Sandra Johnson Smiddy


Aug 25, 2007

 I know I could have a pair of red high heels the way I am, but how cool will it be when I am down a 164lbs.

August 25, 2007 - THE SLEEP STUDY

Aug 25, 2007

Good Morning.  Well I survived the sleep study.  I checked in about 9:30p.m last night and they got me wired up.  I took an Ambion this time so I could sleep.  By the time I got in bed I was ready for sleep, but I am a side sleeper and of course they want you on your back.  I did fall asleep pretty quick, but I woke back up had to go to the restroom.  When I got back in bed I was thinking of everything under the sun.   I want to dream amout what I look like when I have lost all my weight, but I am afraid to jinx myself so I tried thinking of things I had to do.  Finally I just prayed to God to let me sleep so I wouldn't have to come back for a third time.  And I slept.  They woke me up about 3:00a.m. to put the mask on.  I put it on and only pannicked for a few minutes then I fell right asleep.  It was a little annoying as I woke up a couple of times, but I fell right back to sleep.  So maybe this thing will work.  I was home by 7:00a.m. this morning.  I went back to bed for a an hour or so.  I'm just looking forward to losing my weight along with this new sleep buddy I have.  It is so not cool to wear the mask.  Definetly not romantic in the bedroom.  Only thing I got going for me is my husband wears one also.  He got his a few weeks ago.  Funny thing is he has sleep apnea and he isn't overweight.   We are getting use to these things together.  Well...I'm going for now.  I have friends coming over later so I've got to put on something in the crock pot for dinner.

August 23, 2007 - 11:05pm

Aug 23, 2007 I should be in bed right now, but my son and future daughter-n-law came in to town tonight so we've been visiting.  It has made the night fly by.  They both will be going to the hospital with me along with my husband and daughter.  God only knows how many others will show up.  I hate to go sit at the hospital, but some people like it.  So I will probably have an entire enterage.  The hospital is going to love me.  I know, I know...just means everyone loves me.  Well...going to bed soon.  Talk to you later.

August 22nd, 2007 - 20 days to surgery

Aug 22, 2007

Didn't sleep well last night.  Not sure if it is my nerves or my sleep apnea.  I go for the sleep study on Friday night.  What a way to spend a Friday night.  I'm counting down the weekend to just sit out on my back porch and meditate.  Nothing like a country back porch.  I'm going to look forward to that after surgery.  I work full time then some so I never have a chance to just sit back and relax.  Of course my husband will have me walking all over the place I am sure.  Well...I'm heading off to bed...just wanted to say hello to everyone.

August 21st, 2007 - 10:30p.m.

Aug 21, 2007

8 days to liquid - liver shrink
21 days to surgery
Work went by pretty fast today.  I am keeping pretty busy so I guess that is why.  I went over to Dr. Curry's office at lunch time and paid another $300 towards my surgery.  I had to have the remaining $500 paid by the 28th.  Now I only owe $200.  I decided to go ahead and cut the pop today.  I am a diet coke fanatic.  Figured I better stop now gradually than going cold turkey on the 29th.  I always hated the headaches I would get when I would start a new died and stop the soda.  My daughter and I started atkin's today just to start me getting use to proteins.  By the time I headed for home I was starving.  I had to swing in to McDonald's for a cheeseburger.  I panicked a little and said who do I think I'm kidding, I'm not going to be able to do this if I can't even make it one day.  Then I remembered that by having the surgery I am being given a tool that I don't currently have so it will be okay.  My friend had the surgery and she said that she is so full after her golf ball size meal she feels like she has been to the Golden Coral.  How do you feel about telling people you are going to have the surgery?  I told my staff a few weeks ago that I was having the surgery, but I haven't been able to tell my boss that I am actually having the weight loss surgery.  I'm not sure why I can't tell her.  Some people don't react like I want them to.  They are quick to tell you all the negatives, but never the positives.  I know that life is going to change for me, but every time I get depressed I am going to think of all the things that I want to do or can do as the weight starts coming off.  I want to be able to tie my shoes (right now all I own are slip in's), wear panty hose in comfort without having a side show when putting them on.  I want my big jeans to be big jeans.  I want to be able to go into a store and not have to get depressed because nothing in the store fits me.  I just want to bend over without feeling as if I were smashing a lung.  I want to sit in the bathtub, walk longer distances rather than huffing and puffing.   The list could go on and on.  Putting on paper makes me realize how handicapped I am.  I can't wait to live the dream.

Laugh for the Day...

Aug 20, 2007

August 20th, 2007

Aug 20, 2007

I'm on the countdown...8 days until I go liquid and 23 days to surgery.  The days are going faster than I expected.  I have a few  more things I have to do before surgery date.  
**********THINGS TO DO***************
August 24th - 2nd attempt at my most recent sleep study.  A few weeks ago I went.  It took them 45 min. to get me hooked up and I slept a whole 22 minutes.  Not enough time to get accurate readings.  So I go back Friday night and I'm taking a sleeping pill with me.  They are trying to get enough reading to be able to set my cpap machine.  A machine that I know I won't be able to wear.  My husband just got one to help with his pulmanry hypertention and he cannot wear it.

August 28th - meet with my nutritionist and pick up my Medifast.  Go to PCP to obtain consent letter and physical.  Both will not be a problem since the Dr. has been recommending I do this since 1999.

August 29th - meet with the Anesthesiologist and the Gastric Bypass Nurse at Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, OH.

August 30th - meet with the Psychiatrist for my Psych Eval.  (He is in with my RNY Doc so shouldn't be a problem)  I don't need this for insurance purposes so I am assuming it is just to make sure I know what I am getting into.

After I get all of these things done I should be ready to role.

August 19th, 2007 - 9:15p.m.

Aug 19, 2007

Well I have spent all day on  Finally got my page looking good.  Drives me crazy when I can't figure out something.  I want a hit counter, but have no clue how to add that.  Also want a count down thingy, but no clue how to add that either.  If you know..clue me in please??

I read back over my blogs and I realized that I have not mentioned anything about my journey with the Insurance company.  Guess the reason why is that I am not fortunate to have an insurance that even remotely covers anything related to obesity.  It angers me when I think about it because obesity is a disease, but yet I can't get treatment unless I pay for it.  Thank God that my dad agreed to help me.  With his help and a medical credit card I begin my journey.  No thanks to the insurance Co.  However, I really don't think it is the insurance company, because I have heard Anthem pays for the surgery.  It is all in what your company wants in the plan.  As I mentioned in a previous blog, I have an underlying heart condition, type II diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea (going for my 3rd sleep study Aug. 24th) acid reflux, just had a Barium Swallow and do not have the results back yet, but something is wrong with my esophogus (sp??)  Could there be anything else?  Guess I shouldn't say that too loud because I know there could be.  I'm not being ugly, but as I said it angers me to know that I had to pay cash for the treatment that is known to cure all I have.  Well I will be making a car payment for the next 5 years, but it is going to be so worth it.  

I have read so many blogs today of RNY patients who have just came home from the hospital.  It is so encouraging to read their stories and know that they are okay.  I know this is going to be painful, but what is the saying, "NO PAIN, NO GAIN".  Or should I say..."NO PAIN, NO LOSS".  I have had two c-sections, does the pain come close?  If so, how close and in which direction.  Not as bad or worse?  I guess I want to know what to expect.  I am not a whimp by any means, but I guess the unknown makes me a little nervous.

August 19th, 2007

Aug 18, 2007

Good Morning Everyone!  It is Sunday morning and I have been up since 6:30a.m. sitting out on my back porch.  Everyone is in bed and it is so quiet.  We live in the country so all I am hearing are the crickets, frogs, and the rooster's crowing this morning.  I am usually snoozing around this time.  I always have a busy work week so sleeping in on the weekends is well deserved.  However, this morning I'm up thinking about all of the things I have to do before surgery on September 11th.  I've been trying to put my bag together, not really sure what to take.  I have p.j's (I hate hospital gowns) house shoes, fan, pillows (well those aren't packed yet, but I'm taking them) along with personal items (I've got to wash my hair somehow) and I have a book.  Am I crazy for taking a book with me?  Some people say that I will not want to read because of the pain I will be in.  Is that really true?  I am pretty good with pain.  I had my daughter Chelsie on a Thursday by c-section and went back to work on Monday.  It was a little painful, but not bad.   They called me the pioneer woman at work until I had my tonsils out and took off two weeks.  My job required a lot of communication and my throat hurt!!!  Anyway....if you have any recommendations as to what to take to the hospital please let me know.  I like being prepared.  I guess you can see that since I have 24 days till surgery and I'm already packing.  Cartoon Glitters

August 17, 2007

Aug 17, 2007

Just working on my page.  Everyone's page seems so cool and I am having trouble with mine.  Well anyway...I am 25 days from surgery.  I am scheduled for RNY Laproscopic on September 11th.  Everyone says, "ooh are you sure you want to do it that day?"  I feel what better day than to begin to rebuild my life. 

About Me
Fairfield, OH
Surgery Date
Aug 06, 2007
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