Random Stuff

Nov 21, 2010

In order to stick to my regular blog timeline and promise to share my experiences – good and bad – I first have to share a few posts I made with some concerns right after my endoscopy. As you will see, I was a posting fool last weekend, but it really helped to get my concerns out and hear what people had to say. So my advice is that no question is a dumb question – ask anything!

I called this one "Endoscopy Yesterday - Threw up Tonight (classy huh?)
Post Date: 11/12/10 10:39 pm
Has anyone gotten sick after the upper endoscopy procedure? I simply felt tired after the procedure yesterday, then a bit groggy today. Then I started coughing a bit tonight and ended up throwing up. I hate throwing up!!!!! Temp is normal and I'm feeling okay now, but just wondering if anyone has had this happen to them.

Summary of Responses: Basically everyone said this could be normal but I should call my doc if I’m really concerned.

In retrospect, maybe it was too early after a procedure to eat pizza…?

This next one was me moving on from worries about the upchucking to anxiety, but I I was a bit more PC on the title of the post with Reactions to Anesthetic
Post Date: 11/14/10 12:10 pm
Okay, I "went under" for my endoscopy on Thursday and am having some side effects to the anesthetic.....I think.
Threw up Friday night.
Emotional all weekend.
Groggy all weekend until this afternoon, but it still comes and goes.
Total anxiety attack just a bit ago, including crying, lasted like 2 hours.

Is this normal?!?! I am ready to call my doctor's office but I have been forcing myself to wait until Monday. And if this is normal, how the heck am I going to handle the actual surgery?

Summary of Responses: Call your doc now; don’t worry about waiting to call. Anxiety is fairly normal after any anesthetic and everyone handles it differently.

This is me continuing to be a head case, entitled Anxiety About Surgery – Normal?
Post Date: 11/15/10 6:27 pm
I've lost a lot of weight before (113 pounds) and of course regained it. But now that my system had a jolt of anesthetic from the endoscopy, I am all anxious and worried about surgery...and life...and waiting...and not having control.

I can't put my finger on what's going on in my head, but it's like I'm stuck in a life that I don't really enjoy and I've put myself here...so should I just try to lose again? Can I dedicate another 2 years to losing again? Will I gain it back and be at square one again? Why can't I keep weight off and will surgery fix that? Ugh!

Am I being silly by asking my doc for Xanax tomorrow?

Summary of Responses: Go for the Xanax and don’t be ashamed to ask for it. And we’ve all successfully lost weight and put it back on, so now we’re making the decision to make it permanent. The sleeve is a tool that will not only help you lose but keep it off. And of course, only do it if you’re 100% positive that you want it – after all, it’s permanent!

Blond moment entitled "Oh yea, almost forgot insurance was submitted today"
Post Date: 11/15/10 7:11 pm

All of my anxiety overshadowed the fact that my records were submitted to the insurance company today. Yay! For some reason I am only about 95% sold on this and a week ago I was 105% sold. So I'm crossing my fingers that the answer comes back quickly and my emotions subside long enough to make a clear-headed decision.

But the best part is that all of my insurance-required appointments are complete! Now I just have the endocrinologist tomorrow (not required for insurance) since my cortisol levels are elevated. Then I'm done done done with doctor appointments until surgery! Of course, my 6-month dentist cleaning and annual female check up creeped into my schedule this week too....ahhh it never ends.

Good luck to everyone waiting on their approvals!!!

Xanax! Xanax! Xanax!
Post Date: 11/17/10 4:46 pm
That's me chanting and cheering for my new friend - The Anxiety Eliminator! After a really good day with only two mild freak-out espisodes, I was really hoping to just keep those little pills in my purse. But of course, when I got home....alone....with nothing much to do.....I started thinking....and freaking out about God knows what. Pesky brain!

From what I've researched, anesthesia can trigger emotions for weeks after even the smallest procedure (ie: that damn endoscopy). So I'm not crazy! Just dealing with emotions from the year of hell. Sounds weird, but that makes me feel "normal".

So take my advice - deal with life as it presents itself. Don't hide from your feelings - good or bad - because they will sneak up on you when you least expect it. So call the bozo who did you wrong and tell him to suck it. Or call the person who was there when you needed and give them a heartfelt thanks. Or just cry, or laugh, or whatever it takes to deal with life right here, right now.

And if all else fails, The Anxiety Eliminator to the rescue!


Good Find – Muscle Milk Light
Here is a link to my post about it and it includes pics and Nutrition Facts. http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/VSG/4277321/Muscle-Milk-Light-Good-Find/

Endocrinologist – High Cortisol Levels
Because my original lab tests came back with elevated cortisol levels, my surgeon wanted me to see an endocrinologist before surgery. Thank goodness this wasn’t one of the appointments required before submitting my request to insurance. I just have to have this figured out before surgery so that my surgeon is in the know.

So I went in for my appointment and let me tell you, the endocrinologist had the bedside manner of a rock, but a judgmental "I’m better than you" kind of rock. He walked in with a student of some sort. He didn’t exactly explain who it was, just mentioned that she would be watching/learning. He had me sit on the bed and started to talk to the "student" about ALL of my signs of obesity and high cortisol levels possibly causing it. It was so awesome to be called obese like a dozen times in 30 minutes (feel the sarcasm). He started by pointing out my "trunk like" figure. Lovely! Then went on to point out my mild hunch back, which of course is typical in an obese person like me. Then he had me lay back just waiting to poke fun of purple streaks on my belly, but I fooled him!!! No purple streaks! But of course, he did his mental body slam again by telling his "student" that most people as obese as me have them so he was just sure I would. Then he moved on to my "flabby and unusually large upper arms". Again, he blankly explained to his "student" (not me) that ALL of those were signs of obesity and when coupling those with my elevated cortisol levels, there might be a medical reason for me being so obese.

Then he moved on to actually talking to me. He said that my cortisol levels went up by 10 since last year, which is a lot for a year. As I began to explain my year from hell and how I know cortisol levels change with stress, he quickly moved on to telling me that he wanted me to piss in a jug (my words of course) for an entire 24 hours and bring it back for testing. Then he told me that if there is a medical reason for me having gained the weight back, then I should put off the surgery because if we can control that, I will have a chance to lose it normally.

Okay first, arse hole! Second, people have this surgery every day without having a medical reason for having gained the weight. So if you can "fix" that medical reason, I still have to spend the next 2 years of my life on an extreme diet and dealing with the roller coaster of weight loss.

Before I even walked into his office, I thought everything was fine health wise and I still wanted the surgery. So just because he points out that something could possibly have caused the gain and he can probably stop that, doesn’t mean I will change my mind about having the surgery. Clear as mud I’m sure, but frankly I was over him the moment he said "trunk like". I was like, "Girl hold my purse and let me take off my earrings!"

So I took home a bright orange biohazard bag that contained a lovely ½ gallon jug, a handy plastic pee filter, and a slip of paper reminding me to store my urine jug in the refrigerator. The refrigerator! I texted my friend that night "I have pee in my fridge. I might have it for dinner." She nearly pissed herself!

So that was my endocrinologist experience. I went potty in the jug, delivered it to the lucky lady at the lab and am waiting for the results. I did call the surgeon’s office and tell them that he said something about him recommending that I not have the surgery. She said let’s just wait and see what the tests say. If there isn’t anything that stands out, we don’t need to worry about that. Also said "I got the impression that he was not supportive of WLS in general" just so they know for future reference. You see, they get $18,000 a pop on the sleeve and they are very careful to refer people to doctors who are supportive and understanding. Oh, they didn’t refer me to him, my PCP did but I still wanted them to know. Jack ass!

Other than that, I’m just taking my Xanax "as needed", which has been about every other night. I’m also waiting to hear from my insurance company, which should be within the next week. Crossing my fingers that they say yes AND that I still get to have a regular Thanksgiving dinner…my last "fat girl" holiday dinner.

That’s it for now friends. Later tator tots!

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About Me
Wichita, KS
Surgery Date
Oct 31, 2010
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