Hi Everyone!

Jul 22, 2010

Well, here's the word. Since June 25th I've lost 11 lbs. So my total since 2 weeks before my surgery, which my surgery was on May 25th.

I've lost a total of 53 lbs.

Yes you can say I'm elated. Feels good. For 2 weeks now I walk 1 1/2 miles every night. Unless lightning prevents that from happening. Which I rested 2 times from that electrical bolt. I was struck from Lightning when I was about 12 years old. An honestly I don't relish of have that happening to me again. I know some friends say is that the reason you are the way you are. Maybe so.

All I can say is, if your excercising push yourself harder. Keep pushing yourself. Because if your not, it will take longer to come off. Push Push push! 

Doctor said, why didn't you do this before walking. Well it never came off before. Now when I walk I see a result. I like the result. Sooo I push myself. Eventually I'm going to see if I can walk 2 miles.


Weekend went wayyyy to fast

Jul 18, 2010

Hello everyone! Seems like Monday is here again. Don't you wish we could
have all Fridays? I know I do.  I have walked every day this week. Tonight I didn't
want to walk, sort of on the tired side. But I did anyway, and I did 1 1/2 miles.
An I walked in the yard and turned on the hose, and squirted my shirt and watered the
plants. It's soooooo hot!!~
I'm doing good, I was told today, that I'm losing weight. I don't know because I don't
weigh myself daily. But it's nice to know when people say, hey your losing weight.
I found a recipe for you if you like Green Tea.

Homemade Citrus Green Tea   from bariatricfoodie.com

Anyone who knows me knows several things: first, that I am a shameless "know-it-all," second, that I'd give you the shirt off my back if I thought you needed it. Lastly, those who TRULY know me...know that shirt didn't cost much cuz I am CHEAP!

Well I wouldn't say cheap...frugal. That's a better word. Either way I try not to spend too much money. Part of this comes from being a single mummy but also because I've been striving to be a better steward of my resources (whatever that means...).

Keeping all this in mind, I set about an experiment recently. I love Diet Green Tea, especially the citrus flavor. I go through a LOT of it. In fact, at this point I've probably made huge deposits to many landfills with the plastic I've used (well...until recently when I became a more dedicated recycler). Between that and the cost of buying the stuff AND the fact that I'm not exactly sure where they get the tea from and if the person who grew it is actually benefitting from my addiction...well let's just say I wanted to find a way to drink my drink, save money, respect the environment AND my fellow man.

So in a way this is no just a drink. It's a MOVEMENT. :) My version is made using Fair Trade green tea. If you don't know about Fair Trade, you should check it out.There are many, many fairly traded products out there. I have done a taste test amongst fellow diet green tea enthusiasts and this blend gets their seal of approval.

(My apologies for the lack of pictures lately. I seem to have misplaced my digital camera battery charger somewhere between here and I-don't-know-where and the camera phone is iffy. I will resolve this soon though because I know you all love your food porn!)

Good-for-everyone Green Tea


8 cups +2 additional cups water (NOTE this is a change from original posting. I was half asleep last night folks...my bad!)

5 bags of Fair Trade Green Tea
2 cups Splenda (also a change from original posting)
The juices of:
1/2 a large orange (I used a navel)
1/2 a lemon
1/2 a lime

2 trays of ice cubes


Fill a large pot with 8 cups of water and add tea bags and set over a medium flame.

While that's going, in a smaller pot combine Splenda and other cup of water and bring to a boil then remove from heat.

When pot of tea comes to a boil, turn off flame and allow tea to continue to steep for about five minutes until it is a dark amber color.

Add fruit juices to the hot tea mixture.

Combine tea mixture and simple syrup in a pitcher and let it sit on a counter until it comes down to room temperature.

Add ice and then refrigerate (the ice is more for adding more water to the equation and making it the proper temperature to go in the fridge without sending it into hyper overdrive)

When ready to serve, do so over ice in a glass and, if desired, add slices of lemon and/or lime.

Cool, refreshing, cheap to make and it does something for your carbon footprint and your sense of humanity.

What more could you ask for?



Jul 16, 2010

I wanted Friday to be here so bad, and it finally found me.

Yesterday I gave you some new information to check out. 
I hope alot of you looked at the info. Because I did. I have another
link for you to go too which has  Recipes Recipes galore. http://bariatricfoodie.blogspot.com/

Orange Creamsicle Protein Shake. On the front page of the bariatricfoodie link.

One thing after having a gastric I can only have up to 8 grams of sugar. I try to keep myself at 5 grams of sugar.  Let's face it, that's not much, but after not having any at all you don't crave sweet things like you use too. When you do get something sugar like myself ,, I had pudding that I thought was sugar free, I was like WOW this has to much sugar in it. I couldn't eat it. An ended up throwing it away.

The closet I've come to dumping or frothing is.. swallowing the calcium supplement liquid form. Oh lord nasty takes all I have to choke it down.

Here's a sample and a link you can go to, Oh! Important link #2 in the same email for you...
FREE HUGE WLS FRIENDLY vitamin and mineral SAMPLE!!! Free, free and free!
> http://www.celebratevitamins.com/com...ormname=sample

Have a Good Saturday Everyone!

1 comment

More Links

Jul 15, 2010

I will keep you updated with more interesting Bariatric links.

Any information we can get is a PLUS for all of us.

I haven't checked it out, but I'm dying too. But I'm giving you the link first


Learn as much as you can!

Oh guess what I'm up to walking 1 mile every day. 3 months ago, I couldn't
even of walked to the street sign. 

Take Care


Jul 15, 2010

Hi, I want to tell you about another web site you guys can check out online.

It's pretty interesting as well. It's called www.renewedreflections.com

A friend of mine that I haven't actually met yet, but she had the same doctor as I did, lives in the same vicinity as I do. Shared a recipe so I thought I would share it with you guys.

Smiling Belly Salmon Salad
1 sm can salmon (red or pink) do NOT drain liquid or bones.
2-3 TBS of NO-Fat Mayo
1-2 TBS of cottage cheeze (optional)
Salt/pepper/ to taste (I also like to use CURRY powder! YUM!)

Mix salmon and mush it good with a fork. Just mixing vigorously with a fork will make it the right consistency. Add your Mayo and Cottage cheese, mix some more. Add spices mix some more.

For NEWLY post Ops (In stage 2-3) you can just eat it as is. Contains a good 31 grams of Protein and no carbs! For those who can eat regular food you can add this mixture to some salad greens or maybe a low carb bread or cracker or tortilla.
Curry or spicy Salsa or Thai/Korean spice can give this quite a kick if you don't like "bland" fishy flavor.

(Notes: This is Bariatric Friendly for stage 2+, basically as long as you can have pureed foods.) Below is the nutrition facts for a 3 oz serving.
Protein: 31 grams!
Carbs: 0
Sugars: 7g (This is from the nofat cottage cheese)
Calories: 165


Changing for the better.

Jul 11, 2010

Happy Sunday an oh my goodness it's going to be Monday!!

I have been so busy since Friday!! But I had so much fun being busy.

Spent time with my daughter and grandson all weekend, watched major movies, played with two basset hound puppies, went shopping for dresses for the wedding I did find 2 and put those 2 in layaway, Actually I put 3 in layaway, 2 of the same kind, since I don't know what size I will be. Better safe than sorry!

I went down 2 dresses sizes. The size I bought was snug.  So I'm hoping that I lose more weight before I have to take it out of layaway so it fits good.  Crossing fingers and toes.

You would think that going down 2 dresses sizes would of made me feel good. But not as much as sitting in a booth at Mcdonalds. I have a grandson who likes Mcdonalds for their toys not their food. Luckily his momma makes him eat. Anyway, I fit in a Booth. There wasn't any tables left and my biggest issue is I couldn't sit in the booth. But I was able too, and I had space between table and booth. I was very Happy! 
Funny the little things are the things that bothered me the most. Not fitting in a booth!!  I didn't have to feel embarrassed any more.

Any Readers?
"Pray For Silence" it's a Thriller, and I might add VERY GOOD!!,  I new I was going to buy it when I read the inside flap. Amish Family is murdered. No suspects.  If you like to read. It's amazing.

After coming home with my new book, I found my walking shoes went to the local park here, and walked over 1.5 miles. I don't actually know if I made it 2 miles, because I stopped looking at the signs because I was one POOPED , SWEATY ,EXHAUSTED,  LIMPED  DOG!!!!!!!!!! Once I could breathe again,  My daughter called asked if I wanted to bring her a pizza, her dad was out of town said you want to spend the night. We had a Sandra Bullock movie night, and I had my first piece of pizza. An I can honestly say, I wasn't impressed with it.  Went to the store, and got some chips and french onion dip. I did eat some of that, bought me some sugar free ice cream. An watched 3 movies last night. 

I was told by the dietician, that the good thing about having a gastric bypass is that you can eat
what you want. But the hardest thing is to eat in Moderation. 

I have eaten fish, tomatoes.. <~~~very yummy, watermelon, cantelope, grapes, and I bought some peaches but haven't tried them yet.  I bought tuna this week. So we will see how that goes.

Well I'm done for now. I have a book calling me.. S... h....a...r...o...nnnnnn

New Challenges last forever

Jul 08, 2010

Hello Everyone!

Well today is my Friday. I'm taking off tomorrow to do some errands, and I've decided
I'm going to go back to school.  So I'm going to check out online classes, with the
University of Phoenix and get my BS in Social Work. An eventually my Masters. I started
taking classes before my divorce when I was happily married. An then when that fell apart I had to go to work to survive. Well now that I have more energy, an I can still work my full time job, an take classes at home, I know that I can do this.  I've wanted to do so many things before, just never had the get up and go to do them. Now I can! 

Since I have 16 years before I can retire, I might as well retire from a job that I know I've made a difference in.

Since last August, I've quit smoking, I had a gastric bypass, and I've lost 47 lbs. Oh and moved in with Mom.  Which by the way, i will be moving out of Mom's I just don't know when. Some things aren't going well and this is one.

Now don't laugh, I want to go into Social work for gerontology, to help the elderly. Yes I know I can't help my mom because she refuses to let us help her. Some people want help, other's dont. But maybe this has taught me that I can help others with the same problems.  I can take what I've learned here and hope that I can help others from that experience.



One month checkup

Jul 07, 2010

Hello everyone!

Ok I had my one month checkup. Here is what I learned today.

First, I've lost a total of 47 lbs in 30 days. An the Doctor shook my hand an the nurse went WOW. Ok.. I'm thinking they are praising us. Well when I got back to the room the Doc shook my hand again and said Great job. Ok well then it kicked in. Hmmm. I asked him, how many pounds does the average person usually lose in 30 days. He said between 25-30 lbs.  Ok so that's when my teeth hit the floor.  

I also asked why I never felt hungry, and he said 20% of the people don't have or lose some of the hormone that tells the brain that it's time to eat. Or have hunger pains.  I would be that 20% go figure.

I asked about the pains in my belly. Not like cramps, just feels like they exchanged my parts, and he said that would go away in time. My incision that is having problems healing, unfortunetly may take some time to heal. Lucky me!!

Also I seen the dietician, and I asked her about the vitamin b-12 shot, and I was wondering why I was so tired like the 4th week. An she said (go figure) that some people get very tired the 4th week because it's time for the shot to happen again. But she gave me a coupon for the nasal spray. An she says you get one squirt a week in nostril and you don't have that. So I had my vitamin b-12 shot today, I had them give it too me. An then I think next month I will try the nasal spray. She said her patients like it.

Honestly that 4th week is exhausting. I felt like I couldn't pick up my own limbs of my body.
I also learned that one lady didn't measure her food and she just had her surgery and she's already stretched out her stomach. She can eat anything. Where I can't eat some things.
Like I can't eat rice, or scrambled eggs. At least not yet anyway. 

Have a Good Thursday!


July 3rd

Jul 03, 2010

Last minute plans took me and a friend to Southern IL to Harrisburg, IL in the Shawnee National Forest to a beautiful place called the "Garden of the Gods". I'm sure it would be a awesome place to go in the fall.

Anway we went took her jeep, and took off the top.  Ever seen a boiled Lobster? I'm her boiled, except I'm not buttery. My arms and face. Thank goodness it's just those two places.

We walked up a mountain and walked down a mountain. Seen gorgeous formations of rock. I definetly got my excercise today.

Having a little bit of problems with some cramping. Sort of woke up too it. Cramped all the way up the mountain, and then poof it was gone.  It was like the walking released it from my body. Puzzling for sure. Because once it was gone I sure felt better. Not sure what happened. Don't really want it back. 

Other than that I'm going to bed. I'm pooped.
Have a Happy 4th of July


Happy Thursday

Jul 01, 2010

Hello everyone!
Wow I'm am never so glad for Friday to come! I only had to work 4 days, but they were like 10 days compared to my 4. It's really hard going back full time after being off for 5 weeks.

Today we had a 4th of July Celebration at work. Let's face it, we get the fattest at the work parties, because we have to celebrate anything an everything. I did real good. I had already prepared my meal before hand, so, it didnt' really bother me. I did have some watermelon, which was very juicy and good.

I'm exhausted so I'm heading off to bed.


About Me
Fairview Heights, IL
Surgery Date
May 15, 2010
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 55
