Week 5

Dec 01, 2008

Well I've jumped back on the weight lost bandwagon and I'm now down a total of 31 lbs. and I lost 5 pounds through the Thanksgiving holiday.  I'm not following the plan to the "T", but I'm being faithful to the principles.

Week 3 & 4

Nov 23, 2008

I was so sick I had to stop taking the pill so I gained a few Pound back, but I still lost 23 lbs for the month.  I'm taking the positive view and moving forward.  With the holiday approaching I now I will not be good everyday, but as long as I try to eat the best I can I'll be happy with what I can accomplish and if that just maintaining then I'd me happy.

Week 2nd

Nov 09, 2008

Well I lost 7 more pounds last week for a total weight loss of 22 lbs. in 2 weeks.  It's really not getting any easier to get up and walk, but I'm trying to stay focused.  I'm starting to feel more energy and my body doesn't ache as much. I just needed to keep up the hard work and soon I'll reach my goal weight.

After 1 week

Nov 03, 2008

Well it's been a week since I started my program and I already feel better.  It's been a long week with the lose of a dear friend, but I made it through.  I needed something to celebrate so I weight myself and I've lost 15 lbs. in the first week.  I walk 2 miles a day and follow the program to a the letter.  It hard work, but the payoff will be so worth the work.

My first day to a healthier life.

Oct 27, 2008

Okay, I'm feeling great after starting my new lifestyle, today. I've recently decided to loss weight because of all my health issue. I'm going to take this serious and do it on my own...with a little help from a doctor.  I'm on a pretty stricted diet, I have to excercise everyday and I'm taken phentermine to help me control my appetite.  I took these pills once before and it helped me, but I was force off of them because I had to have my gallbladder taken out so I'm giving them another try and I'm going to use them has a tool for a couple of  months then I'm going to take over and mantain my lifestyle.  I have to do this to be there for all the people I love and because my health is going down hill fast. I'm just not ready to give up on my life or myself.

These are the "6 Golden rules" from my doctor.

1. No Alcohol..........

2. No soft drink or other sugar containing drinks. 

3 Excercise 45 minuted daily.

4. Breakfast is the largest meal of the day eat 800 calories. 

5. Lunch should be medium proportions east only 400 calories.

6. This one is going to be hard "No food after 1 p.m." .....except for negligible calories (most vegetables). 

I know this is going to be hard, but i have to do something and I just don't feel I should do a surgery until I've seriously tried to do something on my own to control my weight.

About Me
clarksville, IN
Sep 12, 2008
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 5
Week 5
Week 3 & 4
Week 2nd
After 1 week
My first day to a healthier life.
