Living Life as an Adventure Gives one a Great Attitude!

May 26, 2006 I contacted my insurance company today and found out Dr. Daniel Baker is In-Network and the surgery will be covered 100%. I've only read good things about this surgeon and the Unity Bariatric program. There will be some driving time as Fridley is two hours from home. However I want a surgeon that has done this hundreds of times and knows the ins and outs of it. And that's where Dr. Dan meets my requirements. 

June 3, 2006 My DH, and I went to the Informational Meeting at Unity in Fridley, MN. It was so easy to find this place. They sent a map with great directions. We received a packet of papers for this process to get started. Afterwards we went to Red Lobster before driving back home.

June 5, 2006 This morning I called first thing and made an appointment at Unity with a nurse clinician to get this ball rolling. I want to know as much as possible about what I need to do. My feet and ankles hurt almost every moment of the day, during the night it’s been my hips and back, except when I get up, then it’s my feet again - I can hardly walk on them. It’s from the weight I am carrying. I was very thin through age 29. I had so much energy then and would be so nice to have again.

June 8, 2006 I drove to Unity alone this morning to meet with Darla, one the bariatric nurse practitioners at Unity. She was very factual and knowledgeable about everything and what they expect of me. First I was measureed and weighed. I need to lose 122 lbs. to be at a normal weight for my height according to the BMI charts. My target weight is 116 lbs. I am morbidly obese and my BMI is 43.5. I’m 5’ 2 ½” and my beginning weight is 238. Then she took a picture of me facing her - my beginning photo. OMG - No one had taken a picture of me standing up in all my ‘fat’. I had not been seeing myself. I was horrified. I saw this protruding belly, thick arms, and round face and I could not believe I had not see my body before this. I wanted to let go and cry in disgust, but the knowledge that I was now there to do something about it kept me from doing so… At this moment I’m trying to comprehend the fact that I could not face how fat my body is and would not allow myself to ‘see’ how fat I let my body get! It must have been a coping factor. Had I allowed myself to really see, it would have made me extremely depressed to ‘really’ take note of it. It wouldn’t have helped me to lose weight. I would have been too depressed - what an enormous heaviness that could take over emotionally. No; I can see why. I couldn’t deal with it. So I just ‘blocked’ it. It’s how I was able to go out my front door. Thank the Lord I saw in the Word of God, “if you are a man given to appetite, put a knife to your throat” found in Proverbs. Having that revealed to me, I knew I was given the go-ahead. I had done 'a knife' with almost every diet known, the longest being 9 months. I gained back the 35 pounds lost, plus 50 pounds more. I know God is going through this process with me, step by step, my hand in His, my body fully in His hands. I have no need to worry, just to put my full trust in Him and look to Him continually.

Darla also went over the surgical procedure for the Open RnY. She went over vitamins I’ll need, office visits, lab requirements, types of food eaten - all to do for the rest of my life, major things like that. I had contacted my insurance and they sent me the surgery protocol. I made copies so I could give Unity a copy. We talked about what my insurance requires before I can have the surgery. Then she gave me the name of two psychologists that are within the Unity network closer to my home in St. Cloud. As soon as I got home I called and made an appointment with Jim Collins, psychologist, for 6/15/06, as this was a requirement. And a very important step in the journey.
She also said the earliest I’d have surgery would be after the 3 month period of time needed to satisfy my insurance company of following a diet with a dietician. Insurance also wants three years back of Dr. documented weights. I don't have the past three years, but I copied my Weight Watcher's documentation from last year. Then I got copies of the couple times I had seen the Dr. in 1998, 1999, and 2000 and again when I got my referral in April of this year. It's going back further than the three years, so I hope they accept it! If all goes as planned, I could have surgery by the end of October! Everything is going smoothly so far! I am just going to focus on what is left to do. That is...
1. Go to the Psychological evaluation
2. Go to appointments with a dietitian, hopefully in Willmar
3. Study the handbook and get to a support group
4. Lose 12 lbs.
5. Insurance approval after all requirements are met
6. Meet with surgeon to set a date

Number 4 will be a challenge... not to take off 12 lb, but to keep it off.
I am still not letting myself feel the pain of being obese that I have denied myself to feel in so long. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or bad thing. I just see it still as a coping thing to live in this world. I have hope now and I’m clinging to it.

June 14, 2006
I have gotten very good at not drinking during meals. I gave up coffee and all pop in February when I realized I was definitely going to do this. Darla told me I shouldn’t drink tea because of the caffeine. I hadn’t thought about it having caffeine. So all that’s left is water or decaf. It’s a good thing I am a water drinker. Some people aren't. And I’m doing great at drinking more water. I am also trying hard to eat slower and chew, chew, chew. I am having a tough time taking those tiny bites. It is surprising how hard it is to break old eating habits. I look at it as - if I can get rid of some of the bad ones now, it will help me once I am on the losing side.

June 16, 2006
The psych eval went ok. I met with Jim Collins, psychologist in St. Cloud, and we chatted just a bit and he reinforced the same things that Darla did, only with more emphasis. He gave me the list of eating habits to get into. I took the MMPI or whatever it’s called. Took me not quite 3 hours. He’ll get the results ready for our next meeting - so there‘s a ‘next‘ meeting. Also he gave me daily sheets to write every bit of intake of foods and fluids on it with a place for exercise and time allotted it, along with wake up times and times eaten. It has a spot for snacks, even for the desire to snack and why eaten or what done instead of snacking.

This past week I'v made some healthy improvements. I'm better at chewing food the thirty times to applesauce consistency and at taking a longer time to eat. Putting my fork down after each bite helps immensely. There are some foods I don't eat anymore, because either they take too long to eat that way or they have a totally different (disgusting) taste when chewed so much - mainly fatty foods. Daily walks hmmmm, not doing real well there. My feet hurt so much! I do 10 minute walks at larger stores like Walmart or Menards. I'm to work up to twice a day to get 20 minutes in.

June 26, 2006
I have the appt. to go over my MMPI-2 test on Thursday. Then it will get sent to Unity.

June 29, 2006 My son turned 23 years old today. Thinking about the first time I laid my eyes on him as a precious baby. And then his childhood, etc. It pulls on my heart strings - I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful family! 

Results from the MMPI-2 test. I have some things I need to keep working at so another appt. was made with in three weeks. It’s amazing how a test like this can flag areas needing to be dealt with. Looks like there’s some past things I haven’t dealt with emotionally. He wants me to think them through thoroughly and come to terms with them. Then we’ll be hashing it over a bit to see if I’m ready to move on. I’m so thankful I have the Lord - and Joyce Meyer! Listening to her every morning and reading some of her books has really helped me take a good look at what I've been clinging to and what I need to let go of in the past eight years. Once I let it go and look to Him instead, the barrier is gone and then He replaces that area with more of His strength, love, peace, and then of course when the peace comes, JOY!

July 6, 2006 I met with the dietitian yesterday. It went well. I already know 'how' to diet! The problem has been keeping at it while 'taming' the stomach beast! I knew 'almost' everything we went over. And, it was pretty much everything the psychologist discussed with me. They were impressed with the daily journaling paper I received from the psychologist and made a copy of it to use for their patients in Willmar's new weight loss center. I have lost four pounds by following South Beach Diet this past week. Weight 232.

Aug 4, 2006 My DH took me to out for our 27th wedding anniversary this evening. 

Aug 8, 2006 Met with the psychologist. He said I appear to have made it through life as a PK without too many problems. He is going to give me the OK and will send my papers to get typed up and sent to Unity around 8-15-06. However, he still feels he should see me one more time, because he had meant to, and still needs to, go over all the side effects physically and ‘emotionally’ from the surgery. Last visit scheduled with him on 8-29-06.

Aug 29, 2006 My last appointment with the psychologist. He went over all the possibilities of wrong things happening and chemical changes and emotional roller coasters. He told me to please come see him, if I felt I was overwhelmed in any way after the surgery. He is SO easy to talk to! I will definitely go see him, if that happens. Hope I won’t have to, but I’m so glad he made that way open for me, if I need it.

Sept 4, 2006 The past three months I've been doing the dance that the insurance and doctor require. I've been to the dietician here in Willmar and to the psychologist in St. Cloud. I have my next appt. with the dietician Wed. afternoon.

I don't know why I do what I do when it comes to food. I only had four pounds to lose to reach my 12 pound or 10% weight loss before surgery. I stepped on the scale on Sunday and I've gained a pound. Do I have a desire to fail? I was following all the surgery rules for two months faithfully. I look back at this month and I have been sloppy and eating what 'I' want! It's no surprise I gained. I have to get back on track! Shake me! What is it about a Wendy's Frosty?! It doesn't leave many calories for the day after one of them! 

I used to eat to get that full and over-full feeling. But now it just sickens me, if I eat too much. So that's a good thing. Yesterday I received a phone call from Darla, the nurse clinician at Unity, to tell me she'd received the psychologist's approval for my surgery. She gave my info to Dr. Daniel Baker for review. Then they'll turn it over to the insurance company. Once approved I'll be scheduled for my teaching session with a nurse practioner and I'll finally meet the surgeon on the same day to get my surgery date! That way it'll save an extra driving trip. Needless to say I did quite the squeal when I got off the phone. My two fur babies came running to see what all the fuss was about! :-)

Sept. 6, 2006At the dieticians today and I LOST 2 more pounds! I’ve now lost 10 of the 12 pounds I need to lose before surgery. I’m at 228. I know my scale had showed I had gained. I am so sure of it, because I haven’t been following the habits ‘completely’. And oh did I do the number on myself to be sure I lost. It was sooooo hot yesterday and I pushed the mower to trim around everything. I didn't drink any water, except for three sips when I came in one time. Well, I ended up with heat exhaustion, nausea, intestinal cramping, and you can guess the rest. I finally made it down onto my hands and knees, I felt lightheaded. I tried to pull myself up to the counter, cause I wanted to get into the shower to get cool water on me. I fainted! For 'just an instant' I felt myself go into a complete shutdown - pitch black and silent and then lights and noise came back on as I went to the floor. Wow! Never happened before - kind of a not too good feeling. As I showered everything was kind of gray and fuzzy. I think it happened because of lack of fluids and b/c of my blood pressure med having a water removal in it. Anyway, it may not be a real weight loss, we'll see in the next week if clothes fit differently or not. Till next time...

Sept. 14, 2006 Called Darla, CNP with a question and also to see if Dr. Baker had reviewed my file. She said it was turned over to Lisa to get it off to insurance for approval! One step closer!

Sept. 18, 2006 Called Lisa to see if she had sent my file in for insurance approval. She said it went out on 9-14 and that it usually takes two weeks to hear back. She said I should give insurance a call in a week if I don't hear.

Sept. 25, 2006 Called insurance just to give a nudge, if I could. They said they received the paperwork and it is waiting for reviewal by the board of doctors. They said it usually takes a couple weeks from the time of receipt. They received it on 9-15 but was not put in the review spot until 9-18. This waiting is tough. I've been eating sweets again. It’s little things - bad habits crept in again. I am still walking, drinking enough water, and being more active! I just want to get on with my new life.

On the boards I have seen some of the people who started their journey around the time I did have their surgery dates and their dates are coming up. I feel slightly down, because I want to be getting mine too! I guess it really has not been all that long. It takes about 6 months from the time of the Info meeting till surgery date. It looks like that is how it is going for me... Dec. 3rd will be 6 months from the info meeting.

Sept. 27, 2006 Oh Hallelujah!!! I've been approved! There was a message saying to call and schedule my consult with Dr. Baker and a nurse clinician, because they received insurance approval! It's scheduled for October 13th at 10:15 am, 9:00 am for my Teaching session first. Called DH at work to tell him. He said, " I sure hope you follow through." I told him I couldn't believe he said that NOW, and asked him what was up with that? After that he said he's glad I got approved. Well, I'm ecstatic! But I'm also more serious about doing daily visits to OH to keep my mind in the game. TWO WHOLE WEEKS to wait!

Oct. 1, 2006 Today is my birthday! No celebration today though, cause we're mowing! That’s an all day affair when we do it. We have over an acre with lots of trees to trim around.  Except for tomorrow, rain is forecast. Instead for my birthday, tomorrow for work my DH's driving north on deliveries and I'm going with him to view the fall color. It should be just about prime right now. Will be an enjoyable day for my birthday, instead of today.

Oct. 11, 2006 One of my best friends, is going with me to my surgery consult with Dr. Daniel and my teaching session with his nurse on Friday. Day after tomorrow! That is so sweet of her and just like her to step up to help.
Oct. 13, 2006 Brenda, rode with me to Unity to meet with the original nurse practitioner I met with, for my teaching session and to get my date. I got on the scale and I have GAINED BACK THE 1O POUNDS I lost + TWO POUNDS!!! I was horrified! Typical for me though! I’m so bummed. And I was so embarrassed I had done this. And disheartened I had undid what I had accomplished. Darla really put it to me! She reminded me Dr. Baker won’t do the surgery unless I lose 10% of what I need to lose. It’s one of his requirements. Now I start from the beginning! Then I met with Dr. Baker. He has a ‘presence’ about him. He appears quite calm and assured with strength in his presence. I KNOW I’m in capable hands! I was sure he'd say something about gaining the weight back. All he asked was if I think I can lose the weight by the middle of November. I said, “Oh yes!”

I have a SURGERY DATE for Monday, November 20, 2006 at 9am! Oh Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!! I have five weeks to lose 12 pounds. Can I do it? You better believe it.


           What Kind of Friend Are You?
No one ever accused you of not having a soft side. And that's why friends flock to your sympathetic ear and well-thought-out advice. You are tuned in to the world around you, and you are always looking for ways to bring people together and enjoy each other's company.

While some people might have one or two close friends, you like to spread your wings and socialize with any number of people. You are open-hearted and free-spirited, making it easy for you to find common ground with anyone you meet. Keep up the good work — everyone could use a friend like you.


Oct. 16, 2006 It’s Monday and I waited for the weekend to get over to call Unity to try to reschedule my surgery for the 15th or 16th instead. My overnights are seven on and seven off. The 15th is the beginning of my seven off. To have three weeks off in a row, and missing only seven nights of work, the 15th would be perfect. Called and left a message about it. The nurse called this afternoon after checking with Dr. Baker and the hospital.

My NEW SURGERY DATE is November 15, 1006 at 11 am. That’s SOONER, and also we won’t need to get a hotel room the night before. My son is going to ask off from work to keep DH company while I‘m in surgery. We can leave home at 6:30am to be there by 9 am check-in time. Writing that made my stomach flutter a moment! Wow! my first real excitement thinking about it. I also re-made my one week post-op with Dr. Baker. Then I made an appt. with my family doctor for a pre-op physical.

Oct. 17, 2006 Called and set up another appointment with our family doctor for 10-26 for a consult regarding the lump on the inside of my upper arm. It really itches about 2 inches all around it and pulls and has such a weird sensation. I want it removed. Of course, I need a referral for a surgeon here in Willmar. Should just be a surgeon’s office visit to have it done. It’s probably just another lipoma (fatty tumor). I’ve had a couple removed already. It was done under local anesthesia in the office. It’s been about ten years since the last time. I'm unsure, if those go with the loss of weight. Maybe they do and then I won't need to have it cut out.

You Are Chinese Food

Exotic yet ordinary.

People think they've had enough of you, but they're back for more in an hour.

 Oct. 26, 2006 Met with my family doctor today. He said the lump was another fatty tumor. I've had a few removed from my thigh and hip area about ten years ago. He suggested I ask the surgeon to cut it out while I'm still under from my Bariatric surgery. He asked me if I had a date yet! They didn't make me weigh (YAY) cause they knew I'd been weighing at the dietician the past few months. I was thankful what with having gained.

Nov. 3, 2006 One of my friends and I met at a local coffee shop today. She's interested in knowing more about gastric bypass. She says I'm her guinea pig to see how I do, before she makes a real decision. She went through the 'new' local dietician program recently, so has a head start, but the program people said they would not approve her for surgery, so she gave up.  Like they can do the approval - NOT! I explained to her the approval guidelines come from her own insurance company. Usually it's the psychologist and surgeon that see one meets the requirements, and finally the insurance company does the approval. She knows about eight people who have had wls already, all with varied results. It seems one of the other reasons she's not going forward with it right now is someone (I think it was the dietician ) told her she wouldn't do well! That's just shameful when someone does that! I don't want to encourage her in any way. It has to be her own decision. However, I sure don't want to discourage her, either! She's so unhappy about her weight.

Nov. 7, 2006 I was just looking at my son's jeans coming out of the dryer and thinking eventually I should fit in his jeans. He wears a 32/32. I don't remember what size that is in Misses - I wanna say a size 12. It's been such a long time, eons ago! I recall the men's 32's waist was too big and I had to make darts at the waist! I wouldn't mind that problem again.

Nov. 12, 2006 Losing seat here I come! Wednesday at ll am I'll be on my way there! WooHoo! This evening I take the MOM. Clear liquids for tomorrow through three weeks after, except surgery day, when I won't get anything. I sure hope I don't get turned away. I've lost 10 pounds in the past four weeks, supposed to lose 12 before surgery.

My surgery is scheduled for 11 am. My DH and DS will go home that evening. As far as I know I will not have family or friends at the hospital until my DH comes back to pick me up. They told me I should be going home Friday morning. (soon to be on the losing side!)

Nov. 14, 2006 I only have a little time before I HAVE to go to bed and TRY to sleep. So just a quick shout here - Tomorrow is the day I have my life-changing surgery! The time has gone by so fast! All day long I've been so excited/elated. I'm surprised I feel this way. However, what a busy, busy, busy, busy day getting all the last minute cleaning, etc. done. Dusting didn't get done and I didn't get my bathroom counter wiped off. At least those are easy tasks for later. Right now, I have ice on my lower back, neck, and shoulders. I worked hard! And I'm sleepy. Still have another load of clothes to put in the dryer and a nice hot soaking bath before bed...mmm!

I'm abundantly blessed - both Debs and Jen F. volunteered to be my angels! I'm looking forward to meeting them.

Nov. 18, 2006 I'm home! We got home at about 3:30pm yesterday. My angels were so awesome! I am truly blessed!

My first walk had to be a sight to see! I couldn't keep my eyes open. As we walked to the end of the hall I could hear my DH and DS, both my angels, and the nurse cheering me on. A parade was going down the hall! When I got back to the room, I was a bit more clearheaded. Still having difficulty keeping my eyes open, I could hear my DH and DS and my angels visiting and then one by one they left. It was good they did when they did. I laid back to sleep and suddenly woke up just 'knowing' I was going to throw up. I did a one-time retch of dry heaves. Then I was fine. There was nothing in my tummy to throw up. No water or anything by mouth that first day. The next day I learned it didn't really feel any different when I drank the 15cc at a time of water. I do have the good fortune to burp and listen to gurgles after I drink. By early afternoon on my 5th or 6th walk I was clipping quickly down the hall. Not too long after, Dr. Baker came and said, if I wanted to, I could go home, as I was doing so well! I didn't leave, because my DH wasn't planning to get me until Friday. Before surgery this was the earliest day I was told I'd go home. DH immensely dislikes driving in the cities, let alone at night. That was fine with me, cause I knew I'd get great rest at the hospital. I slept great! I was wakened only at 5am to give me the every 8-hours Heparin shot.

It is a quick healing, exactly what we were praying for. The nurses were amazed at how well I was getting the water in and the ease I was having of walking the halls. Even the minor little fever I had broke quickly. Definitely a working of the healing power of Jesus!!!

We left at about 12:30pm. DH stopped to get something to eat while I walked outdoors, rested, and drank my H20 in the car. It wasn't till dinner that I realized I forgot to drink any lunch (broth).

How do I feel? Hmmm. When I walk I feel bruised in the intestinal area, tolerable. When I go from a sitting to a standing position it stings a little at the incision site, again tolerable. I am woozy and sleepy. I just walked to the mailbox and back twice, so now I'm want to sleep. Oh yah, I also slept on both sides last night!

Nov. 19, 2006 I went to church today and stayed after while they had a bit of a luncheon for all! Of course I had water - gotta sip sip sip! I have a “kicked in the gut” feeling. I’m quite bloated as my loosest pants were feeling tight yesterday. I'm unable to get my rings on, so I must be retaining fluid yet.
I have been napping off and on. Almost feel normal though!

Nov. 22, 2006 What an adventure at the grocery store this morning! I was there for an hour and a half. When I got there at 8:15 am there weren't too many people, but by the time I checked out at 9:45 am, it was already pretty busy. It’s the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I shouldn't have gone to the grocery store to purchase all that I did so recent after surgery, not without my DH.

I was fine until I was going through the register. The cashier was pushing the groceries through so fast. I was trying to quickly put them in bags that won't weigh too much to carry. Also everything had fit in the cart so well, but not so well once I was bagging. I had about a fourth of my stuff left to package and I was starting to feel a bit helpless and knew tears weren't far behind. The people behind me were bagging their stuff up on my lane as they were rung up. So, I spoke to the lady bagging groceries across from me that I had surgery a week ago and with trying to bag things so they weren't too heavy I was feeling overwhelmed what with the pressure to try and get it done so that others could get theirs bagged.

She asked if she could help me bag!!! I couldn't speak for a second I was so surprised. I was not expecting anything and at the most maybe a kind word or an uplifting word.

I said sure! She did and when we were finding there wasn't any room on my cart, she had her little boy go get another one. And THEN her little boy and her pushed her cart and my second cart to my car while I pushed the other one!!! I gave her a big hug and thanked her for being such a great blessing. She even offered to help me load my car, but I declined since I knew I could do that and the pressure was off!

I just love it when the Lord places answers in my path JUST when I need it!!! "God is a good God!" I just had to share! Because of the stripes Jesus bore on His body, my body is  healing quickly.

11-24-06 Just stopping in to say 'hi' and let you know what's been going on! Not much 'cept broth, broth, broth, diluted juice, broth, sip sip sip on lots of water, walk, walk, walk (not necessarily in that order), and now finally tomato soup, creamed chicken soup, potato soup, (strained of course) made with skim milk!

I'm doing just great! In fact, I feel so wonderful and would love to be eating normally. Certain foods are beckoning to me, like nuts, and jerky, and cheese wrapped in deli slices. Not on the menu, though, for a few weeks. I'd do a number on myself, if I gave in! I'm not hungry!

Today was the first day I was not in my robe for part of the day b/c of bloating! Still hear gurgling, with plenty of burps and gas going on. Probably the most irritating is the hiccupping episodes, and what's up with that!

I was given the go-ahead to start creamed soups (4 days early) when I had my 1st post-op appt. which was actually 6 days after surgery. I still had not lost all the weight to what I was before surgery! Up 4 pounds, yet! Wouldn't it be terrible if I went through all of this, followed the rules, and didn't lose weight? However! My bra had to be pulled up about two inches on the shoulders to bring the girls up so not so saggy, so I must be losing some inches . I have lost in the abdomen as my pants don't cut into me anymore (when I'm not bloated, that is).

Thanksgiving consisted of a cup of strained French Onion soup at a local restaurant with my dad, DH, and DS. It took the whole meal for me to finish it.

Nov. 25, 2006 It's been ten days since surgery. Had a 2-hour drive home that Friday. Spent four hours at church Sunday cause of a little meal afterwards. Tues. spent four hours on the road to the surgeon and back for my post-op appt. Wed. I was grocery shopping (alone) and putting away for 3 hours (albeit putting away 11 bags, one bag at a time to meet the weight limit). Even my incision was totally healed right after surgery (what we were praying for) I have a beautiful incision scar. It's not even going to be noticeable in six months. I'm tolerating all this like it's no big deal! I should be happy AND I AM. However, it's this feeling so great and THEN having to tolerate broth and jello and diluted juice. Even tomato soup is getting boring!
The only thing that is normal with me about just having gone through major surgery is I have bouts of sudden sleepiness, where I just have to give in.

I'll bite my lip, suck it up and "grow up" by being as patient about the slowness of moving into pureed foods as I can muster. Hope I don't come off as being too much of a whiner. Though, is there anything wrong with wanting it all?

The walking really does help. I have had to 'make' myself do it a couple days. I love walking outside as long as I stay warm. There's nothing like fresh air!
Being in a robe is quite comforting. Although it does make me feel a bit lazy at times.

The hiccups are really puzzling. I got up this morning and before I had even drank anything I started hiccupping.

In the hospital they gave me this wretched orange jello that had taken on the taste of whatever else it was refrigerated with. I haven't made any at home because of that. I purchased about 30 boxes before surgery! Good thing they don't get old! I must confess I ate some peanut butter today... Was it ever good! I was satisfied after one tablespoon. It's not on my list of things to eat. Kept me from eating peanuts though. I do know better than to do that! I guess I better behave! I am going to have a taste of the pumpkin pie filling tomorrow at our big family Thanksgiving dinner. After that, I'll behave. It's only 10 more days to pureed!

Nothing would be better than to sleep straight through the night! I've been waking up four or more times in the night. And DREAMS! Oh my, that has to be from the anesthesia still in the system. They are sooooo stupid! I wake up and roll my eyes at how ridiculous they are! When I was taking the Lortab it was even worse!

Patience is what I need. Now 'where' did I put it! I'm obviously having a hard time finding it.

You know I'm really not concerned about losing weight. I'm sure it's going to happen.

Am I the only one that doesn't weigh? The only weight taken was at my 1-week post-op appt. I won't know what my weight is again until Dec. 15th. After that I may weigh, but don't really plan to. Strange, I have patience for that! I guess the desire for different tastes of foods is a more familiar desire. It's a good thing there are a few choices so everyone will be satisfied. I had a cup of chicken soup yesterday. This morning I could still taste it. In fact I was breathing it. I guess it was just a little too rich for me, so I probably won't eat it again, cause that was just plain blecchy. Tomato soup is still doing well for me. I go back and forth between the broths and the tomato soup. I do have just a tiny bit of nausea after the tomato soup which is probably because I mix it half and half with skim milk.

I haven't measured. I suppose I should.

11-28-06 I'm feeling great! I had a tablespoon of pumpkin pie filling yesterday. Within an hour results from the cramping proved my surgery WORKS. So, I know I stay away from sugar, unless I want to be near a restroom for the next two hours. It didn't even taste good! I get satisfied quite quickly - anywhere from between 1 to 3 Tbsps, unless it's liquids.

I'm sipping on chicken or beef broth and tomato soup made with milk, diluted juices and of course water. Today I had some refried beans with melted cheese. I just finished eating a bit of fresh pineapple - chewed it well and spit out the pulp. That's all I've had to eat today. I just realized that. I bought some baby food to try. I'll probably have to doctor it up with some salt!
The day after surgery I was UP 11.5 pounds from all the IV fluids. When I had my 1 week post-op appt. I was STILL up 4 pounds from the day of surgery. I haven't weighed since. My clothes are fitting a bit better, except I still have to wear stretchable pants so my abdomen will have room to expand from swelling/bloating. I began walking at the mall last Wednesday. Yesterday felt like the anesthesia is finally out of my system. I clip along at a fairly good rate for most of the half hour. I have been having some burning pain around the incision area. It hurst enough to make me grab my belly when it happens. I woke up with the pain. Yesterday I helped my dad carry folding chairs into the pick-up from house and then into his church. It's doubtful carrying two of them at a time would weigh more than 30 pounds. That's my weight limit for yet another 4 weeks.

11-29-06 The Tylenol Rapid Blast is what I tried after surgery when I didn't want to use Lortab anymore. I mixed it half and half with water to get it down, just as I'd done with the Lortab. However that's 4 Tbsps of liquid going down. I only used it twice. And it is extremely sickeningly syrupy sweet. So, now I use the Tylenol Go-Tabs. They work great! I chew one 500 mg. tablet, then swallow with water. They're minty and mildly sweet with a slight bitter taste that is tolerable.

11-30-06 RE: the burning pain? Yesterday from 3pm and through today I'm so sleepy/tired/drained along with still having that pain. If I hold my hand pressed against the area when I move, it doesn't hurt at all. Jen F, one of my surgery angels said it's a normal pain. She had it at about two weeks out from the surgery also. It has something to do with the muscles having been cut through and now as we use them, the tissues surrounding are pulling etc. It goes away in about a week's time. As long as it's done before I go back to work! The tiredness is supposed to last about 6 to 8 weeks! AND, the next couple weeks I'm to be aware the hormones may be high. It's all part of the healing and ridding of the fat. Eventually my body will adjust to what's been done to it and it'll line up. Glad to know it's normal anyway. I am physically tired.

Dec. 1, 2006 Yesterday I wavered back and forth whether I should go on a Mall of America weekend shopping trip with a bunch of ladies, because of the pain & the way I was feeling. Then I woke up this morning and nothing had changed. In fact, the pain was more stinging/burning, so I cancelled. My DH advised I take an ace wrap and wrap it around my body to hold the area in that I had to keep pressing on with my hand. It's working! I'm still tired though. The first few weeks I was feeling totally awesome! I don't think I used wisdom and overdid it, so now I pay for it.

 Dec. 7, 2006
I don't want this wls to be synonomous with me. So I try not to talk too much about it, unless someone asks.

I have MUCH less pain than I did nine months ago! Then I wasn't sleeping well b/c of hip, back, shoulder, neck and thigh pain. When getting up at night or after sitting for awhile, my feet were in excruciating pain. I had to walk like an old lady until the pain lessened. Just normal walking throughout the day was painful. NOW? I can STRETCH out on the bed and it feels normal. I can sleep in almost any position now. I'm much more relaxed because of this, and sleep much better. It's going to get only better. I rarely have pain in my feet anymore! I can sit crosslegged to do a pedicure again! The first reason I had this was for my health, obviously looking better is a wonderful addition!

The down side? I'm still need to learn to slow down when I eat, so I stop b/4 I'm full. I get full on 3 Tbsps. of food. Any more and I'm extremely uncomfortable. So I need to learn to eat slower so I stop b/4 it hurts. Cause it does hurt. It sort of feels like someone kicked me in the abdomen or is sitting and jabbing me there, until my tummy relaxes and eases the food along. My choices are so limited right now. I'm on pureed foods, baby food consistency. It should take 20 to 30 minutes for me to eat. That works well when it's soup or a bean burrito or something like that. But when it's cottage cheese and baby food, it goes down fast. Then I don't feel satisfied and want to eat something else. I just need to learn my stomach's limit.

Kozy Shack no sugar added Tapioca pudding is pretty tasty! One of those is a meal, so I add additional unflavored protein powder to it.

Dec. 13 , 2006 Today I started solid foods. I had egg salad made with fat free mayo with added splenda, vinegar, salt, pepper and onion powder. My first solid food went very well and tasted wonderful!

Dec. 15, 2006 My five-week post op visit revealed I’ve lost 24 pounds from my pre-surgery weight. I now weigh 214. To goal I have 102 pounds to lose. The nurse clinician advised I measure everything. It’s difficult to measure cream cheese or peanut butter on a Rye Krisp or some such thing. So, it’s tiny bites with lots of chewing and giving some time between bites to be sure I’m not overfilling.

Dec. 19, 2006 Went through my clothes and removed ALL my 1X and 2X tops and size 18 and 20’s! WOW! So I’m officially in XL and Large for tops and 16’s for bottom! It feels so good!

Dec. 25, 2006 Had a lovely Christmas with my DH and DS.  Christmas dinner was 2 Tbsps of a roasted sweet potato and a couple well chewed mini dill pickles. I just couldn’t think of trying to eat turkey after eating a bite of raw cauliflower earlier and having a bad experience. I thought I really chewed it before swallowing, but I must have missed some of it, or it was the texture of it or something. After swallowing it felt like someone reached inside my chest and grasped hard my little tummy. Oh it hurt so bad. I stood over the toilet spitting out all the drool and burping and wondering when I was going to bring it back up. It didn’t. It finally went down. I’ll never forget that feeling though!

Dec. 26, 2006 I had my first “You’ve lost a lot of weight!” moment. Someone I haven't seen in about six months. She looked at me like she wasn’t sure if she knew me. Then she said, "I know you, but I can't think of who?" I told her my name. Her eyes got real wide and she said, “Oh my, you’ve lost a lot of weight!” It took me by surprise,  b/c I don't see much difference. She said she knew 10 people from this area that had weight loss surgery and that most of them were doing great!

Dec. 27, 2006 Moved my watch band over one notch. My rings are twirling around my fingers. My nails are the hardest and longest and in best condition ever. Must be from all the biotin and protein from those preparation for surgery months.

Jan. 6, 2006 Doing good. I went to St. Cloud today to the Starbucks in the Barnes and Noble to meet people who I've met online at OH Minnesota site. So I had my first coffee/caffeine since surgery. Remembered sugar free, but forgot to ask for decaf. Two hours later I was needing to be cut off - Miss chatterbox. It took me three hours to finish the small coffee . I still feel like I'm drugged at 6:15pm.

My DH took me to Applebee’s last night for supper. I ordered the house 7 ounce steak meal. He ordered chicken strips and I didn't dare share the fried food with him. I have a 6 ounce steak and all, but about two tsps., of the mashed potatoes for leftovers. I ate up the broccoli and carrots - they were delish! The steak was awesome too, but I got full after 1 tbsp of cut up real teeny and chewed real well.

I have a stack of clothes I've fallen out of sitting on the floor in our bedroom almost shoulder high. And that's not including the ones I sent to Goodwill b/c I don't think they're of quality to sell on eBay.

Still the VERY BEST part of having wls is NO PAIN!!! I get up at night and walk like a normal person - my feet, hips, thighs don't hurt anymore. I rarely have back pain and if I do it's cause of working hard all day. I can do a pedicure again and can tie my shoes easily. No more cutting off my air supply! I'm getting so I can hold my stomach in again! I'm starting to feel more normal. Losing the 24 pounds brought me out of the morbidly obese category into the obese category! Now I get to look forward to dropping down to the overweight category.

I have times I need to rest, and I try to. The ladies I met today said I appear to have lots of energy. That was before I drank the coffee, too - haha! I think I do too. I feel pretty energetic - but there are times when I‘m overwhelmingly tired and have to rest.

Feb. 1, 2007 For about two weeks I was soooo tired! It started with a bronchial-type cold and finally got that knocked out of my body after a couple weeks. Then I woke up Sunday with bloody urine and pain that goes with a bladder infection. I've had a UTI maybe three times my whole life. Each time I never knew, until I voided blood. It's probable the bacteria has been lurking and building up from when I was cath'd during surgery. It probably announced it was in my body because on Saturday I barely got water in from a full day of meetings I was at. I hadn't weighed since five weeks. I weigh only at the doctor's. I have a scale. I just don't want to be berating myself over what the scale says. It's not worth the misery when I know it HAS to go down, eventually. At Urgent Care  at 10 1/2 weeks out I've a loss of 33 lbs, down to 205, another 9 lb. loss!!! Hopefully I'll be in Onederland by Feb. 16th at my 3-month post-op appt. at Unity. I'm considered a wls lightweight, so I expect the scale to move slower as for those with more to lose.

I still hiccup. It happens when my tummy is full. It usually takes a few minutes after I eat, then I hiccup about three or four times, and they're done - weird!

February 12, 2006 On the board I saw a post about what we're able to do or looking forward to doing because of and after wls. I composed my own list after reading it - and took some of the great ideas. Some of these have already been accomplished in just 12 short weeks. It's a somewhat long list...

~cross my legs with ease - done

~wear high heels comfortably -done

~walk 7 miles easily in an hour

~have extra room in a church seat, movie seat, airplane seat, or amusement ride seat - done

~walk upstairs without losing my breath - done

~to tie my shoes no longer cuts off my air supply - done

~not concerned I will break chairs I sit in - done

~have normal blood pressure - done with medication 7/27/07

~walk/stand without pain - done

~not feel embarrassed at a formal event or the beach - done

~wear tops tucked in - done

~see someone I went to school with and not be embarrassed - done

~feel like dancing - done

~not ashamed to tell my weight

~take long bicycle rides and enjoy them

~live a long, healthy life - doing it!!!

~look forward to working out on the treadmill daily

~sit on my husband's lap and know he’s not feeling crushed

~wear a strapless bra/top/dress

~fit into a size 4/6/8 wardrobe

~enjoy having my picture taken

~sleep completely without pain/aches

~never again hear, “If you would lose some weight, you’d feel better.” - Hooray it's done!

~to never have to ’go on’ a diet ever again!!! Hooray I'm living it!

February 16 - My body has eaten up 38 pounds of itself! I’m 1 ½ pounds away from Onederland and I won’t know when I reach it, b/c I only weigh at my Unity appointments. My next Unity appt. is not till May 18th! This is such an awesome thing.

To me the most difficult part of having this surgery was the preparation!!! And I was so well-prepared by Dr. Daniel Baker’s staff at Unity that I haven’t been surprised by anything, or at least not alarmed by anything that I‘ve experienced. I was forewarned about the possibilities and probabilities. I’m so thankful I armed myself with all the knowledge I could, so I’d be as prepared as can for the unknown.

I’m also so thankful I went with Dr. Baker and Unity hospital. The bariatrics unit has ONLY PRIVATE rooms!!! I don’t know of any other twin cities, MN bariatric hospital that confirms a private room. No roommates or their families to bother you while you’re trying to ‘cuperate! With their knowledge and private room to boot - I couldn’t turn it down!

38 pounds … I’m still trying to comprehend it. I walked down stairs carrying two 12 packs of pop and recalled I felt that same heaviness just carrying my own weight!

I'm still learning that certain foods don't sit well. It takes quite awhile to go through all the foods on this earth! I gravitate to eating the foods I know I do well with.

When I first told my dad about the wls, he asked if I couldn't work more on dieting and exercising to lose the weight. Frustrating! I'd researched this for two years and dh was supportive of my decision and I told dad that. He said no more, until, the night b/4 my surgery! He called and asked if I was really sure about this, b/c he'd heard of high rates of complications. Of course that was unnerving to me, as I'm a PK and had hoped from him that I would get solid as a rock faith all would go well for me. He is 78 yrs. old and I believe his frailty was talking to him a bit. So instead of him reassuring me, I was needing to reassure him. About two months after surgery he said he saw how well I was doing and said he wished mom could have lived to have had the surgery. She went to heaven eight years ago and is a major factor as to why I decided to have the surgery. I wanted to live and not die at the age of 67!!! I am so thankful I went ahead and did this for ME! I deserve to live.

Also, when I was out about two months I went to my chiropractor who asked me what my goal weight was. When I told her what weight the doctors had set, she said "oh no, that can't be". I said "why do you say that?" She said I'd weigh less than her and I'm about the same height and bone structure. I said my bmi will be in the middle of the normal range at that weight. It made me feel like I was "wrong" to want to be a normal person. I’m going to use the line, ‘ my doctor is monitoring my weight', if I have to answer that question again.

June 7, 2007 I haven't been here for a couple months until this past week of which I've now been playing catch-up on everyone’s past two months. My only excuse is it's the time of year I live for. And I have been 'living'! by being outdoors gardening and doing yard work and relearning to ride my bike!!! Hoho and wasn't that a sight! A little wobbly AND I forgot bikes move much faster than the slow walk I had gotten used to before WLS... Even the looks of this place has changed! And the pics of everyone’s new body changes are so much fun to see!

On Sunday afternoon, May 20th, I went through commencement exercises as I wore my black cap and gown with tassel and graduated from a certain Bible School with 15 other classmates. Sang a solo for it, also. It was eighteen months worth of reading, writing, and studying. Since finishing school I've done a couple times of public speaking which is a HUGE stepping out for me, as I never had any kind of speech class in school. Also I’ve stepped back into the Praise and Worship team for Wed. church. Wow! THIS that I'm doing now was a MAJOR reason I had wls! I knew the Lord had things for me to do. I needed to get that weight and all the pain and burden of it off NOW! I had such a sense of urgency to "git er done"!
Just wanted to share this cause wls not only has changed my life, but it's given me the means to help to change others lives. I never would have done this as a fatty!

Check out my six month pics from my nurse clinician visit on May 18, 2007. I'm halfway to goal - down 55 pounds and am at 183 pounds. When I read how many others have lost that much at 1, 2 and 3 months, I try not to let it discourage me. I'm feeling great and LOSING! I'm wearing a size 14, down from a 2X/22!! I sleep pretty much through the night now. When I get up at night - I DON'T WALK AND STUMBLE LIKE AN OLD GRANDMA!!! Sorry! I was yelling, I'm just so happy about it! I just don't have feet pain anymore! I can RUN down and upstairs!!! I do still have bouts of tiredness - I suppose that's to be expected when I'm doing all the yard and garden work I do!

The bestest of all is when my dh hugs me there's no longer a big tummy putting distance b/w us!

I do have some fatty tumor issues that give me back and hip pain issues. I had the same issues before wls. I think that losing weight has caused me to notice where some are now because of lack of cushioning where once there was some. I'm seeing my family doctor about that next Monday. I've had about five of them surgically removed in the past fifteen years when they've grown to where they press on nerves that cause pain. In fact, Dr. Baker removed one on my bicep during my wls. Also, my blood pressure went on the rise again, so I’ll probably be placed on medication again. Hopefully that will resolve with more weight loss.

I recently heard someone say, everyone thinks the other person is so cool and awesome...
until they get to know them and find out they're just as weird as any other person!

I bought a body shaper that has a bra and goes to just above the knees. It will work great when I wear dresses as it makes me look 'toned'.

June 11, 2007 Saw my family doctor regarding my blood pressure. It's high again. He's putting me on medication once again.

June 28, 2007 Had my 7½ month post-op visit at Unity with a nurse clinician. I'm now done 60 pounds. I weigh 178 pounds! She had asked I come back b/c of problem blood pressure and wanted to be sure I had been seen by my primary. This month my primary put me on the lowest dose of what I used to take a higher dose of b/4 surgery - Benicar/HCT 20/12.5. It reads where it should now.

July 28, 2007 I just gave away some size 12 and 14 clothes to a couple of my girlfriends b/c they don't fit me. I am a size 12, but am also wearing size 10 in some clothes!

August 3, 2007 I drove to Plymouth today and picked up a used nordictrac treadmill. It's in perfect condition! What a find! It's a top of the line one, also! Now I have no excuse not to exercise!

August 24, 2007 Had my 9 months out clinic visit today. I'm at 171.5 lbs. Just a couple pounds away from 70 pounds down. Size 12 clothes are loose on me, but some 10's are still a bit too tight. And I have one pair size 8 slacks I can wear. I wear a medium in most tops. I 'almost' feel like I did b/4 I ate my way into obesity. The nurse said I'm probably eating about 3/4 cup of food at a time. But I'm not able to! I can count just a couple times I've been able to eat about a 1/2 cup at one time. I feel too uncomfortable when I eat more than 1/3 cup, so I don't do it. However I eat four to five times a day. She says to go back to eating only three times a day, so I'm going to do my best to follow those rules. She said I'm doing awesome, though! I've lost at a rate of 7.77 pounds a month!  



About Me
Willmar, MN
Surgery Date
May 23, 2006
Member Since

Friends 17

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Living Life as an Adventure Gives one a Great Attitude!
