I don’t know what made today any different from yesterday, but I have been seating here trying to figure out how I can pay for weight loss surgery.  When I feel like this, I go to weight loss web sites that show the before and after shot of people who have been lucky enough to have the procedure of their chose.  I love watching Big Medicine, the show inspires be to continue my fight for weight loss surgery.  I like many Americans am obese….wow I can’t believe I said it…. My name is Saletria and I am OBESE.  What makes me different from the others, probably not much, but I am one of the millions whose company health plan does not cover weight loss surgery. 

For the last past fifteen years, I have fought the battle of being overweight and God’s knows I am tired.  I have tried Nutri- System twice.  The first time in college I lost 60 lbs and the second time I lost 30 lbs. I stopped the program the first time because I thought that I could continue to loss weight by myself, boy was I wrong and the second time, I ran out of money.  As you all know, the plan is expensive.  I have tried Weight Watcher or as my sister say Diet by Math and I hated getting on the scale week after week only to lose 15 lbs in five months. I also hated the constant up and down that I was going through, one week I would lose a pound only to gain two pounds the following week.  I was driving myself crazy.  I have tried Slim fast only to be gassy throughout the day and eat like a hog at the end of the day because I was so hungry. Oh yeah, don’t let me forget the diet pills, I have tried so many diet bills that it is scary. I stop taking them when people’s hearts started to give out. Lest but not least, let me not forget the 2 1/2 year stint with my personal trainer who worked my but mercilessly. I don’t know what went wrong, I have always been an average size person….don’t let me lie, and I have fought the battle of the bulge since I was ten years old.  I would never forget the doctor putting me on a diet at ten, God did that hurt. As a teenager I would loss weight by not eating breakfast or lunch and I would come home and eat very little to loss and maintain that weight loss.   It took me some time but, I made it through high school and college.  As an adult, I was active, but not as much. The weight started to pile on; I swear I wish I knew when it got out of control.  I married a man who has seen me transform from a slim woman with the apple bottom bootie to an unhappy middle age woman with the elephant bootie just wants to lose weight.  It took us six years to get pregnant and I suffered horribly with endometriosis during that time.  After the birth of a premature baby girl, I lost about thirty of the sixty pounds that I gained.  Because of the endometriosis and other health issues; which I found out that my appendix burst that attached itself to my right ovary, a year later I had to have an emergency hysterectomy.  The weight really piled on than because there was so much anger. I wanted to have more children, but there was also freedom, freedom from the pain that I experienced for six years.  Now I suffer with, hypertension, high cholesterol, bad knees because of the weight.  My self esteem is intact, is it high “NO”, and is it low “NO”.  I am maintaining.  You know, I didn't’t tell you how much I weighed.  I currently 5”6 and I am holding strong at 290.   Now I am ready for my new rebirth.  I have researched the lap band surgery for three years and I am ready for my transformation.  At first I was waiting on my insurance company to change the policy to add wls, bust I can't and will not wait any longer.   It has taken me several months, but by the end of October I will have all of the money needed to have my wls in Mexico....... yes I said it MEXICO.  I am so excited about the experience and I get even more excited when I read all of you guys blogs and see pictures of your transformation.....I look forward to seeing less of you in the future.  

About Me
Riverdale, GA
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2007
Member Since

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