Tammy I Am 16 years, 10 months ago

Jeanie, I just saw your post and you're already out of surgery by now but I hope and pray you are safe, sound, comfortable and pain free. I am so heartsick over your continued difficulties and I just wish I could do more than send you my best wishes and prayers. You have been an amazing support to everyone here, you could never imagine how much you've helped so many people here, me personally, members new and old alike. Thank YOU for always being there to keep us in your prayers and I'm only so glad that you decided to share with us in your time of need. My thoughts, prayers and chickens are all around you and your mister, I look anxiously forward to hearing news of your surgery and your complete and permanent recovery!!! Bless you m'lady, all my love Tammy

Melissa Mermaid 16 years, 10 months ago

<b>Sending out the posse to pray and swing chickens galore that this surgery goes smoothly and you can abandon the complications once and for all.</b> We're so proud of you in every way and it sucks we're waiting until now to make that known. Hang in there, J ... You're our [brave] girl. Good luck & God bless!

LeaAnn 16 years, 10 months ago

Jeanie Dear, you are once again taking the hit so others don't have to. You've taken MORE than your fair share, Lady! Holding you near and dear to my heart today and hoping this procedure gets you sorted out once and for all! Hang in there, Sister.

Melissa Mermaid 17 years, 3 months ago

<b>HAPPY 2nd SWITCH-I-VERSARY, JEANIE!</b> You made it through and are still such a faithful friend to each and every one of us. You re living, breathing proof that the DS is the platinum standard and worth fighting for ... Thank you for your support and kind words.

D. Love 18 years ago

Hi Jeanie, Sending prayers your way for a painfree, speedy, and wonderful happily-ever-after without Hoover. Dee

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 18 years, 2 months ago

Well pooh...I missed your anniversary! I hope it was a happy one - and that the new year brings as many new and exciting things as one can handle! (((HUGS))), Toots

Melissa Mermaid 18 years, 3 months ago

<b>HAPPY 1st SWITCH-I-VERSARY, JEANIE!</b> You've paid your dues but thank God, you're also reaping the benefits. Here's wishing you the realization of your wildest dreams a day at a time ... {{{HUGS}}}

carolyn p. 18 years, 10 months ago

Hi Jeanie!!! I just got a note from you on the message board and wanted to thank you for your support and to congratulate you on your GREAT weight loss! I still need to read your personal page, but I have to go to a meeting right now. Thanks again and many hugs and blessings to you!! Carolyn in California

Jennifer W. 18 years, 11 months ago

I am so glad to hear that you are home! My surgery is on Friday and I am scared to death. I have all these emotions running through my head.. So how was it? Anything I need to know Thanks and glad you are home Jennifer

Jeanie A. 18 years, 11 months ago

I am home and healing from the latest surgery. I still have an open wound and a wound vac. Home health will come and change the dressing 3x a week. I had an awful feeling about this surgery going into it, but everything worked out ok. Thank you all so much for your healing thoughts and prayers. They are powerful!
About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2004
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