Two Year Anniversary!

Sep 29, 2009

Hi all - it has been forever since I posted anything on this site.  Yesterday was my two year anniversary from surgery and I can honestly say that 99% of the time I am VERY happy with how things have progressed.  I want to take a moment to thank my wonderfully amazing friends and family, who have not only supported me with loving enthusiasm. 

In regards to that small 1% that I am not happy about, all that stems from what I do.  Sometimes, I still eat too fast.  Sometimes I don't chew my food good enough.  Sometimes I eat the wrong things - all those things make me ill.  I still, on occasion, get sick.  BUT, I realize it is because of things I AM DOING, not things from the surgery itself.  I do get angry at myself when that piece of chicken doesn't go down because I didn't chew it enough.  My lowest weight was 193 (never made it to goal of 170) and now two years out, it seems to fluctuate between 195-205 depending on my monthly cycle and if I am taking care of myself like I should be.  When I see the scale is creeping up past 200, I immediately put myself back in check and try to get back into the 100s.  I figure it is a whole hell of a lot easier to lose 10 lbs. than 50-100+ pounds!  I stopped losing weight after 9 months, and from where I started, I am OK with where I ended up, even if I never made it to goal!

A LOT has changed in my life, not just because of the surgery, but in general.  I got engaged a couple of months ago to a wonderful man who I dated at my heaviest (334 lbs.) and who came back into my life when I was almost one year out.  Fat, thin, short, tall - he never cared what I looked like - he loves the person inside, and that has made all the difference.  I will try and post a pic from our engagement party - it was such a fun day.  The wedding will be in May 2010! 

One thing I am not happy about is the excess skin all over, so tomorrow morning I am having brachioplasty to remove the excess skin on my arms!  I know I will have scars, but I am ok with that.  Funny thing is that I remember saying that I would rather have excess skin than be obese, now I say I would rather have scars on my arms than look at the excess skin!  Weird how your perspectives on these things change when you are in the moment.

So I will bid farewell for now and check in later!  Ciao!



About Me
Concord, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 03, 2006
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 28
10 Most Common Mistakes
Official member of the Century Club
7 Months Post Op
6 Month Post Op
5 Month Post Op
4 Month Post Op
Measurements at 3.5 Months Out
Airplane Seats!!!!
3 Month
