Jul 04, 2008

NECK 13.5
WAIST 30.75
HIPS 37.5
THIGH 18.5
CALF  13.75

I am right now in a mini stall I hope it is mini anyway..but stuck at 138...hoping to see 137 soon...:-)

Almost 10 MONTHS OUT and 139..Total of 161lbs lost

Jun 23, 2008

In five days I will be exactly 10 months out. I weigh 139lbs. As short as I am this is still too much weight on my smaller boned body....or am I big boned? Anyway I have a lot of fat still left on my body...Hoping the 20 more pounds lost gets rid of the majority of it. I am really concentrating on this last stretch of poundage lost on high protein, low carb and high fiber. I feel like I eat a lot now...nothing like it was in the beginning...but then is nothing near what I used to be able to eat. I can eat about 1/4-1/2 cup of food at one 15 min setting. Depends on what kind of food this is...I still have problems with meats and just a few bites will do me. I have been eating a lot of higher protein dense food lately like cottage cheese, protein shakes, propel water with K20, pepperoni chips, cheese sticks, ham and cheese roll ups...etc. For fiber I eat apples, my famous flaxseed high protein muffin yields about 16-18 grams of protein and I can't eat a whole muffin at one time...takes me about an hour to eat a muffin. They are good..they have two kinds of nuts, flaxseed, rolled oats, raisins, banana, eggs,  lots of protein added fat whatsoever...the only fat is what is in the flaxseed. :-) I don't know the exact calories per muffin..I am guessing 150 calories per muffin...they are very dense and very good.
Also pickles, cucumbers, brocolli, lettuce and then my fiber in a
I have two months left till my surgiverssary. I am excited to see what I will weigh at that time. I do not plan on losing 20lbs in 2 months. Not possible at this point..but it would be nice to be 10lbs down :-)
I will measure at the end of this month. Hoping to see a loss of inches.
hugs to all

Measurements JUNE 10TH

Jun 10, 2008

Up Arm 11.5 same
ForeArm 9.75 up .25
Thigh 19.75 same
Calf 13.75 down .25
Chest 36.75 down .5
Waist 32.25 same
Neck 11.75 down 1.25
Hips 39 down .75

loss of 2.75 inches with a gain of .25 inches in forarms? (have been doing lots of lifting at work? my forearms are muscular and pretty defined..prolly wont see much more loss there Will redo my measurements at the end of the month this time. Things are much slower going now so to measure any sooner just doesn't make much sense as I probably won't see a lot of change. Hopefully at the end of the month or first of July I will see a couple more inches lost!
I have skin issues.....I am definitely going to need a lot of work done to get this taken care arms, breasts, tummy, butt and inner thighs. Five areas...yuk I am not looking forward to all of that. I think I want my tummy redone first...then breasts/arms...then legs/butt last. I am not insane enough to get it all done in one could not even imagine that

Found some cool nutritious foods thanks to everyone here on the boards to take to work
Today is turkey, cream cheese with dill rollups inside a low carb tortilla. One tortilla has 40 cals turkey 30 cals cream cheese 30 cals so each rollup has about 100 calories and they are yumm!
Also found some HIGH FIBER english muffins...24 carbs per muffin at 100 calories but 8 of those carbs are pure fiber! They are filling...added some cream cheese to these on half..topped with the other half...cut up into chunks...and waala! Snackers to eat while I am passin meds.....ran out of dill slices so these will do today.
Each cream cheese muffin has about 130 calories...then I am taking my activa light and a cheese stick and lots of water!!
I keep full and never eat everything I take...but it is good to have high protein snacks with me....I did great yesterday and lost a pound from high protein low carbin yesterday!
hugs all

Need to Cut the Carbs Out!

May 20, 2008

Sunny girl Noel posted a contest last night....pretty cool idea...but she is soo right in that I need to do the same thing. I have been letting in far too many carbs is soo dang hard though sometimes...and I need to cut it out and back to basics....she is making her contest realy fun and I wish her lots of success and weight loss with this. It will be fun watching her the next two months.And I am going to follow along and try to get myself motivated along with her. I sure hope she doesn't think I am snarky....that is just my smirky personality....I am a goof ball at heart and I love me just like I am....I don't ever mean harm to anyone...just love to goof around and have fun. That is what life is for right? To have fun and to get good meaning out of life. To be inspirated by others and to try to be inspirational too. To love one another, to be able to laugh at ourselves and not take things too seriously...unless of course it is this battle of the pounds! Now that's serious business! :-)
Anyway I find so much support and information and inspiration on this board. I owe my success to this board...If it was not for this place I would not have been near as successful as I have been. I read everything...I may not always respond but I am always thinking and soaking everything in. When I stray away for a few days...I find myself going back to old behaviors...this place keeps me in check and makes me accountable and lets me know that I am not alone in this. I am with others battling the same thing. We all have this one thing in common that ties us all together. I believe we are all closer to each other then we realize sometimes. For instance I see someone and I may not post.."wow look at them...they look nice!" But I am sure thinking it. I follow people's journies and really draw inspiration and I feel bonded to that person just by reading their journey and their struggles. It makes me feel closer and like I belong to a group for the very first time in my life that I can call my own. This is my group. My OH family is my family. And even if I don't say it...which I should work on this more...I truly do read everyone's struggles, triumphs and daily happenings. And I really get rewarded from what everyone here has to offer.
I hope everyone here also gets rewarded in the same way by reading my posts sometimes.
I know I am a goofy girl sometimes but I have a huge heart for everyone here...even the people that have me Which I think is only one...but I even care about that person.
Anyway those were my thoughts for today :-)
hugs to all
sunshine and farts


May 20, 2008

Made it to 148....then I back to 152?? is my life...I am stuck in this perpetual stall....lose 2 gain 4! But my measurements are going down down down!
Neck 13 down .5
Upper Arm 11.5 down .5
Lower arm 9.5 same
Upper leg 19.75 down .25
Calf 14 down .5
Chest 37.25 down .25
Waist 32.25 same?
Hips 39.75 same

So losing in my extremities it looks like and hanging on to my fat middle...ugh....what's a girl to do? hmmmmm

May 14, 2008

playing with graphics...

150 lbs today and measurements

May 12, 2008

Chest 37.5
Waist 32.5
Hips 39.75
upper arm 12
lower arm 9.5
calf 14.5
thigh 20
neck 13.5

Not a great improvement this last month but my legs are butt feels smaller..less padding so going to measure other areas...Will measure again on the 20th
8 days from now.
Going to work really hard in this next 8 days!


May 10, 2008

I have had basically a bad week as far as eating goes. I cheated about four out of the last 7 days and I made it to 152 at the beginning of the week and right now I am still stuck at 155. So I gained weight!! It isn't water...I don't have my periods anymore...It turned to fat..I can feel it in my clothes.....That happened sooo easy...I was caught off guard and indulged in snicker bars...peanut butter and I am paying for it. I over ate those days.
Which brings me back to this gnawing feeling I have had since surgery...Did I screw up and get the wrong surgery for ME? The more I read and the more I learn about the is like that surgery has my name written all over it.
Don't get me wrong...I love what my VSG has been able to do for me...and I know how to work my tool. But what happens if I goof? If I go back to old eating habits....that can be done soo very easily. At least if I had the DS I would never have to wonder if I got the right surgery. Statistically it has the best results and less chance of weight regain of all of the surgeries.
Let's face it...our sleeve CAN stretch and we will be able to scarf more food in as time goes on. When this happens in the have the malabsorption to fall back on to help. I don't have that....unless I want to take Alli which really doesn't do that only cuts about 1/4 of the fat in foods if it even does that much. I took Alli a couple of months ago...and I never could even get un-constipated from it. I still suffered thru constipation so I am not that sure it worked that well.
Just thoughts going on right now....feeling like if I get the revision..that I need to act soon on it...otherwise I might not be able to find a doc to do it. And then there is the issue of coming up with about $12K for the surgery.
I would just like to encourage any new people reading please discover and research ALL of your options before jumping in head first. I didn't do that...and here I sit....wondering.."what if"

BMI 29.9!! WT 153!! WooooHoooodiHoo!!

May 02, 2008

I am overweight! Not obese...not morbidly obese or even super morbidly obese...I AM OVERWEIGHT!! Woohooo....this happened two days ago and I have been on air ever since.
Still a lot of work to do. I would love to reach my goal by my Surgiverssary which is 8/28/08. This means I need to get motivated and start really exercising...yuk! lol....Right now my hip is out and I am walking around limping...I think it is bursitis so I am icing it down. Hopefully it goes away soon. Would love to get some nice long super walks in.
I have noticed that lately our board is going through some changes. Lets just say a few of us are soooo onto what is going on. This make not make sense now to some of you but it will eventually. Santa is making a list and checking it twice...Ho! Ho! Ho!
Much love to all!

Things on my mind....

Apr 23, 2008

Lets see...its been so nice out lately...the weather is beautiful....I love it.
I am kinda stuck on the scale again but oh well...I knew it was coming again. I am just going to have to ride it out.
I don't really have a lot on my mind I guess? Thought I
So I will end this now...

About Me
Charleston, IL
Surgery Date
Jul 02, 2005
Member Since

Friends 120

Latest Blog 85
Maintenance :-)
Bouncing between 110-115lbs
110lbs TODAY! :-)
Birthday Today!
Life....bla bla bla
Well it has been a Year+ a few days
DAY 1 5DPT AUGUST 12th Started 5 day Pouch Test Diet
