6 Weeks out from Surgery

May 14, 2009

Well it's been six weeks since I had surgery and I'm doing better, but struggling with get the right amount of protein.  The protein makes me sick so I end up just throing it back up.  I had my one month checkup a week ago and they did bloodwork.  My vitamins are all out of whack.  So they have called me in some more medicine to help with getting them back into balance. 

I've been slowly able to start eating some additional foods, but still only able to eat about one ounce without getting sick.  I know it will get better but right now it just seems like it's never going to be better.

One of the good things since the surgery is that I have lost 44 pounds since coming home from the hospital.  I'm down a total of 64 pounds since I started the process. 

I'm trying to stay possible, but it's really hard.  Please keep me in your prayers!

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Surgery Date
Mar 28, 2009
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