Mar 16, 2014

Well its been 4 years since my gastric bypass and I haven't been on OH for probably 3 years.  It helped a lot pre-op and post-op and maybe I can be an inspiration to someone now.  I look back and I am not the same person I was 4 years ago.  I do not look the same, feel the same or act the same.  I have so much more confidence now and am much happier.  I lost 90 pounds and gained back 10 about 2 years ago and haven't gained since.  I wear a size 8, was size 18 pre-op.  Next month I have having an abdominoplasty and liposuction to my abdomen and back.  I am very excited about that (not the pain but the results).  I work with a girl who inspired me to have the surgery, she had it done 1-1/2 years before me and has also been very successful.  I did have some complications post op, one was excepted, I had to have my gall bladder out 6 months post op.  The other complication was an internal hernia.  I developed severe abdominal pain 1-1/2 years post op and had to go to the emergency room immediately and had emergency surgery.  My bowel almost strangulated but they got to it in time.  I had to have a laparotomy, they couldn't repair it laproscopically so I had a lot of pain post op.  I developed GERD post op also.

Would I have the surgery again??  Absolutely!!  It is the BEST decision I have every made for myself besides becoming a wife mother and nurse.  I no longer have border line hypertension, sleep apnea and will not become a diabetic as predicted.  I am on no medications.  I do not have to wear CPAP.  I enjoy shopping for clothes although I do have some body dysphoria. 

If I can help anyone I would be happy to.  I don't really check out this site anymore but feel free to email me at [email protected].


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2 weeks post-op

Apr 02, 2010

I should have written sooner!  Surgery went great!  It was honestly easier than I ever imagined.  My left shoulder hurt for 2 days after I came home, it started hurting post-op day 1 in the hospital and I did a lot of walking like everyone said to.  After I got home I took pain meds the first day but the liquid lortab tasted horrible and made me too sleepy so I only took it twice.  The next day I switched to liquid tylenol but by the next day I never took anymore of that.  I have never had any nausea or vomiting.  The first 5 days I had trouble getting my water in then found some good crystal light and have been able to get my water in ever since.  It took till March 26th until I could get the 60 grams of protein in.  At first the protein shakes I drank preop tasted okay but then I couldn't stand the thought of them anymore.  I switched to some "fruit" flavored protein drinks and they got me over the hump.  I saw my primary doctor on March 26th and he said I could stay off my blood pressure medication (which they stopped in the hospital).  The full liquid diet was better than the clear liquid but within a few days I couldn't stand the thought of soup or oatmeal.  On March 29th I got to start on soft food and that has been wonderful.  I am not hungry but food tastes good, I just have to think of something that sounds good.  While on the preop diet I had a day where I experienced some stress and really wanted to turn to food to comfort myself but couldn't.  In the past my emotional eating always is what got me off track.  I made it through that.  Post op I went to a house warming party and there was a lot of delicious looking food and wine to drink and all I could have was my protein shake.  I wasn't hungry but felt left out when I couldn't eat my way through the party.  I have had some emotional days where I have wanted to turn to food but I am trying to find ways to deal with my emotions that don't involve food.  I went to my Lake house for 6 days and had a great time.  I am walking 3 times a day for 25 minutes, usually I take my two schnauzers, Katie and Toby.  They make walking a lot of fun.
     Yesterday I had my 2 week post op appointment.  I met with the nurse, dietitian, exercise physiologist, counselor and doctor.  Everyone of them paid me a lot of compliments and were very encouraging, not just on how much I have lost (25#) but on my attitude and how I could already feel some of the benefit of surgery.  It was very uplifting.  I am feeling wonderful.  My husband, mom, brother and friends have been a great support. 
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Feb 05, 2010

Hi, my name is Sandi.  I have been overweight most of my life.  I have thought about having WLS for a couple of years and have recently started the process.  I have been approved for the RNY and my surgery date is March 15th.  I hope to lose 95 pounds.  I am very excited and feel like it's a second chance!  I am a Registered Nurse and work in an ICU.  I am a mother of one, grandmother of one, wife and daughter.  I can't wait to get started on this journey.  I hope to make some friends here and have a great support system.   

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Independence, MO
Feb 04, 2010
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