October 21, 2006Today is the one month anniversary of my surgery date. My pre-op weight was 328. This morning I weigh 295.5. I'm on my way!! I had my surgery in Virginia with Dr. Moore. My husband and I went together. It went so well. I dare say, I think I love Dr. Moore. Since I've been home I've been healing up really well, but I've struggled a bit with lightheadedness and nausea. These are 2 symptoms that I happen to be a huge baby about. I hate feeling blecky! People tell me this is temporary, so I'm looking forward to the future. August 9th, 2006I am turning 37 years old in 2 days. I weigh 325 lbs. My weight has been at the top of every todo list I have written since I was just a child. So here I am. Approved by insurance, waiting for a surgery date, more than ready to cross 'lose weight' off the list for good. I can't even imagine my life without this concern. I am going to keep a running list of things that I want to change with weight loss. Here's a start, in no particular order:Have another baby!!!A bigger lap for my son to sit on.Being able to squat down to talk to him.Sitting in Muskoka chairs without feeling like I'm laying down.Taking my son on rides at amusement parks.Getting up from the floor without sticking my ass in the air.Rollerblading.Tennis.Dance!Fly in comfort.Lay on the beach.Jump in the lake knowing that I CAN get back in the boat.Get one of those portable beds for camping.Take up a martial art.Ride bikes with my family.See the outlines of my bones.See my toenails while I paint them.Get up on water skis.Save on body lotion. hee heeSit on my husbands lap.Take classes without worrying about the seating.Have ANY energy.Clean my house.Stay on my feet to cook or bake.Buy clothes that reflect my personality.Have more confidence when meeting people.Stand the heat!Get up from a chair without bracing myself on my arms.Move like a 37 year old instead of an 80 year old.Not die early.Be the mother that I really want to be.Wash dishes without getting pain in my back from reaching past my belly.Stop having dreams that I'm stuck somewhere and the doorway out is too small.Know that if my son needs me I can get to him quickly.Go on play equipment with my son.Buy cute shoes that aren't orthotic.Start my life, the way it was intended to be.Be a better partner to my husband.Most recently, I'd like to add that if I were at, say... my parents around a campfire... with tons of other people. And say we were to here cracking in the forest and think it is perhaps... a bear. And then we were to hear a big crashing sound behind us and everyone were to scream and start running uphill back toward the house... If all that were to happen, I won't be trailing far behind everyone else (ie. bear bait) after my surgery. (Even if it were actually a tree falling in the woods, and not a bear, it still matters.)October 21 - add to the list-Wear my engagement and my wedding ringsStarting weightSeptember 21st - 328 lbs.October 21st - 295.5 lbs. (down 32.5)

About Me
Ancaster, ON
Jun 21, 2006
Member Since

Friends 8
