Dec 28, 2008

Dec 28, 2008

Well, I made it through Christmas. I think that I navigated threw it fairly well. I tried a few foods that I had not had in a long time. Some were good, some were not as great as I remembered. One change... I did not let food contol me. I controlled how much food played a part of my Christmas. I tried to focus on the people around me. I am just glad things are gradually
getting back to normal.  After tomorrow things will be better. My husband is having surgery on his leg. It is out patient. It will 
just be a long day. I will pack my own stuff to eat. I try to plan and stay prepared.


What a year!r

Nov 28, 2008

Well it has been one year today that my life turned around. I have lost 84 pounds since surgery and 110 since starting the process. Everything has changed bra size, shoe size, ring size, hair style, attitude, and outlook. It has been a wild ride both physically and mentally. I am still a work in progress. I have more energy, I wish I had more, but I put more energy into each minute. I live each minute. In the morning I get up and think of all of the things that I need to accomplish, not what I have to do just to get through the day. This change alone is huge...and the ripple effect that it causes to the people and things in my world. I know that I have motivated some of my friends and husband to get healthy.  I am working on getting friends and family to join me in a 5k in May.  Not to run it but to start and finish. Yesterday was Thanksgiving, but I have been giving thanks everyday this past year. I am glad I had the surgery like others have said before me....I only wished that I had it sooner.


11months out

Oct 29, 2008

Well this month I might have lost the same pound a couple of times but I am trying not to let that bother me. I am trying to focus on walking....10,000 steps a day which is about 5 miles a day. This is the start of week three. I fiqure weight or inches will come off soon. I am just trying to be a healthy me everyday.  

10 months out

Oct 01, 2008

I don't know what has been going on with me. I think part of it is that my life became all about the surgery and weight lose. I needed time to adapt to all of the changes both mentally and physically. I think I went into a stall and just got satisfied for the moment. I have not gained weight, I have just remained the same. As of yesterday, I started getting more active and exercising. This is my favorite time of the year and I have been outside and enjoying it. So hopefully, I will start losing again. My next goal is 20 pounds by my 1 year doctor visit....which is doable.   

9 months out

Aug 30, 2008

Well, not much is going on. Hopefully, I am coming out of a stall. I have not lost in quite a while but I am starting to feel better and have more energy. I quess my body just had to catch up with all of the changes.
I am wearing 12's and 14's.  I would like to be in 8's and 10's by my one year out date. I tried to go to the doctor last week but there was some miscommunication on somebody's part...but they had me coming in the following week.  They would not even work me in and I was not driving back next week.  So when I go back in Nov for a meeting, I have a doctors appointment then. So I guess my thinking is... I am just living life and not focused on the weight loss, surgery etc. Now, everything should be habit.
I do need to improve on exercising. I will try to work on that this month.


Aug 07, 2008

I just think that I am in a transition period and have had to regroup and reevaluate where I am at with my weight lose. I have lost 83 pounds since surgery. It should have been more but I hurt my back around 6 weeks ago and am just now getting the right treatment for it.  My doctor and I know what works for me now after WLS, hopefully,  we can go back to these meds if I need them. Also, I had to go back on blood pressure medicine. I was having headaches and just did not feel well.  Also, I have changed my birth control pills. I was having a lot of difficulty every month.
Hopefully, with Yaz that will subside and I can move on instead of putting my weight lose on hold once a month because I felt so bad. So far, so good.  So after all of these changes, hopefully, I can get back on the right road and start exercising on a consistent basis. This month I have also been tired, it could have been all of the changes that I have mentioned above and stress and heat...but I did find out that it was not my B-12 level and that I do not need shots that what I am taking at home is working for me. I go back to my surgeon in a few weeks and they will be able to answers some of my questions. Overall, I am satisfied. I knew that I would have to reevaluate my medical needs .....I am just remembering the first few months when the weight dropped so fast. I just get a little anxious because I am still about 55 pounds from my goal and I don't want to stop losing yet. I just have to give myself a pep talk and put my big girl panties on....and control what I can control and let the rest take care of itself.

8 months out

Jul 27, 2008

I have lost 80 pounds since surgery and 106 since starting the process.
This month has been difficult for different reasons. I hurt my back....because I felt so I have not been going to the gym like I had intended...I do try to move everyday.  Also, I had to go back on blood pressure medicine this month. I think it makes me tired and I changed my birth contol meds because my periods and the pms were getting bad. I also went on vacation this month and my air conditoner went out. This has been a very strange and high stress month for me..not a typical July for me. I also noticed that this month my weight lose is becoming more mental than physical. I find myself  having to talk myself into doing the right I learning to deal with stress in a new manner instead of  eating a cookie?  I tried to start a support group with everyone RNY and Lap band....but the lap band people kept hitting the dessert table....I really  did not get the motivation I was looking for....or did I? in someways am I sabotaging myself like they are but it is just not that I 
taking advantage of every opportunity that I have been given. I need to regroup. I should be happy, I am now in some ways I think I am settling at were I am at...and not fighting to continue to push
until my next goals. I was so focused on under two hundred that anything else is great.  I am settling....before surgery....I would diet until I got to my weight is in the general location....and then I would go back slowly to my old ways....I think I am doing that some now....I have got to get back on the program...I really don't have a specific goal....I have to have one because If I do not have something to work toward, I will slip off the slippery slope.  Now, what will it be....I go back to the doctor next month. I don't think an even 100 is realistic, but I would like to lose 20 more pounds. I can do it. This is were the rubber hits the road....and I am driving the car!

Entering Onederland!

Jul 06, 2008

Yeah Me!  okay, its 199.6 but it is under 200.....until I have a sip of water!
I will take it no matter how I get it! 199 is a milestone for me and I am determined never to be over two hundred again. My next goal is 190.
Hopefully, I will have done this by August 1. I will try. Hopefully, my back will 
feel better soon so that I can exercise everyday.

An even 200

Jul 04, 2008

Well, I wanted to be under 200 by the 4th of July weekend. So far, I have missed it by a pound. I will get up in the morning and go weigh at the gym to see if I hit my goal on the last day of the weekend! I will be very conscious of everything that I put in my mouth today! Good old accountability!
I went to the doctor this week for my back pain and headaches. I came out of there with new blood pressure medicine...triam. I had been on this before.
One of the medicines is making me feel...medicated and not quite right...a little dizzy too. So tonight, I will taking it all in the evening instead of during the day. Maybe that will work so that I can get somethings done today.
My next entry will be entering Wonderland! until next time....Peace!    

Just thinking

Jun 28, 2008

Was just thinking about a question that someone had asked on the message board....Have you ever been skinny? I reflected....although I knew the answer already....and it was a big NO. I have hovered close to average
a few times in my life but that never lasted very long before old habits took back over.  I thought back to my elementary school days....that sick feeling in my stomach came back when I remember gym class...weighing in front of the whole class, pull ups, and trying to learn how to stand on my head. 
I remember the pain and humiliation of it all. How did I deal with it...I ate.
I remember coming home from school famished. Looking back, I ate then like a addict. I did not even taste the was quantity over quality just to 
feel the void. It was not until Jr High that I brought in humor to cover up the pain too. In pictures from school, I was always the biggest in the picture.
I remember what a painful experience it wasto go buy school clothes.
Not many choices on the HUSKY rack. As I got older, before Lane Bryant stores, did use the catalog....I relied on mens or unisex clothing clothing to get me by. But it suited my part in my groups dynamic....funny one or guys best friend. Now, before we get out the tissues....lets look at the positives...
my guy friends always chipped in and bought me a homecoming corsage
and I am still in touch with most of them today...because they are not my exes. So I quess the point of this blog is that I have had an addictive personality for along time. At this stage of my journey, I am now really ready to did into the emotional part  of the program. This is were the rubber hits the road...and will prove more challenging to me than the two week liquid diet prior to surgery.

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 43
What a year!r
11months out
10 months out
9 months out
8 months out
Entering Onederland!
An even 200
Just thinking
