
Mar 01, 2009

I went through with the surgery and had it on the 19Th. I was out of the hospital on the 21st and had to stay in the area until the 21st to see my doctor since i am 150 miles away. He told me I am on a journey to a new life and all that jazz and sent me home. I went to my parents house because my son was there and it was horrible. I was in SOOOO much pain. They gave me a pain patch but the adhesive I was allergic to and caused blisters on my skin. The liquid Lora-tab they gave me made me try to vomit. So I had nothing but to choke it down or deal with it. To top it off my son didn't even want me. I would try to sit with him and he would crawl away. I cried it was a traumatic experience that all I had wanted for days was him and he did not want me. I dealt with it.

On wed the 25Th I couldn't hold anything but water and wasn't getting much of it. I had horrible diarrhea and tons of dry heaves over and over making the pain worse. My mom called my doc because I refused I didn't want to be back in a hospital. Then low and behold I was sent back to Wichita Falls and admitted into the hospital. When I was told I had to head back I almost had a panic attack. I didn't want to be in the hospital again. I don't like people telling me when to eat sleep walk and everything else.

So anyway at the hospital since i was unable to hold anything and the other pain meds were not working out for me they put me back on a delotted shot for pain. When they looked at my stomach at first glance they thought infection. Luckily it was just irritated and draining. I was dehydrated very bad and actually had some sort of infection because I was on rocephin, but it wasn't in my incision thank god. Still had showers TWice  day. After I was re-hydrated and able to get around better I was doing good. I was told many times I would go home the next day. Then the next day would come and I was still sitting there. I even had to have nurses watch me eat to make sure I was taking small enough bites.I felt like such a child.

Right now I am home I got to come home today march 1st. I am super happy to be home and to be with my son. The surgery I hate right now. I seriously do. I have so many restrictions. Its not the food I can deal with it. My restrictions I don't like are not being able to pick up my son or bend over to grab him. Instead I have my little sister here and she has to jump up to do all my duties because I cant move fast enough. I hate it. I don't feel like a mom. I know that in like 4 months or so maybe even 2 months that I will be like I made the smartest decision of my life. I KNOW THAT! But right now I feel like I made a huge mistake. I probably wouldn't do it again if i could go back in time. Later on though I am sure that mind set will change. But right now I HATE IT!!

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About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 04, 2009
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