2 Month Post Op - 61lbs, 38 inches, & so many WOWs

Jun 21, 2010

I just had to take a moment and share my post op life so far. I am two months 5 days post op and absolutely loving life. My surgery was a breeze, no pain, and my recovery has been wonderful.

To date, I've lost 61lbs total. I've lost 38 inches all over in two months!! I'm so glad that I took my pre op, 1 month, & 2 month measurements as it really shows me that while I may not see lbs gone on the scale; the inches are melting away.

I started in a very tight 30/32 pants/shorts/shirts & 4/5X shirts. Now, I'm in a loose 3X (some 2X) shirts and 22/24 pants. The best part so far is going through my closet and wearing clothes that I have not been able to wear in years!! I have to wear business suits to work daily and now my 24 suits are loose and I can BUTTON the jackets. I feel really comfortable and confident.

My WOWs are so many they are hard to list but my best WOWs so far are:

2. Walking up stairs without loosing my breath!
3. Fitting comfortably in seats and in booths.
4. Finding my face again - wow - Im still in there. :-)
5. I can bend over and pick up something off the floor without my huge stomach and boobs getting into the way! lol
6. No more back pain when I wake up
7. Feel better and more strong everyday
8. Can exercise and actually enjoy it
9. Fitting in smaller clothes and shoes
10. Wearing my jewelry again - fingers and neck are shrinking!

Things I DID NOT EXPECT but I'm coping with:

1. All the dang vitamin pills!! One of the biggest selling point of WLS is to not have to take pills for blood pressure, etc. Pre op - I didn't take any pills as I was lucky enough to not have comorbidities. But now - the daily vitamin regime is a drag. I'm managing to get all my pills in but some days I don't. It takes a lot of attention to make sure you get in all your vitamins.

2. Constipation - ugh!! BMs are no longer my friend. I have had several constipation, loose BMs, no BMs, and who knows what my tummy is doing when it's rumbling, tumbling, etc. I'm working on finding the right balance of food and fiber to balance out my BMs.

3. Mental Hunger!!!! Just because my body isn't hungry and I can't feel hunger doesn't mean my brain hunger died! I've had many days of crying over things like ice cream, donuts, etc. I turned into a very evil person when my husband was eating butter pecan ice cream in front of me 1 week after surgery. He almost died!!!! It is a daily struggle to quiet the head hunger!!

4. Knowing what to eat - learning to eat in a new way is difficult.

5. Getting in the proteins....... enough said

Another benefit is that I have a new found strength to talk about anyone about my surgery and if one person listens and is benefited then I am happy I shared my story.

My future goals:


I'm looking forward to buying a bike soon, continue to WLS success, learn more about nutrition and how it keeps me healthy, and exercise. It does a body good! lol

Thanks for listening,

One Month Post Op

May 20, 2010

I did it! I made it one month and I ain't dead yet! lol! lol!

I swear this has been the easiest thing I've ever done (so far!) Surgery went well, I recovered with little or no pain, and I can eat comfortably. I have not had one dumping episode (but I've stayed away from sweets!) I have had a couple episodes of foamies but that was completely my fault. I ate too fast & too much. AND best so far - I haven't puked once. :D

I am able to tolerate most foods. I have eaten fish, chicken, beef, elk, buffalo, pork, bacon, etc. with no issues. Now, the portions have been very small and chewed to a pulp but I have been able to eat them. There are a couple of foods that don't sit well - scrambled eggs (that is ok - I've never liked eggs anyway), solid fruits like strawberries, and straight milk. So, I just stay away from them or I have eggs in egg salad (no problems - go figure), strawberries in my shakes, and milk in my protein drinks.

The WOW moments keep coming. I have been blessed so far with the changes. I have lost 11.5 inches overall on my total body with the biggest loss on my upper arms. Yea buddy! I have lost 45 lbs total. I've gone from a tight 30/32 to a 22/24 and a tight 4-5X shirt to a loose 3X. I have such energy and strength!

My biggest WOWs so far is getting up each morning without back pain and sitting in a plane seat and not needing a seat belt extension! That is huge since I fly weekly for work.

My diet is improving. It is hard to eat right, get in all the protein, etc. It takes effort and concentration. I'm working on that and trying very hard to not fall into my old patterns of eating when convenient and whatever is available. Preparation is the key.

I'm looking forward to the next month of progress. My goal this month is to start incorporating more exercise and exercise that works for me. Last night I went out to dinner with friends and we had to walk a huge staircase and I made it up without dying. I would have never made it up those stairs 2 months ago!! I know with more exercise and weight loss; i'll make it up those stairs two by two!

Thanks to all my friends who have helped me through this journey!!!!


First Day of Mushies!

Apr 23, 2010

Today was my first day of mushies and it went very well!!!

For breakfast, I had 1/4 cup of baby oatmeal. I choose this as my first meal because it was bland, finely ground, easy to prepare, and I thought it would be stomach sensitive as it was baby food. It went down find with no issues. But - tastes yuckie! Tomorrow, I will try Cream of Wheat or Malt o Meal instead. More flavor. I bought Truvia to sweeten my cereal in the morning. I am thinking about buying SF preserves to put in my oatmeal as an alternative and for different flavor.

I tried a small taste Yoplait Greek Yogurt. I've never tired greek yogurt before and yuck! Plain is not a good taste. Again, I need SF preserves to add and make the taste better. I want to find a way to enjoy greek yogurt because it has great protein.

For lunch, I boiled an egg. I then mashed the heck out of that egg and added a bit of mayo, mustard, and a drop of juice from the pickles. I then mixed and mashed again. I ate it slowly and really chewed each bite. All went down and no issues! yea

For dinner, I had 1/2 c of instant mashed potatoes. These mashed potatoes are from real potatoes so the flavor is much better and one of my favorite instant potatoes. I prepared with milk and 1/4 the butter and a little salt. They tasted sooooo good and went down with no problems.

I feel really lucky that day one of mushies went so well.

For everything I ate, I took one bite, chewed like crazy and waited 10 mins before continuing. I wanted to make sure nothing got stuck or if my stomach would handle it. Once I felt it was fine, I then finished the rest of my meal and waited from 1 to 2 mins between bites.

Yea - Day 1 of mushies done and no issues.

Im down to 327 and loving it!

First WOW Moment!!!

Apr 22, 2010

I'm five days post op from RNY and down 25 lbs (20lbs pre op). I gained 7 lbs while in hospital and have lost that plus 5 more pounds. I'm very pleased.

Today, I woke up and my back didn't hurt. Hmmmmm, I have a very bad back from previous injuries. Every morning I woke up, it would take me at least 30 mins to get to were I could move. Sometimes, I would get up and sit on the couch for an hour to let my back "wake up" and stop hurting.

The last 5 days - I just realized my back hasn't hurt me once. I just stopped where I was when I realized this and prayed - thanking God for this small miracle and the many more to come.

What a glorious day!

Post Op Day 4 - Alive and Well

Apr 20, 2010

Hey everyone!

I've been home three days and I'm doing really really well. I have been tolerating fluids with no problems. So far I have tried the following liquids:

1. Water
2. Iced tea
3. Hills Bros SF French Vanilla Cappuccino
4. Crystal Light
5. Unjury Chicken Broth
6. Strained chicken and beef broth based soups
7. Jello
8. SF Popsicles
9. Vitamin Water Zero
10. Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry Juice

I haven't had any problems with fluids. I just remember to sip, sip, sip.

I have been following the mantra to sip all day while awake, stop 30 mins before my "meal", wait 30 mins afterwards, and then start sipping again.

I've been in no pain. I have had gas like crazy!! lol Not painful gas but just discomfort and distented. Using gax x strips and walking, walking, walking.

I'm really suprised at how well I am feeling!! I'm a little nervous I'm not suppose to feel this well but I thank GOD for his kindness and letting me feel this good.

I had my first BM Monday morning - that was good. No issues

I get to started my soft foods on Friday. My surgeon emailed me this approved list and it was the best list I've ever seen! I have my Friday planned and I am going to so enjoy my first few bites of food.

Another day down and I'm blessed!

Starting surgery weight - 335. Gained 7 lb in the hospital due to fluids (IVs). Today I weigh 333!!

Life is good!

Post Op & Home - 4/18/10 Post

Apr 17, 2010

Hi OH family -

My surgery was Friday, 4/16 and started right on scheduled. My surgeon and hospital was great and the whole process was very smooth. The toughest parts for me where:

1. I get extreme nausea after anesthesia!! Not fun. Lots of sickness and dry heaving. They tried their best to keep that under control but it took 24 hours for the anesthesia to wear off so I had 24 hours of nausea.. ugh!

2. Recovery room was tough. I was in a lot of pain and discomfort. Once I got to my room and relaxed, the discomfort went away. We had to change my pain meds (PCA pump) becuase the pain med was making my nausea worse.

As far as stomach pain, I don't feel any!! I was very nervous to take those first few sips of water but I managed to get over the fear and go for it. I found that iced tea without the ice was easier to get down than plain water. Jello worked as well. I could not stand the smell of broth.. lol

Walking and using the incentive spirometer really helped. I made it a point to walk every two hours and that really alleviated the gas pain. So far, knock on wood, I haven't had too much gas pain.

I'm so happy to be home. I'm feeling remarkedly well and a little nervous that I shouldn't be feeling this good. lol

Thank you for all of your well wishes. I had an easy surgery experience so far.


Surgery in AM - 4/15/10 Post

Apr 14, 2010

So tomorrow is the big day - I never thought "the day" would get here but it is now staring me in the face. Im nervous, scared, anxious, and excited.

I'm so ready to go. Bags are packed, food is bought, and family is ready.

I wish everyone who is having surgery soon the best of luck!

Say a prayer for me! I need all the prayers I can get.

Two More Days!!

Apr 13, 2010

It's hard to believe I only have two more days!! When you start this process, it seems like surgery day is so far away. There are a lot of bumps in the road but it is so worth it. Now, reality is here and I'm ready.

I've met such amazing people on this site. It is truly a God send for me. Not only have I met someone who is having surgery on the same date and same time - I've met someone close to me that is having surgery one day before me with the same doctor! It's amazing how this site brings people together and I'm blessed for the resources I'll have through this process. Truly blessed!!

I'm prepped - I've done as much as I can to get ready. I'm leaving the rest of this journey in the Lord's hands. It is his will and I'm ready for his will...

Two more days!!


Apr 02, 2010

I'm two weeks from my surgery and I have been working hard to prepare. I have found so much information, advice, and support from the OH community that I count it as a real blessing that I found this place!

My surgeon does not have a required pre op diet except clear liquids day before surgery and NPO after midnight. During my consultation, my surgeon did recommend that I start eating healthy and follow the Atkins plan to increase my protein, decrease carbs, and reduce fat on my liver.

After reading many posts here, I decided to put myself on my own pre op plan. I have been experimenting with different protein drinks and shakes. I've been on my own pre op diet for two weeks and I've lost 10 pounds!! I'm really excited that I have committed to this plan.

I have had some really really bad days! I have realized now more than ever that I am a true food addict that relies on food for comfort. It has been difficult to give up food for comfort. I'll work on this forever....

I just wanted to share that it is so worth it to prepare your mentally and physically before surgery. I have read several really good bariatric surgery books, researched here on OH, and researched on the internet. As the weeks have passed and I have only two weeks left, I have such a peace of mind because I am ready pre op, packed for the hospital, and my house is ready for post op.

My pre op diet I created was:

M: Protein shake - I researched and have over 50 pages of different receipes. I try a different one daily
S: Sm Cheese
L: Protein shake
S: Sm popcorn (all natural), 10 almonds, sf jello, etc.
D: frozen dinner or sm portion of healthy home cooked meal, etc.
S: yogurt, etc

I have concentrated on getting 60-80 protein a day, healthy versions of foods, learned about sugars and lowered my sugar content, and increased my fiber and nutrients.

I also started my vitamin regimen and added daily exercise.

One of the best things I've done is start my journal as well.

I post this as maybe it will help others with things to do prior to surgery. It has kept me busy and focused on this great change that is about to happen.

Scheduled surgery - OMG now what?!?!

Mar 24, 2010

On Monday, 3/22/10, I scheduled my surgery. This is the day I have been waiting for and now I'm scared. I wasn't scared going through all the pre op stuff but now I'm scared.... lol I guess because it is a reality now. hmmmm

I am scheduled for surgery 4/16/10 - one day before my birthday. So, Happy Birthday to me. I'm excited about the prospect of what this huge opportunity will bring me. I can not wait to be happy with myself for the first time in long time.

I am in the planning mode now. I have my support network in place. I have chosen not to share information but with a select few people as this is a personal journey not one that I want to share with everyone for now.

My surgeon has not put me on a pre op diet so far. He did speak with me during my initial appointment to follow a plan like the Adkins diet and the benefits it would bring to me during the surgery and post op. I ignored this for three weeks and then decided to put myself on my own pre op diet to help out. So on Monday, 3/15/10, I started a diet similiar to Adkins and have been experimenting with protein shakes, cutting my calories and carbs, taking vitamins (something I never did), and truly logging what I eat. I intend to be on a full liquid diet two weeks prior to surgery. I really want to shed some weight (healthy!) and shrink my liver so surgery is easier.

I started a WLS journal from the moment I decided to have surgery. I went to Boarders and bought a beautiful bound journal and I have been documenting so many things - my thoughts, my goals, my ambitions, things I hate about being fat, things I found on OH, etc. It has been great and I write something every night before I go to bed. I want to look back on this journey when I reach my goal weight and feel such a sense of pride at what I have accomplished!

This weekend - I'm cleaning out my kitchen - no more bad food!

I'm going shopping for post op food and supplies!

I've received permission for time off and to work from home during my two weeks recovery. Yea!

I have planned a visit to my family to see them before surgery. I want them to see the old me one more time.. lol

The one thing I haven't done and I will get to - take pre op pictures. I just really don't want to take pictures of me in my undies but I will. I need the evidence of a life gone astray...

Ok, I think that is enough rambling for now.

About Me
Springville, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 17, 2010
Member Since

Friends 37

Latest Blog 11
