Surgery Journal

Nov 26, 2008

Wow... What a RIDE!!! I just don't understand why anything related to my WLS can't seem to go my way!!! 

Here's a recap of my ride so far:
10-27- Surgeon began my Realize band surgery, but discovered that my hernia was WAY too large for the band. He closed me back up and canceled my surgery.

11-10 (Monday)- Had my RNY at the same time as my hernia repair (5 ½ hour surgery). Surgeon said the hernia repair was a bigger deal than the RNY since 50% of my stomach was in my chest cavity.  Doc was very worried about my left lung collapsing since he worked near it so long. Also, he had to use mesh made from pig tissue to patch the hernia.  During my time in SICU, I had a hard time maintaining my BP and sats, and my heart was racing. Doc filled me with fluids because I was dehydrated. (I gained 25 # in fluids in 1 day!!)

11-11 (Tuesday) Moved to a regular room in the hosp. BP and sats still low, but were getting better. I got to start eating applesauce and broth, although I had NO desire to eat.

11-12 (Wednesday) Dr. V got my labs back and my hemoglobin was low. I guess it was an 8 when it should have been a 12. BP, heart rate, and sats are better, but STILL not great. Doc said I could go home in the evening if I wanted. I told him I was slightly concerned about all my stats not being great. He said in that case, we need to do a blood transfusion. He said it would stabilize my stats and make me feel better. I got 2 units of blood, and did feel much better. I ended up leaving the hosp. around 7 PM.

11-13 (Thursday) Slept in my recliner off and on all night and through the morning. Decided I needed a shower, so off I went. I had grand visions of blow drying my hair, but was too tuckered out after my shower. My husband got home and could not figure out what was wrong with my hair. LOL

11-14 (Friday) This day is kind of blurry for me. I know I woke up feeling pretty ok, but somewhere during the day I noticed I wasn’t moving quite as good as I was Thursday. My Mom came over to bring me yogurt, and when I got out of my chair, she said she knew something was wrong, as I could not stand up straight. I was having some pretty good pain on my left side, but thought it was because I had been protecting my right side more. The later the day got, the worse the pain got. By midnight, I was trying to meditate to control the pain as it was severe. About 3am, the pain subsided some, so I decided to take a quick peek at the LW message board. Good thing I did! There was a post from someone asking if their symptoms might be a pulmonary embolism. DUHHH!!!!! HELLLOOOO!!!! Time to call the DOC!!! It never occurred to me that I might have a problem that was causing the pain!!! I was as the emergency room by 4 am! Thank goodness my mother in law was there!!! I would have been in deep trouble with out her!!

11-15 (Sat.) This day is also a blur for me as I was in the ER for a while, and then moved to SICU. I know they drained the fluid from around my left lung in the ER, and removed over a liter of fluid. That was the most painful experience I have ever been through!!! They could not give me enough drugs to kill the pain. After they got the fluid out, I slept and was moved to SICU. I was so out of it, I was completely unaware of the move.  Later I woke up to find I had the same nurse as when I originally had the surgery. She was great. I dozed on and off the rest of the day and night.

11-16 (Sun.) Sunday morning, I started feeling better. Besides having the fluid removed from my lung, I also pee’d out 20# of water. I felt MUCH better. I got up and sat in the chair for most of the morning, and the Doc came and said I could be moved to a regular room. AHHHH Freedom!! I think I moved to my room around 1 or 2 pm, and took a shower within the next 2 hours. It felt WONDERFUL. Got back in bed and relaxed for the rest of the day.

11-16 (Mon) Fairly uneventful day… Ate (drank) some food, watched some TV, went for a few walks in the hall. I didn’t really think the doc was going to let me go home, however, when he came late afternoon, he said I could go if I was up to it. Yahoo, I’m going home to begin my new life!!!







About Me
Mulvane, KS
Surgery Date
Feb 14, 2008
Member Since

Friends 47

Latest Blog 17
3 days and a wake up!!
Life Sucks in the WLS world!!!
