Two months and a few days later...

Sep 15, 2012

I haven't been on lately as I've been traveling.  I work overseas and currently am in Afghanistan.  Between trips, I had the surgery on July 10, and I am now 40 lbs down.  I was hoping for more, based on what I was told...but can't complain about 40lbs in two months.  I have to admit that I cannot keep to the menu given to me, and I am pretty sure if I stuck to it, I would have lost more.  Since I eat all my meals at military dining facilities/mess halls, you eat what is there.  There are a lot of options, unfortunately the 'healthy' ones are disgusting (literally and I'm not picky) so I just take very little of what looks decent, and have a few bites.  There are some things I cannot tolerate (fried, fatty, chicken wings), but so far nothing too bad.  I cannot drink soda, so I stick with iced tea, which is fine as it is healthier.  I haven't been working out though because of my traveling and the fact that my gym shoes are somewhere without me (I thought I would be on the base where I would be staying permanently for the next year but I'm being moved to another location soon).  I walk about an hour a day and I do lunges and squats each morning as I brush my teeth (lol-it works, I have a timed two minute electric toothbrush and I get it done within those two minutes!).  I have gotten pretty down when my weight loss stalled for about two weeks after my first month.  I hadn't gotten on a scale as I haven't had access to one due to my travels, but did two days ago and it showed a ten pound weightloss since the last time I weighed myself, so I am happy again.  I purposely did the sleeve instead of gastric bypass as I wanted slower weight loss to prevent skin sagging (as much as possible, since I know there will be some).  I have good genes and I'm hoping that will show in my skin as I lose more weight (so far, so good).  I'm traveling in the next few days to my newest base, and will try to keep up posts here...I know how helpful others' posts have been to me, so I hope mine will be as well.  Take care!


WLS experience

Jul 23, 2012

I had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy done by Dr. Ponce on July 10, 2012 with Trish as my coordinator.  She is amazing, she goes above and beyond.  With no doubts, I would go with Dr. Ponce.  What I didn't know is he is a teacher of the WLS procedures and the hospital and staff are awesome.mine hotel is charming, and Trish took me site seeing two days, which she didn't have to do.  Here's her contact info...tell her Senada sent you so she knows you are serious.  I am referring all of my friends to her and I felt 100 percent safe in Tijuana...I mention this as safety was a concern of mine.  They pick you up and drop you off at the San Diego airport.  The sleeve cost me $5,500 plus 3% ($5,660 or so) because I used my Visa to pay.  This includes two nights in the hotel, but airfare is extra and you arrange that on your own.  

Good luck!!!


 Trish M.

Patient coordinator.
Phone:619 207-4114
Cell: (661)886-4617

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Skokie, IL
Dec 01, 2004
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