7 mo update

Oct 18, 2012

Well yesterday was an AWESOME day!! I have been in a size 16 for what seems like forever. They were getting so loose that I could take them off while still buttoned and zipped - but still couldnt fit into a size 14... very frustrating.  Well yesterday I decided I would look at size 15 since all the 16s I have were just getting uncomfortable big.  When I looked around walmart - I couldnt find any 15s (not even in the Jr section..) so I decided to try on a 14 to see how close to fitting it was.  Well - I screamed down Walmarts fitting area!! lol not only did it fit - but I didnt even have to "suck it in" to get them buttoned/zipped!!! Such a good feeling when I have been at this latest size for so long! :-D

Next "mini-goal" is size 12! (want to be in size 8 before plastics ..)


6 mo appt day...

Oct 10, 2012

Well today is my 6th month f/u appt with my surgeon.  I got on the scale this am and am currently TWO (yup.. 2!) pounds LIGHTER than I was when I found out I was pregnant with my first child (at 17!).  So .. I have wiped away 23 yrs of constant weight gain :-)  I am still not "done".  My goal is to get where I was at 15 (155 lbs) before plastics and then after plastics I hope to weight what I did at age 13-14!  Being fat all my life and never being able to lose like this before has been such a boost for me.  While I still have my "plateus" - and they still scare and depress me (habit) - they only seem to be lasting about a week or two each time.  I also noticed they seem to hit each time I lose another 10 lbs - but knowing that the weight loss will kcik off again has been a huge help on not "giving up".  Before - thats what I would do.  The "why bother" phase would hit and that would be the end of that diet.  Then the weight would come back as I was just eating for mood control.
Much better..
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6 mo po

Sep 19, 2012

 Well - @ my 6 mo post appt date - so thought I would do an update today.  Things have been up and down with the weight loss.  It is VERY VERY slow now - but still coming off.  I am down to 190.6 lbs, so have 40 lbs to go prior to plastics.  Havent started all the pre-do stuff for the plastics yet - gonna weight until much closer.  I tried on a size 14 at the store the other day and still have about 15-20 lbs to go before that will fit (mainly due to the excess in stomach area).  I also did my measurements today. 

They are:

Chest: 36 3/4:: breast: 45:: waist: 40:: hips:46 1/2

Thats a total of (in inches) lost in the following areas:

Chest: 12 1/4:: breast: 10 (YUK :-D):: waist: 7 1/4:: hips: 9 1/2 (not bad overall considering its only 6 months and thats with the excessive skin in the hips & waist).

Still need to put my exercise routine back into play (probably why the weight loss has slowed down so badly) - just dont seem to have the energy or the time.  Taking my vitamins / protein regularly might help with the energy part - yes yes yes I know.. BAD GIRL!  I plan to restart my vitamins etc this week.  I need to get into a routine - but things are so hectic lately, one thing after another, that I seem to continue to let "myself" slack in the important for me areas.  Typical.. now hopefully I will pull my head out of my arse and fix it for real this time.

My six mo post op appt was r/s for October 11 due to the surgeon being out of the office all September.  So.. it will be almost month 7 when i see him.  I still have 3 weeks to make a huge dent in the weight loss .. and I know that if I start my vitamins, protein and exercise routine back up full force - I can lose up to 15 lbs in 3 weeks.,. so (((fingers crossed))).


5 mo post op

Aug 19, 2012

 Well today is my 5 month "surgiversary".  Alot has happened in the last 5 months - good and bad.  The first two months, things went VERY fast.  These last 3 months have been painfully slow.  I am up to a total of 75.2 lbs lost as of this am.  While it feels good to say that, as well as fit into size 16 (and my wedding dress!!!) - its also frustrating as I wanted to be further along by now.  I see other people that at 5 mos post op they have hit the 100 lbs lost mark - and I want to scream.  My Dr and his staff are awesome though.  They remind me that in the scale of things - I didnt have half as much to lose to start with as they "average" bariatric patient does - so I'm still ahead of the game.  Guess its just a "bad" day.  

Now that school is back in session for the kids - I know my schedule will get back to where it SHOULD be.  My eating, my vitamins and of course my exercise routines.  I would like to be at the 100lbs lost by my 6 mo check up - but Im not convinced I can do that.  Guess all I can do is work my butt off and pray for the best.

The loose skin has gotten VERY noticeable - to me at least.  My stomach has been bad since my c-section - but now my legs and arms look like crap.  So weird cause when I was large - they at least "good" - now the weight is gone and they just keep waving (10 minutes after I have stopped lol).  Still have 50 lbs almost left to lose - then I can start the "maintenance" part of things so that I can get the plastics done.


hope for the best


2 mo surgiversary

May 21, 2012

 I had my 2 mo surgiversary the day before yesterday with a celebration of 51 lbs total lbs lost.  (As of today - its 52.2)

40 lbs of that is since surgery!  I have met my first goal and am now on to goal # two.  I am sure it wont go as fast as the first goal as things have slowed down a bit now, but it's happening nonetheless.  Next goal is to get into the "100's".  I have 21.8 lbs left to lose and I will be 199.8!  After that goal is complete - I have two goals for 25 lbs each and then the final goal of meeting my "should be" weight of 135, which will be 15 lbs.  This first one was huge as I knew the weight loss would be alot faster in the beginning - and two months is an average time frame per goal.  Now that its much slower - 25 lbs will take right around 2 months to achieve - so...


I am still only getting about 3 oz in total per meal max - and not getting all of my protein etc in.  I NEED to get sorted and restart my regime with my vitamins, shakes etc.  This month has totally thrown me off - between the move, unpacking, family visiting and of course regular stuff with the kids like appts etc.  So - I need to sort it out cause my life will always be packed in one way or another - and thats NOT acceptable excuse not to take/do what I need to for this to work properly and not end up hurting me.


The one thing I am doing better at is my drinking.  I have not been measuring - so not sure exactly amounts consuming daily - but I do know its more then it was by alot.  The gas pains and vomiting has slowed down - which is also nice.


Over all - my body is doing what it is supposed to - I, however, am not... so... time to step back up to the plate.


7 weeks post op

May 07, 2012

Well things have been busy to say the least.  On top of all the recovery stuff - I had moving an entire household thrown into the mix of things.  The new house still isnt unpacked etc - but it is getting there!  I also fell on my knees during the packing process and that took me out of physical therapy for two weeks.  I just restarted that today and OMG am I sore!! 

As far as the post op stuff - I went for my 6 wk check up and all is looking good.  I am supposed to have blood work before next visit (which is in 5 more weeks) to see where my levels are.  Hopefully they arent too bad with the "remembering my vitamins"  still not perfected.  I have lost a total of  46 lbs, 32 since surgery.  4 more pounds to go for the first milestone!  I have made myself a bunch of "little goals" so there are moments thru-out that boost my confidence.  The first one is lose total of 50 lbs, next is to reach 199 (would be another 24 lbs lost), then reach Drs max goal 150 lbs.  Then it will be a watch and see thing.  I dont want to look "skinny" - as that so wont work with my large frame - but I do want to look good and be healthy.  After all that - I plan to start the processes for the plastic surgery as soon as the Dr will allow.  They are telling me I need to have lost all the weight I want to lose and then maintain for 6 months before the plastics begin.  I think I will have to have it done in two stages though as my belly & back/butt already need it and I can see signs of will be needing it by the end in my arms and thighs.  I have always had a major problem with boils - especially in "sweaty" areas - under my stomach and my armpits are currently the worse areas - but I am sure I will have issues in my thighs when this is all done.

Still not getting in everything I need to be - just doesnt seem to be enough time in the day to get all this down there - I talked to the surgeon about the gas pain - even when I drink water - and he said it will get better and go away within the next few months.  So slow n steady I go.  I am up to 1 1/2 - 2 ounces per meal now - which also isnt where the book says I should be by now.  It says I should be at a min of 3 oz per meal... The surgeon said not to worry about that and go as my body will allow.  Wait a few weeks in between trying new stuff - to make sure my pouch can handle it.

Well thats really it for the update - not much "change" since last blog - but brain is so not working today.  I swear physical therapy causes muscles to burn and brain to fry! lol

Well talk to all later..

3 weeks completed..

Apr 10, 2012

Well yesterday was my 3 wk post op date.  I have lost a total of  34 lbs and 20 since surgery am.  I dont SEE a difference except on the scale numbers - but I am sure it will happen.  I have been wearing "loose fitting clothes" for years now - elastic waist etc.  So dont know if clothes are even getting bigger on me or not.  But - in time I am sure that will happen as well.

I am having the hardest time with remembering all that I need to eat/take during the day.  My water amount I pretty much have down pat - unless I dont feel good that day.  If I "go back to bed" during the day - I am not able to get enough water in either.
When I first read "the rules"  - I thought, "really? why is making sure you drink 80 ounces a potential problem, I drink 120 on an AVERAGE day!"  Now.. I SEE why that can be a potential problem.  The hardest thing is not drinking for awhile after you eat.. that closes even more "time" for you to get that water down!  I am doing the am vitamins without a problem - its the evening ones as I dont seem to remember them until I am nice, cozy in bed and almost asleep.  I think I am going to set up a "area" on my bedside table with a couple days of my evening meds so when this happens I dont have to "get up" and end up saying hell with it.  If this works for me - then I can just "refill" it as needed.

I am also having issues with protein.  I have become lactose intolerant - which totally SUCKS cause I LOVE milk!  And milk is even tasting weird to me now.  1% is actually tasting "too thick".  I got lactaid and it tastes ok - so Im gonna try that - but since I can barely get the 1 1/2 oz of protein (food) in me at  a time - I have to drink 1-2 shakes per day - and they of course want me to get 2-3 servings of milk in as well (milk or yogurt).  I now can eat soft foods - so the kinds of yogurts I like, I can now eat - so thats good.  The hardest part is getting into a routine/habit with all of this.  Im sure it will happen - just afraid of getting myself "sick" in the meantime.  I go back to the Dr May 3 for  my next post op appt - and I think I get bloodwork rx then.  I already have two drs give me rx for bloodwork - but not to be drawn until June 19th - which will be my 3 mo mark.  They want : AST, ALT, Lipid profile, BMP, Hgb A1c. CBC, UA & Vit D.  Im sure Dr. Kim will want more - and am hoping that I can get all this blood drawn at the same time.  Then they can just CC the results to all three Drs lol.

Well thats about it for updates.  9 more days till my 1 mo surgiversary :-) so will blog again around then.
Hugs & prayers to all
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16 days & 29 lbs.

Apr 06, 2012

Well as I said last post - things have gotten hectic again.. and just keep getting busier.  We have found a house that is big enough for us and all of our stuff and we all like, in the school zone we need to be in before August 2012.  So - to avoid losing it and not finding something else in time - we have decided to take it.  Problem is no one wants to "hold" a house off a market for more then a few weeks nowadays - so.. moving time it is.  Last night husband and I went to the storage unit and organized it so we can put some things in there that we dont need anymore - but dont want to get rid of (keepsakes etc) as well as a bunch of my mothers things that were here in the house.  We also did the application for the house the other day and the landlord approved us - so today I went down there to start the lease stuff up.  I was told that would be completed and ready for signing by Tuesday 4/10/12.  At that point we have to put down 1 mo rent for them to hold it just until April 27 - which is husbands next check.  After doing that I came home and started bring in the empty boxes I have been collecting from stores for awhile now into the house and got cracking on some basic packing.  Husband and I went thru the boxes we brought back from storage last night and then he got down all the "decorations" around the house (pictures / nic naks etc) and I got it all packed.  Except for actual furniture (which doesnt get "packed")  I have completed the formal dining room, the family room, the eat-in kitchen area and the exercise rooms.  I got all the decorations packed from all over the house as well.  My daughter got a few boxes done from her room and my son got a couple bags of give-away stuff bagged from his room.  So all in all - a productive day.  My stomach hurts a little tonight.  The Dr said I could lift a little now- but I think I over-did it.  Tomorrow is regular household weekly maintenance - ie laundry, ironing, floors etc.  So doubt any packing will get done and Sunday is of course Easter - and in-laws are coming for dinner - so nothing done that day.  And - my week starts in real full blast on Monday as even husband goes back to work.  I have to get daughter to school & husband off to work - then sort son out and him off to school, two dr appts, then a bunch of phone calls that need to happen, then daughter picked up @ 3:30, son home @ 4:30, husband home @ 5 - dinner, then daughter has appt @ 8p.  So... from 6a - 9:30-10p I will be pretty much non-stop.  O my my my. Reminder*** I HATE Mondays!! lol
Next chance I am going to get to pack anything wont be until Tuesday now.  But I plan to have all three bathroom "extra stuff" packed that day and get some things packed from kitchen that I wont need.  Hardest "room" will be garage.  It is STUFFED with a ton of CRAP! lol  Thats gonna be a weekend all by itself.
O well - enough about that.  My "glue" is almost all off and my incisions look really good.  
Still having a hard time getting the three full meals, 1 snack and 1 shake all in - so not hungry and the gag issue I have in the morning hasnt gone away.  The Drs nurse suggested I drink a cup of ginger tea in am and that might settle my pouch so I can eat breakfast - problem is I cant find ginger tea in decaf - which I still have two more weeks of having to drink decaf.  So this morning I figured I would just try a cup of tea - but I was going thru boxes etc and lost track of time (since I dont get hungry to remind me lol) - so .. tea idea actually hurt me this am - cause I didnt even get the shake in.  Threw me totally off for today.  As of right now (10p EST) - I have only had 44 grams of protein - so not good!  I am going to force myself to stay up and have a shake so I get within my necessary amts - but Im already tired.. gotta get a better schedule for all this.
Well - Im off for now.. talk more later.
Hugs & prayers


Real life is in full force now..

Apr 02, 2012

 Well so much for "relaxing" and "recovering" lol - real life has kicked in full steam ahead!  Its all good though cause I feel fine (pain wise).  I still dont know what "hungry" is going to feel like as I am having to remind myself to eat at the times they set up for me, take my vitamins and of course... sip, sip, sip.  I have got the morning routine down.  I cant do proper breakfast in the morning, so what I have sorted out for now at least is:

6a up - wake Aly for school; grab pre-mixed liquid vitamin / fiber water (this is only till 2 week post op appt - then should be switched to chewables - which would be much easier and faster) and drink that until gone.

7:15a - home from taking Aly to school, and usually vitamins finally down, so make an 8oz milk protein shake - drink till gone (here comes the burps.. lol)

7:45a - make sure Alex is up for school - start drinking water.

Noon-1p - make something (if able) for lunch (or a shake if cant cook).

5-6p - dinner w/ family (hardest part of this is the no drink while eating thing.. VERY difficult)

6-6:30p - walk around block

This is when my routine hasnt gotten so good yet.  I am getting VERY tired (like fall asleep with little notice kind of tired) - and VERY early!  So I am not getting my night snack or my night time vitamins in all the time.  Nor am I hitting the 80oz liquid everyday.  Surprising cause I am never without a drink - but its just not enough most days.  I am hoping that once I go to chewable - the vitamins will get easier to get down.  Main problem is I am not fond of the citrus flavor of the multi, so it takes awhile to get the 8-11 ounces down - and I end up falling asleep before I do.  

Last night I was watching Tudors with hubby and with no warning - all of a sudden felt EXTREMELY drunk and exhausted.  Hubby woke me up and helped me to bed and must have even covered me up.  I remember taking a nice long hot shower and feeling nice and relaxed after - and I remember watching the beginning of that episode of Tudors - and Thats all folks lol.  Hopefully the energy comes back.. 

I havent weight myself in a few days and am not gonna until Thursday am.  I go to Dr Kim that day for my 2 week post op - and want an idea of where I will be at.  Since hubby has this week off too - he will be coming with me to this one.   I am looking forward to talking to Dr Kim and finding out really how I am doing.

I also recently found out my sister-in-law had the surgery as well.  EIGHT days after mine!  And neither of us knew the other was even thinking about it till last minute.  Pretty cool huh!?  So there are three members of my family, besides me, that have gotten the bypass.  Sad part is all three of them are up north where our family is from.  So I am all alone down here :(

Well its time to get the ball rolling again here.. Gotta LOOOOVE Mondays (SOOOO NOT!) lol

Till next time

hugs & prayers




Apr 02, 2012

 Well yesterday was a difficult day.  Up at 6am for daughter to get ready for school, and husband wanted to go into work for am.  They left @ 7am.  I went into the living room and found the outfit I was going to wear today (husband did laundry last night so..).  I went ahead and folded the two loads that were up on the couch (cant lift etc) and then took my outfit to my room.  Son woke up on his own and got ready for school, then played me a few songs on piano.  So nice to hear him play in the am when its just him and I.  He is so talented.

Anyway - I jumped in shower, got dressed & am sorted.  Then I called the surgeons office to find out about the gas issues still there full on as well as the liquid potassium being too gross to handle anymore.  By then it was time for son to leave for school.  I got him off and went and got my make-up started.  YES! I am doing make up again.  I have let things go so much due to physically feeling so yuk the last yr or so - that I figured if I am gonna get better - I need to make it an internal/emotional/mental kinda thing as well as physical!

After a short while, the Drs nurse called me and informed me he was going to call me in a potassium rx in pill form.  However - they would be low dose so as to get the smaller version of the pill - so I would have to take it twice a day.  No problem!  2 times NO taste vs 1 times REALLY bad taste .. hands down I take the no taste lol.

We then discussed this gas issue that just isnt going away and guess what!?!?   I'm LEONARD!!! (from Big Bang Theory lol)  AND they called ME "COMMON"!!!  Believe that!?!?!? lol  Apparently it is VERY "common" for Gastric Bypass pts to become lactose intolerant.  And that is what is causing my gas, bloating etc now.  (Lovely huh!? lol)  So .. I have a few choices.  a) Give up milk and start taking calcium pills the rest of my life; 2) start drinking lactaid milk; or c) take lactase enzyme meds to "block" the lactose from "me".  I actually like milk - so dont want to give it up .. so #1 option is out, went to Walmart last night to buy a small container of the lactaid 1% - but they didnt have it in stock so... I bought the Lactase enzyme chewable.  I will try these today and see how it goes.

Through out my busy day (CVS for RXs, appt with therapist, "lunch" w/ husband, Murphy's market, pick up daughter, pick up son, brighthouse, walmart) I didnt rest / lay down once!  Totally unusual for me - even BEFORE the surgery.  By the end of dinner (which went uneventfully - thank God!), I was EXHAUSTED!  I layed down to let food settle (about 6:30P) and feel asleep.  Woke up at 11p for about 30 min and then fall back to sleep again.  And slept till 5:20a this am! 

Then - I finally got the slap in the face the Dr warned me about from the scale for getting on it daily - it showed I GAINED 1/2 pound since yesterday am!   Ok - we are officially NOT weighing now but once a week.  I will do it on Sundays - so check on those blogs for weight updates :-).  

Well - its time to get started here .. so till next time xoxox


About Me
spring hill, FL
Surgery Date
Nov 15, 2011
Member Since

Friends 45

Latest Blog 41
