one made my stomach turn.. so why did I do that. I talked to several people about it and they said it was because I was so used to always having a cig in my hand or mouth while doing those things that my brain hadn't realized I quit smoking.... Well back to the diet we go.. I am having the same "symptoms" I am NOT hungry after I drink the shakes, my bouillon and eat my jello but still in between those meals.. ALL I want to do is put food in my mouth but not consciously, if that makes sense.. it is just as if there is something missing if I do not have food in my hand or mouth at all time. Why am I feeling this way when I am NOT hungry????

I decided to stock up on chewing gum... at least my mouth will be busy and perhaps it will fool my brain into thinking I am eating or something..... boy this is going to be a long pre-op diet if my brain doesn't ease up on me...lol

Well I am going to make myself another shake so I don't get hungry:)

Talk to you later!!


About Me
drayton, SC
Surgery Date
Apr 24, 2010
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 5
