Last Updated: SEPT 2, 2008!! 

Sorry to anyone I have not responded to. I dont check back here very often and it doesnt let me know when I receive messages. Im really not ignoring you! That being said, I have absolutely NO PROBLEM answering any questions you may have, in fact I welcome it. I am very open and honest about everything concerning this surgery, pre and post-op, so dont be embarrased!  Just remember Im not an expert, I can only tell you things I have gone through and what I know.
So, feel free to email me directly at [email protected]
Latest update is at bottom of updates!!

My story so far is pretty simple.
I was a thin person till I had my children ( 3 in 5 years) and gained alot from the pregnancies. Once it was there, I couldnt get it off...which leads me here.

I have been researching the surgery for about a year and a half to 2 years. I went to a seminar for Dr Kim, and knew he was the right surgeon for me.
Filled out the paper work and sent it in..waited about 2 weeks for my insurances response. All they asked was for the psyche evaluation. So I did that, and then was approved. Surgery was scheduled for 3 weeks later. It all went pretty fast for me. It took less than 2 months from beginning (attending the seminar) to being in the hospital bed waiting for it to begin. I was so glad that I had done so much research beforehand. I encourage ANYONE that is seriously considering this to DO YOUR RESEARCH!! After-all, this is a life changing decision.

I had the surgery on Sept 1st, 2004 (Wednesday) and was released Friday evening from the hospital.
It went ALOT better then I had expected. Dr. Kim said he couldnt have asked for a better all went well.
Although I adore Dr. Kim and Pam..I was disappointed with the hospital.

There were 2 nurses who were AWESOME! They went above and beyond, I believe thier names were Melissa and Hortence. However, I could be wrong,. I was a little drugged on
Then there were 2 that were good. Did their jobs as needed but nothing special.
Then there were 2 that were awful. I told my husband that I hope when they go into to have a surgery, they end up with nurses like themselves, so they can see how they were. They didnt answer room calls, had to be reminded repeatedly about meds, or just didnt seem to care at all.
Having this surgery, I was very emotional. I'm a mom of three and a wife, Im used to taking care of everything. So putting everything into the hands of another person to help me was/is a big deal. And when those nurses just didnt do their jobs, it was an emotional roller coaster. Having to page for a nurse more then 3 times is ridiculous..Needless to say, Im glad to be home.

Im on pureed foods now, and I think that is going well.
Drinking lots of water and boost for protein.
Had some mashed potatoes and malt o meal for breakfast and lunch.

Over all, so far I am really happy with the way it has all turned out. Only thing I would change is the bedside manner of some of the hospital staff.

Started trying some new foods. So far everything has stayed down well.
Yesterday I had about 2 teaspoons of Tacos bells "pintos and cheese". We watered it down alot, and I chewed any of the big beans.
I've been eating 2 oz. of malt-o-meal with "I cant believe it's not butter" and splenda. Tastes good, and has no problems.
Also have had about an oz. of a cheesey scrambled egg and applesauce, Sugar free pudding and sugar free pudding pops. We added the Whey Protein to the mix, so im getting more protien.

Today, I got brave. Im trying a slice of turkey breast (very well chewed) and a little cheese. ANd about an oz. of pear. (smooshed and in the fruit juice only) So we will see how that goes.


Well, the turkey didnt go so well. It upset my stomach so i guess im not ready for that.
I have been able to tolerate everything else I have tried though.
The past 3 days, I have tried tuna fish in water, SF popscicles, banannas, boiled chicken breat, ranch style beans, and chili, cheese and crackers. Most of it I'm trying because of the protein intake. BUt it has all been fine. I just chew chew chew!

Im getting around really well. Slept on my side for the first time last night. I've been walking around about 20 minutes every evening. I could be and should be doing more..but time seems to be a big issue.

I go friday to have my staples and drain removed..that scares me. Hopefully it wont hurt too much. I am driving myself, which they said was ok if I am off the pain killer by then. Im almost off it now, I just take it at it shouldnt be a problem.

Im anxious to see if I've lost any weight..

OMG that HUUURTTT! I did NOT enjoy the drain removal..the nurse was all..'oh it doesnt hurt, relax,' etc before she did it..and omg she soooo doesnt know what the hell she's talking about..I was in PAIN. I was crying. im very sore..but it should heal soon.
Ive lots 14 pounds so far. NOt to bad..14 lbs in 9 days..

Feeling great. My skin feels so soft. Im sure its all the water I'm drinking and all the stuff I'm not eating.
Seems like I wanna just gulp down water (which I have done once and will NEVER do again) alot right now..

Tried some more foods, I had some pot roast and potatoes, a little lettuce from a salad, but I ate all the tomatoe and cucumber from it.
Had taco salad,(no shell just the filling)Watermelon, which I crave, and goes down well. Had some Campbell's chunky beef and veggie stew with cheese, Im trying to get alot of meat and cheese for the protein..which I cant seem to get enough of.

My stomach gets full after a few bites, and If I eat a little too many bites, it def. lets me know and quickly.

Things I cant eat so far-Turkey, white meat chicken, peanut butter and Gum.

October 8th
Well..the past week has bene interesting to say the least.
Saturday was one of my son's birthdays and I really over-exerted myself.
Sunday I started throwing up everything I ate..that continued throughtout the week.
I had my 1 mth. visit with on Wednesday and let him know what was going on.
So he scheduled some tests.
I had to go and drink that NASTY stuff again and let them take Xrays of my stomach to make sure that I didnt have a leak, or a blockage. Didnt see anything there.
So today, they ran a scope down my throat to check for ulcers and such.
The dr. said I looked ok, I just have an "irritation" in my stomach. So he gave me some meds and hopefully all the nausea and vomiting will stop.

I have lots 33 lbs so far. Which I'm actually a little dissappointed with. But oh well.

Nov. 11th, 2004
I miss watermelon. It needs to come back into season.
I'm substituting it with grapefruit. I eat grapefruit at least twice a day, then usually a small dinner or lunch..and maybe a small snack somewhere in between it all. I went to six flags on the 7th and fit much easier into the rides. (dr. said it was ok to ride roller coasters and such)I walked at least 5 miles throughout the day. My legs hurt like hell the next day, but that is just letting me know I need to get out and walk more.
It's been 2 and a half months, and I've lost 51 lbs.
I think I could be doing alot better if I would get out and walk I need to do it.

Been a while.
Imn feeling great. I can SEE so much of a change now.
I went from a size 22-24 to a 16-18 in jeans. I'm down almost 100 lbs.
I've gotten to where I can tolerate most foods, I just eat very little.
I drink alot of diet pepsi..which is posed to be a nono...but its my vice. I do ok with me some gas in my stomach, but nothing bad enough to make me stop drinking it =P.
I can have sugar, rice, bread..really anythng I want. I just dont eat alot.. My stomach still feels a little sick after every meal. It lasts for about 15-20 minutes then I'm ok again.
Other then that, everythings going great.

May 1, 2005
Its been a while again..but here I am =)
All is going well. Ive only lost 15 lbs since my last update..but the inches I've lost is great. I'm down to a size 12 in jeans. 12!!!! That amazes me. I think most of what I have left now is excess skin...and I have LOTS of that. I think thats why it's so hard to lose this last bit. But in all honesty, I'm so happy with the weight I am now..if I didnt lose another lb. I'd still be just as happy. I feel great. I have so much more energy. People that I havent seen in months have to do a double take to be sure its me. Its a great feeling.

Sept 2005
Well its been a year now. I've lots a total of 123 lbs. I now weigh about 145 give or take a few lbs. I feel great. I wear a size 10.
Mediums and larges. Its nice to feel somewhat small again.

Sept. 2006.
Well, its been 2 years since my surgery. I am now down to 125-130. it moves up and down between the two. I wear a s/m, and a 6-8 size jeans. If it werent for all the extra skin, Im sure I'd be in a 3.
There is So much skin, everywhere.. I didnt realise how much skin there would be. My boobs are deflated. Which sucks, because I was a good C before I even got big, then went to a DD-DDD, and now, Im in a B, with skin coming out the sides. I'm looking into getting a lift and augmentation though, just gotta save up.

I can eat anything I want now. Just in small amounts. I do drink diet sodas, although I dont want them very often. More then 1 cup will upset my stomach. So I can have it, but most the time, I chose not to.

Ive only had the "dumps" twice in 2 years. I think I learned enough in those 2 times, to know my limits.

So alot of people have asked me, if I have had any problems, and am I happy now or do I regret the surgery.
I will be completely honest here. I have had a few problems, the doctors tell me they are from malnutrition. They aren't big problems, and they aren't ones that I've heard of other people having. So I'm not sure if the malnutrition is really the cause.
In any case, I am glad I had the surgery. I have so much more energy now, and am so much more confident in myself.
I wouldn't change anything, and would recommend this surgery to anyone.

Sept. 2008
Its been 2 years since my last update! Things are still going great. I weigh about 135-140, (it goes back and forth) and I have stayed that weight for about a year. Its my healthy weight.  I wear a size 10. Thats so much better then the 22 I started at! I think this is my settled weight and size and I'm completely happy with it! Anything lower then that and I know I'm getting malnourished...again. That has been my main problem in all of this. But, again, I wouldnt change anything. No regrets!
I recently graduated from Paralegal School and am waiting to start my externship, hopefully at the Attorney Generals Office!
My life has completely changed in the past 4 years. I'm very excited about the future!

sept 01/2004- 268
oct 08/2004- 235
nov 10/2004- 217
Jan 31/2005- 170
May 1/2005- 155
Sept-2005- 145
Sept. 2006- 130
Sept.-2008- 135



The Work in Progress

Hospital Reviews


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Joshua, TX
Surgery Date
Aug 17, 2004
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