Day 72 and I Ain't Dead Yet

Jun 03, 2011

Well I ain't dead yet.  That is my new favorite answer when people ask me how I am feeling. Hit a speed bump along the way and spent four days in the hospital for A-Fib.  Docs did not think it was in any way related to the WLS, but did attribute it to my fatness.  So, with the heart in check, the focus is back on life after surgery.  Experiencing difficulty eating...nothing tastes good.  Once I eat something (most things) I never want to eat it again.  Finally experienced a throw-up.  I got stuck...I knew I was stuck.  Ive been stuck before but it has always gone south within a few hours.  Not this time...I knew it wasnt looking good...decided to try a sip of tea to try and clear the stuckness...well my body quickly went to plan B and I tossed up my dinner, which I had worked so hard to consume.  I must say it was a graceful hurl...not like the ones that I am used too that feel like it comes from just above your pelvis.  Ohhh Protein...I thought we were friends...who the heck knew it would be so hard to consume protein!!! I hate powder protein.  I hate protein bars.  I am starting to dislike 'regular' protein.  But I will keep at it.  Goodbye favorite shorts.  You were good to I move too quick I find you down around my ankles.  Starting to see a difference in the mirror....but, I still feel as fat as ever.  Last night I looked at pics from a year ago...damn I was fat. I am down over 100lbs from my HW and 70+ from my SW.  Cant wait to see where I am at the 6 month mark.  What's the hardest part of this post-op life....dealing with family, friends, and people that know what I did.  It would have been my preference to keep this to myself, but the info leaked and I ended up making a broadcast to the world.  Everyone that loves and cares for me have been supportive.  BUT, it is getting draining answering the same questions over and over.  And, explaining the procedure and process over and over.  Knowing full well that the person on the other end is in no way comprehending what I am saying.  It is also difficult to explain to someone what it feels like because it is hard to understand.  I get that.  It just gets tired.  I am an off the chart introvert...the last person I like to talk about is me.  I dont want to tell you how much weight I lost or how much food or liquid I have consumed.  I dont want to know you are watching me eat. I dont want you to feel bad for me.  I dont want you to tell me that you hope I feel better. BUT, if that is the worst thing that happens to me then I am blessed.  Well that is my latest rant.  Before I go I would like to give a shout out to my new BFF...Kirkland Diet Green Tea with Citrus.  Be Well.   

One Month (Plus A Couple of Days)

Apr 26, 2011

So it's been a whole month and I am chugging along.  I am down 40lbs since surgery day.  There are good days and bad days.  TMI & Bad Days...Moved onto soft foods.  I get easily disgusted with foods I used to love.  I'll eat something and then never want to eat it again.  My go-to food is cottage cheese.  Never ate cottage cheese before the surgery.  I am having troubles eating slow.  And, i've gotten 'stuck' a couple of times....that is not a good feeling. There is a very fine line between the last bite and one bite too many. I am getting hemmoroid attacks...which I attribute to the new diet.  I get instantly exhausted which feels like running into a brick wall. Mentally, most times I feel fatter than ever....even though it is obvious that I've lost weight.  This is not easy...I didnt think it would be.  Okay so that's the rant.  Here is the GOOD....BEST Decision I've Ever Made.  No Regrets!  Can't wait to drop below 400 and BMI 

Week 3 Post-Op....Still Adjusting

Apr 12, 2011

So, today is three week's since the surgery.  The lbs are dropping fairly steadily.  No big dips or stalls which I think is good.  I am down about 30 lbs in these three weeks.  The odd thing is that it does not feel like it.  I think the reason for that is that most times I feel very full.  I am still trying to adjust to the food and supplement program.  Having a hard time with the fluids.  I am never thirsty so its a constant chore to drink.  I feel like I am drowning with every sip.  Food wise has been okay...trying to work on variety so I dont get bored with the same old thing over and over.  Cant wait to move to the next food stage in two weeks.  Mentally its been a struggle.  Everyone has been supportive, buts its still hard socially to be around folks that are eating like brain wants to join in on the fun!  My body doesnt.  Physically I do feel better.  I am not retaining as much water in my legs.  My back and knees do not ache as much.  Ive been walking as much as I can, although the weather has not been cooperating.  Three weeks out and no regrets.  Best advise to myself and selfish...stay focused.

Two Weeks Post-Op

Apr 06, 2011

So, it is officially two weeks since my surgery.  I am down 23 lbs since that day.  I feel physically better...not retaining as much water and feel like I have more mobility.  I am very fortunate to have experienced little to no pain post-op.  Especially since leaving the hospital.  Some minor discomfort, but never any pain or gas.  The week of liquids after the surgery was a bit tough.  There is only so much soup you can eat (drink!).  Moved onto pureed food and that has been more satisfying.  Tryng to really focus on what full feels like.  There are days I feel very full and have to choke down everything.  And then there are days I feel like I am starving all the time.  Mentally, its been tough.  I knew it would be.  I now know what "Head Hungry" means.  So, just taking it one day at a time.

Day 4 & 5 Post Op

Mar 28, 2011

Day 4

The make me or break me day.  My second swallow test is scheduled for this day.  I am now NPO (no drinks) for four days and by this point it is wearing on me.  I am woken up at 6am with the nurse on one arm switching the IV port and a blood tech on the other arm drawing blood.  A double whammy for the guy that doesn’t like needles.  While I am giving most of my attention to the nurse doing the IV port, the blood tech is preparing my hand to draw the blood.  Why do they have to draw from the hand and not the arm?  It gets worse.  All of a sudden it feels like a needle is scratching a bone.  I look down and the blood tech is drawing blood from a vein next to my knuckle on my pointer finger.  Well, time to start yelling again.  Dropped an F-bomb and asked her why with a whole arm and hand to choose from would she choose to draw from my knuckle.  This is her job…and this is the best she can do….ughh.  By 9 am it was time for my next swallow test.  I was nervous as hell because I knew failure meant extra days in the hospital.  Luckily the test went well and I passed.  I was able to start consuming liquids.  Whole new meaning to Liquid lunch!  The resident docs passed by later in the day and said there was a chance I would leave the next day but probably not until day 6 since they usually want you on clears for two days.  The surgeon I used is ultra conservative, which I think is great.  Add in the complicated surgery and my size, I was more than willing to go along with what they said.  The rest of the day was filled with laps around the floor, visits from family and laughs with my roommate. 



Day 5


I woke up a wee bit depressed because I knew Vinny was definitely going home and I was only a 50-50 shot.  It all depended on my morning lab work and vitals. By 11am we both got the news that we were being released.  I had the added bonus of having my drain taken out before I left.  The drain coming out kinda spooked me because I feared it would be painful.  It wasn’t painful but it was a weird feeling that is indescribable.  My roommate and I packed up, exchanged contact information and said our goodbyes.  We both chose the option of walking ourselves out rather than taking the wheelchair escort.  All in all my surgery and hospital stay was a huge success with only a few hiccups along the way.  The best advice I can give is to be alert, don’t be afraid to ask questions, and stay on the move.  While in the hospital walking really does help. I’ve been fortunate to have had no pain at all and only some minor discomfort.  Thanks and love to my family and friends for the tremendous support.


Day 3 Post Op

Mar 28, 2011

Day 3

I woke up in recovery again was downgraded to ‘post-op’ but couldn’t be moved because there were no beds available.  Although I was downgraded, they still treated me as a recovery patient since I was still there.  The downside to that is every time you hop back into bed you have to be monitored with a bp cuff, the electrodes attached to your chest, oxygen in the nose and the finger sock that measures your oxygen level.  It was a great incentive to stay out of bed and keep moving around.  By now I was measuring time by nurse shift changes.  Wifey brought up some cookies and fruit for the nurses, which was well received.  It can’t hurt to kill’em with kindness. The rest of the day was filled with blood work… needles… meds… needles… over and over… blood thinner med was being delivered by a shot to the stomach…ugghh.  Around 5pm I got the word that I had been downgraded to the floor and would bypass time in the post-op area.  This was the best news of the day.  I packed up my stuff and walked myself over to my new room.  This is when I knew things were really looking up.  My new roommate was “My Cousin” Vinny from recovery.  This was the best medicine for a post-op-er….being able to share the experience with someone in the same situation as me.  Settled in for the night and shared pre-op and surgical experiences with my new friend.


Day 2 Post Op

Mar 28, 2011

Day 2

The next day I woke up in recovery and was told that I was going to stay in recovery because there were no post-op beds available and I needed to be monitored before being released to a floor room.  Recovery is not a nice place to hang out all day.  Although, I did meet “My Cousin” Vinny in recovery.  He had his surgery after me and we both used the same surgeon.  Throughout the day I got poke and prodded countless amount of times by countless amount of people.  I went for the swallow test and failed.  There was too much swelling and I would have to wait 48 hours to try again.  That was depressing because all hopes of leaving the hospital on day 4 faded away.  Little did I know that the day was about to go from bad to worse. My labs came back that I was low in potassium and they would have to push it through the IV.  I made sure I asked each time what meds they were giving me.  The first few minutes of the potassium push was fine, but then I started to feel a burn.  I called for my nurse but she was on break and another nurse came to check on it. She told me that it was common and I would be fine.  As she is telling me this, it is getting increasingly worse to the point where it feels like my hand and wrist are on fire and I am unable to move it.  She tells me there is nothing she can do other than to stop the push.  Well, it was time to start yelling again which alternated between yelling at her to do something and screaming in pain.  It was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life.  Another nurse heard the racket and came in and flushed the port which made the pain go away.  She also said that the bags weren’t piggy-backed properly and there was a way to do it without inflicting pain.  It amazed me that the level of care, knowledge, and compassion could vary so much by professionals performing the same job.  This was my second of three bad hospital staff experiences.  I don’t want to paint a bad picture of the hospital so I will say that every other person I encountered was phenomenal.  As a whole, I was extremely happy with the overall care and treatment while at the hospital.  For the rest of Day 2 I wasn’t in any pain but I did have this uneasy feeling in my stomach which only got worse as the night went on.  Thoughts of puking passed through my head but I was afraid to in fear or causing damage to my fragile new stomach.  As the night went along I kept getting the urge to swallow and when I did it felt like my stomach was being squeezed.  I finally couldn’t take it anymore and told the nurse I needed to vomit.  It was a graceful throw-up without any pain.  The shocking part was what I threw up…it looked like a bucket of blood.  The nurse freaked out and within a minute three doctors appeared out of no where.  I was scared to death.  They all took a look at the bucket of blood and determined that it was a mixture of left over blood and fluid from the surgery and the liquid barium that I drank early that day for my swallow test.  That made a lot of sense since I was restricted from the swelling.  Instantly after I threw up I felt 1000x better and felt I was on the road to recovery.


Day 1 Post Op

Mar 28, 2011

Well….I made it through the surgery and hospital stay.  This is going to be a long post, but I hope it helps others. So here goes it…


I was lucky to get scheduled for the first surgery of the day, 8am.  I had to be at the hospital for 6:30am for pre-op prep.  Of course it snowed the night into the morning to add to the pre-op drama.  I don’t like needles….that will become more prevalent as the story goes.  I started off in a tiny little exam room where I dressed up in my hospital gown, hat, and booties.  The anesthesiologist met with me to go over what he was going to do.  At this point, they put in the intravenous port in my hand. At this moment is when the reality of everything including the needle overwhelmed me and I passed out.  I came to and calmed down and waited for my time.  I met with the surgeon for a few brief minutes and then off to the start of my new life.  I had to walk myself to the operating room and climb up onto the table.  The only two things after that I remember was saying that the table wasn’t comfortable and who was the guy (anesthesiologist) pushing a needle through the intravenous port. 



Day 1 Post Op


My surgery was about three hours.  The surgeon told my wife it was a complicated surgery, but everything went according to plan. I woke up in the recovery sometime later that afternoon.  I don’t remember much of the first few hours of recovery.  Early that evening it was time to get me up and walking, for which I was ready and willing.  Well all that happened too fast and midway through my walk I knew I was going to pass out.  A nurse’s aid was with me and I was able to get to a chair before I blacked out.  I do remember the nurse’s aid walking away from me as I blacked out. When I came to I was alone.  Another nurse was walking by and asked if I was ok because I was sitting there drenched in sweat and white as a ghost.  I made a big stink about being left alone.  Don’t be afraid to question or voice discomfort over the level of care you are receiving.  The rest of the evening was uneventful. 


3-22-11 WOW I Am Nervous!

Mar 22, 2011 tomorrow is the BIG just called and I am the first one in @ 6:30am.  Very nervous....but still sure this is the right thing to do.  See ya on the other side. 

3-15-11 One More Week! One More Week!

Mar 15, 2011

Well one more week to go.  Went for the pre-op testing at the hospital this morning.  I am impressed with how thorough the hospital has been so far.  Trying to resist the urge to splurge at the dinner table or "treat" myself to that one last everything!  Over the past week I spent some time trolling the internet for free samples of vitamins and protein mixes...they are out there and all you have to do is ask.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 27, 2010
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