First off, what the heck is a Selkie? A Selkie (or Silkie or Silky) is a mythical creation from the Orkney Isles. They are a race of Seal People who live in the sea in seal form, but occasionally come onto land to make mischief (and other things) with humans. To do that, they take off their seal coat and carefully hide it. If their seal coat is found and hid from them, they are trapped in their human form on land. In the stories this often results in loveless marriages and children. Usually somewhere in the story, the seal coat is found, and the Selkie runs back to her only true love, the sea, puts the coat on and is never seen again.

This myth appeals to me on so many levels. Although I'm currently in Arizona and have never lived near the ocean, I visit as often as I can and always feel a strong pull from her. Seals are beautiful, hilarious creatures with a thick layer of good old FAT. I love the idea of being able to shed that fat layer and reveal a beautiful woman. It probably means I'll be cold when I return to the ocean, but they have wetsuits and coats for that!

I've always been some degree of fat. I was a stout toddler. An atheletically thick tweener - teenager. Chubby later teenager. Fat college student. Very fat veterinary student. Obese veterinarian. And now I'd like to turn back to atheletically thick (but not teenager). I have no aspirations of being rail thin - it's not my body type. Slightly, plumply curvaceous is where I want to wind up.  I think that's around 140.

I worry that a year after surgery I will slowly return to my bad habits of snacking, but at least I won't be able to return to volume eating and that is a large part of my problem. I love to eat. Food is nearly my everything. I love feeling full and look forward to feeling that fullness with less food.

I dream of becoming a Tri-Athelete. Of hiking the Appalachian Trail. Of taking a Kayak vacation. Being an Adventurer.

Of being free of food.

About Me
Oracle, AZ
Surgery Date
Dec 06, 2008
Member Since

Friends 6
