Got real

Jun 17, 2010

I booked our flights and everything now, started to buy stuff I will a pill splitter, strainers, anywhey.. woo!

I'm on a 7 day protein diet prescribed by the surgeon before surgery, no liquid diet needed for me.. that will be easy, i'll probably be on one way before a week prior! It's my diet of choice, really.

Getting in some last food-hurrahs before july.. lol! Kinda fun, kinda painful. I get so 'hung over' when I have keeps me pretty easily on the weaning process i've started. ugh!


Jun 12, 2010

I'm going to Aceves. That's it. I was doing followups to my TWO YEARS of research and by the time me eyes ran dry from reading and scanning the internet I was sure.

I'll be trying to book for August 1st or so. I'm just waiting for word from my bf's work and Nina.


Okay, now I'll start blogging.

Jun 10, 2010

I have enough stuff to keep straight in my head, I should use this tool as well as keep a record of what I've been up to! :P


I've been researching WLS for over a year now, and decided after a bit of wobbling that I'm definitely getting the VSG done, and as a lap procedure. I have enough money for that, but wanted to keep as much as possible for future plastics, as my panni is already controlling my dress-code--hell, it has since I was 16. I know it will just get lower as I lose, having grown up with it and taking into account the dry and unhappy type of skin I have.

So that left me with Mexican options, and have I ever been researching that. I've flipped and flopped on surgeons. I found the less information you find on someone, the worse the news probably is. So that's narrowed down but not set yet, I'm in contact with so many it's hard to keep them straight! Thanks to friends here in OH and google, I'm at least secure in knowing where to go so I have the least complications.

I'm working towards scheduling around August 1st.
Surgeons I'd like to find a spot with for under 10k:
Aceves, Alvarez, Rumbaut (damn it's a nice hospital but it's 11500 usually), or even Joya.

I'm going to be following a diet of my own, protein and veggies and complex carbs, aligning with what
Bikerchickk did pre-op, as well as starting to use my Wii fit and walk more until I'm excercising properly daily to get my cardio in better shape.

It's hard fighting my depression at times, and right now I'm in a downgrade and have no energy. When I make myself do things I immediately get so tired I must lay down or risk falling. I get through it, and sure I'll be following my own rules despite this crap! Rar!

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About Me
Kelowna BC, XX
Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2008
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