Hungry, So Pissed at Me

Jan 04, 2011

 OK, so you have this one thing that you make to eat that is above all others. It is the thing that you only make for the most special of occasions. The thing that you would put in a container and hold it to your chest while threatening bodily harm to those who might even pass a shadow of a finger over the lid. The thing that you would make for the most special dinner party and display it upon your most delicate china. You count the pieces and while cherishing and savoring every essence of its infinitely powerful yet scintillating flavour. It is a true mouth orgasm.

I'm having gastric bypass. I'm having gastric bypass within the next few months, the universe willing. I've been so hungry the past 4 days it has been unreal. I'm logging everything, I mean everything. So I can see where my behavior weaknesses are, times, moods, activities etc. I'm eating so much though, I cant stop and it's got me worried. I'm seriously mad when I go make a box of Kraft dinner at 1am. And god forbid anyone was around, I'd rip their head off while I ate. I'm mad at me though. I mean what in the hell is going on with me??? 

Oh and that one thing, the mouth orgasm? I went to have my blood drawn, the beautiful container was on a shelf away from harm... He got the container, opened it... and ate the remaining 9 pieces of my Romance Cookies. 9 2x2 inch squares. Who you might ask? My dog.

I'm not laughing, I'm pissed. Pissed at him and hurt that it upsets me so much. I wont ever be making these again, ever. It was my commitment to myself. It feels like a death almost. Geez my head is so messed up. And no, to anyone who might be reading this pathetic blog... I can't make more if it means so much to me. That's not the point anyway. How can I mourn something like this when I'm getting ready to make the biggest move in the history of... me?  I'm so upset right now.


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Midland, ON
Mar 03, 2010
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