4 1 1/2 months update

Oct 01, 2009

Hey everybody!

Well, I have been wanting to update for a while but haven't gotten a chance to. It has been over 4 months now. Time sure does fly! As of yesterday I am 176. I have been loosing REALLY slow but I also haven't been eating very well. I stalled for about 3 weeks and was stuck at 178. I so want to loose as much as I can before my 6 months are over, since the first 6 months is when you loose the most. I can eat a lot more now, about 1/2 a cup of food, sometimes a little more. Past month I was just about eating everything and not watching carbs or my protein intake. I am trying to get back on track. STILL need to start exercising!! When TOM comes around is when I am the worst. I constantly feel hungry, like every hour, and crave not-so-good foods like crazy.

The best part is--I am under 180!! I haven't been under 180, ever! Probably when I was in elementary maybe but I don't remember how much I weighed back then! Its such a great feeling. My husband has been such wonderful support, and my kids are so happy for me. I went out and got colored contacts because I have wanted to for a long time. I put them on and my 10 year old son says "Mom you look beautiful!" It was such an overwhelming feeling :).

The worst part so far? The horrible hair loss. I started loosing my hair about 4-5 weeks ago and it has been horrible! I have lost about 3/4 of my hair :(. Tried the John Frieda shampoo and a lot of other stuff, but nothing works. Now I am just trying to regrow healthy hair. I massage my scalp with oil about 3 times a week. I put the oil on at night and put a towel on my pillow and sleep. In the morning I shampoo really well. I do notice new hair growth so it seems to be working. I have also started taking a hair/nail/skin pill. I was starting to see my scalp from some places and people were starting to notice my hair loss too. I had a lot of good thick hair, now most of it is gone. Well, hopefully it will regrow and be healthy again.

Down 58lbs in 4 1/2 months! I feel AWESOME!!!!

3 Month Update!

Aug 20, 2009

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to give my 3 month update. I am doing GREAT! I now weigh 185lbs! I haven't been under 190 lbs for over 10 years. I was SO excited to be under 190. Now I can't wait to be under 180, That would be a HUGE accomplishment for me because as far as I can remember, I have never seen the scale go under 180. I think ever since I was a teenager I weighed 180. I have SO much energy now. I am all over my house doing this or that. Before I hardly had the energy to get my house work done. I would get tired so fast that I had to take a break after every chore and lay down on my sofa. A week ago after I put the kids to bed, I just went to lay down on that sofa and take a breather. I realized, wow, I haven't laid down on this sofa in so long! I was happy and sad all at the same time. I started thinking, "Was I really THAT miserable??" Now that I think about it, yes I was pretty miserable, even though I was always showing everyone I was happy, smiling and laughing all the time, I was so miserable from the inside, I just didn't know it. I have read a lot of postings and blogs on this site. A lot of people have written "I was just watching my life pass by before, but NOW I am really LIVING life." I didn't get what that really meant before. Now I understand what they mean. I AM really living now, and SO enjoying it! I want to learn so much now. I have a new passion for cooking.  Isn't THAT ironic, LOL. Even though most of the things I can't even eat, I just enjoying cooking and making new things now. I can drink better now, THANK GOD. I can now gulp down some water rather than sipping which I HATED. I do mostly protein but I eat some carbs too when I feel like it. Even sweets and desserts, I take a bite or two of, but very rarely. I don't really count calories/carbs/protein. I just get in whatever I can, mostly protein. I am HORRIBLE at taking my vitamins. I just can't remember to take them even though I have them sitting on my kitchen counter so I remember them. I do half a vitamin in the morning and half at night because when I take the whole thing it makes me nauseous. I can eat about 6 bites or so of food, sometimes less sometimes more. I still eat too fast and take big bites, but I chew very well. When I realize I have taken too big of a bite, I don't swallow the whole bite, I just swallow little by little. Its so hard to break this habit, but I am trying.

I know a lot of people have had relationship problems after they start loosing the weight. My relationship with my husband has improved A LOT. He is so loving the new, happier, more energetic, and lighter me. He just spoils me even more now, because I am so happy all the time. We never really had any problems before, it has just gotten even more better now. He is always complimenting me. I had this red dress that I hadn't worn in ages, and I just kept because I really liked it. One day when I tried it on, it actually fit and i was so ecstatic. That day I got ready real nice and put that dress on and when he got come and I came downstairs to greet him, the look on his face was just...priceless. He was just blown away by how much skinnier I Iooked in that dress. I guess he couldn't really tell I was loosing because I was just still wearing my same clothes, and they had become pretty baggy. I can fit into size 14 shirt, and size 16 pants now.Started with size 20s and 22s. I have a huge hanging stomach, which sadly, won't ever go away completely. My skin is getting pretty loose too, arms and thighs are getting a little saggy. I so need to start toning. Its just been hectic this summer, and I have 4 kids which keep me so busy. 2 of them start school next week, and then I will start to concentrate on toning and exercising more. I do walk a lot, almost everyday. Well I know this post is all jumbled up, but I think thats about it! Good luck to everyone on this journey! IT IS SO WORTH IT!!

2 month update!

Jul 22, 2009

Hi Everyone!!

Wow I can't believe its been 2 months already. Everything started off a bit rocky. I was tired a lot after surgery and hardly had any energy. 6 weeks out and I don't know what happened to me! I have ALL this energy out of no where. I felt 200% better! I feel So much better than I did before surgery. I am down almost 40 lbs. Started off at 233 and am bouncing between 193-195. I am finally in onederland and its awesome here! My weight loss is a bit slow, but I am still happy about it. I just loose in chunks. I will be the same weight for a couple of days and then drop 2-3 lbs all of a sudden. My surgeon finally cleared me for exercises. I do walking and pilates. I LOVE doing pilates. I still can't eat much. I STILL eat too fast and don't chew enough. I am trying to make myself do it. I DID make myself sick one day by eating some spaghetti too fast and not chewing properly which made me. That was not a lot of fun and spaghetti is now on my NO NO list. The most I can eat is about 4-5 bites of anything. I can tolerate all kinds of food. I haven't found anything that my tummy didn't agree with. I even tested high sugary stuff like ice cream and other desserts and unfortunately I was fine with them. Now its harder to stay away from them.  My upper body is shrinking faster than my lower body. I got a lot of stomach to loose. I went to the mall the past weekend and just for the heck of it tried on different sizes. I fit into a size 14 shirt now! I was amazed! I haven't worn that size in like FOREVER! I can't wait to be under 190 lbs. Its been 12 years since I was under 190, so thats a big mini goal for me. My husband is loving the new me! He compliments me a lot, and I love it! Some days, especially when I am pmsing, i crave and graze a lot of food but otherwise, i am hardly ever hungry. I have not been good with getting all of my protein, liquids, and vitamins in and I have to work on that. So far I have been eating everything, carbs, protein, sugars. I guess that is why I am not loosing faster. I just don't want to feel like dieting all the time. I have done that almost all my life. I want my body to be used to everything. I DO try to eat mostly proteins, but I also eat a slice of wheat bread, or a bite or 2 of dessert. I don't weigh myself too much. I refuse to own a scale because I know I will drive mylsef crazy weighing myself all the time. My mom lives close by so whenever I go to visit her I weigh myself. Can't think of anything else. I am loving life and can't wait to loose the rest of this weight. If 40 lbs have done all this, I can't imagine what it will feel like to loose the rest of it! I am LOVING it!

Pre op and post op

Jun 02, 2009

I thought I'd update since I haven't for a long time. I had to do a 2 week medifast diet, which did not agree with me(started having low suger levels, dizziness, weakness, almost passed out). My nutritionist then emailed me another liquid diet to try, and it worked fine. I was allowed to have apple juice, 1 light yogurt, and canned chicken or tuna. I did the liquid part all day and had some chicken only for dinner. Didn't do the cans, just took some ground chicken and made a patty and put cheese and hot sauce on it. I lost 10 lbs pre op.
Surgery day I guess I was a little nervous but nothing too bad. When they put me on the operating table I started panicking and praying and was asleep in less than 30 seconds. When I started waking up I had a lot of pain in my chest. I kept mumbling  "pain" and "help please". It hurt really bad, and they kept pumping morphine in me. I was taken to my room and was still not fully concious yet, but was having a lot of pain and my husband panicked and asked why I wasn't getting any relief. After he demanded that the nurse talk to the doc, the doc changed my meds and my husband said I didn't make a peep and slept for hours. The next day i was asleep on and off. Got up to pee and everything, took little walks. Doc said for me to stay an extra day since I had a 2 hour car ride to go home. The third day I developed a lot of pain in my chest on my left side, so doc did a leak test and there was no leak. It even hurt to breathe. Anyways, took a couple of meds and it was ok after that. Had to stay another day because of the chest pain. Got to go home the 4th day.
Was having a lot of trouble trying to get in liquids, I think I was really swollen. Could hardly get in 8 ozs a day. Then upped it little by little. Now I am 2 weeks post op and get in about 20-30ozs a day. I was on clear liquids for a week after surgery. Now I am on pureed food for 3 weeks. I mostly stick to liquids because I am so afraid of causing a leak. I was suppose to start taking my chewable vitamins today, so I had a scrambled egg and then half an hour later ate my chewable vitamin. 15 minutes later I was in the bathroom vomitting. I guess my tummy didn't like the vitamin. I posted on OH about it and some people said to just take the flinstones chewable vitamins instead, so I think I'll try that. I am also having trouble with protein. I have a sensitive tummy and it doesn't take much for me to vomit. I hate all the protein powders. The only thing I am able to drink is the Atkins shakes, but they only have 15grams of protein per shake. I can only do 1  day right now. Another thing is, about a week ago, my skin has become SO ITCHY. I am constatly itching everywhere, my back is all scratched up by now. I asked the doc and tried taking liquid benedryl but almost vomitted. All meds taste so bad they make me want to puke. I was also having allergies and the sneezing was killing my stitches. Now its getting a little better, doesn't hurt as bad when I sneeze. Thats about it for now. Things aren't that great with me, with not being able to take enough liquids, protein, meds, and the itchiness, but I am being patient and just hoping things will get better. I did loose 24 lbs all together so far. I am hoping to get in more protein through food since I can't do the powders or shakes. Thats all for now!

Pre op stuff

Apr 30, 2009

I have all my pre op suff done(I think). Had my psych eval and EKG, blood work done yesterday. My Nutrition class was the day before yesterday. It was really long and I got to sample some pretty disgusting chewable vitamins(YUCK!!). I also got all my medifast for my pre op diet. I have to do a 2 week pre op diet. My surgeon prefers we do the medifast diet. I have to start the diet on May 4th. I have 4 more days to pig out at all my favorite restaurants!!  


Apr 20, 2009

Yaayy!! My husband has finally been convinced and is letting me do this, because he knows I am sooo tired of being so fat ,and it will make me soooo happy!!! I love him! Have a surgery date of May 19th. Have to get in my psych eval, nutrition class, and EKG done before surgery. Thanks you guys for all your help and support!!
1 comment


Mar 18, 2009

Hi!!! I have a consultation with Dr. Curry in Cincy on April 9th!! Can't wait!! On a side note, my husband's company is firing people left and right, please pray he isn't one of them that get fired! His position is pretty solid in his company but these days, you just never know:(.
1 comment

My Story

Mar 16, 2009

Hi! I am Sarah and I live in Ohio. I have always been overwieght. In my teenage years I always wieghed 180lbs. I got married at 18. Had 4 kids in 10 years and my wieght went from 180lbs to 232lbs. I have been looking into WLS for 3-4 years now. I was originally thinking about getting the Lap band, but after much research it didn't seem the right wls for me. Then I wanted to get RNY, but I didn't meet the criteria(BMI over 40, or 35 with co-mobidity). My husband didn't want me to get RNY because he didn't like that they will cut AND re-route things in my stomach. I tried to make him understand but things didn't work out and he said he'll pay to have me join Weight Watchers. I did Wieght Watchers for a couple of months and lost a total of 10 lbs. My son, who was 18 months at that time got really sick and had to be hospitalized and then developed some breathing problems so I stopped going to Wieght Watchers and gained 10+lbs back that I had lost. Before this I have tried numerous diets and diets pills. I did actually loose 30lbs. on the Atkins diet, but then got pregnant and after having my baby gained 38lbs back off course. I have been depressed to the point of tears with my wieght. I am very unsocial, hate going anywhere. I don't even like inviting my children's friends over for playdates because I am afraid what they will think of me, and I don't want to scare them. I am tired all the time, I think I have sleep apnea but never got tested for it because I always wake up tired. I always walk around in ugly clothes because whenever I see something I like in a store and try it on, it looks HORRIBLE on me and makes me really sad. My knees and lower back hurts ALL the time and when I try to exercise my whole body hurts like he**. for days afterwards. I just want my life, I want to feel active and free. I feel like I am trapped inside this body. I want to be happy and confident about myself. I want to not have pain. I want to run around and play wtih my kids. I want my husband to be able to pick me up and twirl me around! I want to be able to go to the zoo or an amusement park and not feel like I am going to die after an hour or 2. I want to be me! I am always a happy happy person around people and try to make everyone happy, but inside I am SO derpessed, its like this obesity is eating me up inside. I want to get this surgery done SOON so I can start loosing all this wieght NOW!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 11, 2009
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