
Jun 12, 2012

So this past week has been the best one so far, I began walking the bike path about 2 miles a day and getting a nice tan while doing it ; )  The scale has been averaging almost a pound a day this week and my energy has increased! I am not suppose to start of "soft foods" till Thursday but I have been tolerating them just fine all week infact I feel SO much better physically this week and I think it all has to do with being able to EAT! Getting my protein in by food is much easier for me than the shakes. The only thing I am beginning to notice is the pressure I am putting on myself, I mean it was no secret I had RNY to my freinds or family, and not I have a big 30th bday party to go to this Sat night and i am feeling more self councious than when I was 257lbs! I feel like they will all be exspecting this skinny shannon to magically appear in a mini skirt lol im rediculous i know.. just a thought. I hope everyone else is still going strong, I am experiencing weird things like a single hiccup after I eat sometimes, noises still coming from my belly, certain smells make me wanna puke too. I am excited to meet with my NUT one on one thursday I got lots of questions for her ! 
Keep movin'

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Mar 12, 2012
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