
Jul 01, 2008

Hey Everyone....

I feel so bad about not keeping up in here like I said I would. I have been so busy between my husband retiring from the Army, relocating and working. I have had some post-op complications or should I say "adjustments". For a period of about 6-8 weeks I was not able to eat hardly any meats for my protien intake. I ate mostly tuna and some fish...most didn't agree with me at all. Eggs seem to be my enemy now...cant eat them att att. Good news is I am able to eat most meats and chicken now....yay! 

I've lost about 90 pounds now. Doc says it is coming off at a good rate, not too slow or fast. Ive got about 70 pounds to get to my goal weight of 160. My biggest concern now is that my hair is thinning out. I know it is a vitamin deficiency and I am taking my vits plus Biotin and Ive been on that about 3 weeks now and it hasn't seemed to help. I was blessed with thick hair to begin with so it's not real noticable....but if it keeps up like it has it wont be long befor it is and that is what is worrying me the most. 

I am still working as the Pastry Chef at  Sharpie's in Beaufort. I had them cut  my hours way back because of how sick I was getting from lack of protiens. I just started back working nights lastnight...but I'm only working one night a week, the rest of the time is in the early mornings and I like it much better this way. 

Well I hope you all are doing well. Take care and God Bless...Cindy

3 weeks post-op

Feb 17, 2008

Hey Everyone,
Sorry that it's been a few weeks since I last wrote in here, I have just been so busy with between getting ready to move, setting up my co-op for this summer and ofcourse, family. But I'm here now and want to catch you all up on how its all been. Well...at my first 2 week (post-op) appointment I had done really well I had lost 18 lbs since the surgery and the Doc was pretty happy about it. He wanted me to start walking...not just down the street, but like atleast a 1/2 mile to a mile to start. I was fine with that, actually motivated. The next day I started getting this pain on my left side, right under the main incision. I didnt think much about it at first, but as the days progressed it got worse, alot worse. So that following Sunday I went to the ER. After labs came back they said I had a UTI and put me on this AWFUL tasting antibiotic and another one for pain, and sent me home. I didnt have any symptoms of a UTI, so I am glad they found I had it...but the pain was still there, it actually got worse, almost unbearable. So there I was calling my Doc again. They told me I probably pulled a muscle and to just take it easy for a while til it eases up....it took a good week.

So I never got to start walking, which really upsets me. Everytime I tried to my side started hurting. But today I haven't had any pain at all so tomorrow I am on the treadmill. As for eating....Well stage 2 was okay. I am having a hard time with eggs, which really sucks cause I love eggs. So I got by with cottage cheese and yogurts. Im on stage 3 now and I am having a very hard time with a few things. Shrimp always goes down and sits in my stomach like a rock so Im gonna give that a rest. I tried scallops today and they did ok. My favorite has been the imitation crabmeat, no probs with that at all. Tuesday I begin stage 4, chicken and poultry.  My biggest complaint (if you wanna call it that) is that I cant just guzzle down water anymore. I have always been a water and iced tea junkie (with a straw) and now I can only sip....sip....sip, lol

I've lost another 12 lbs since my appointment, a total of 35 altogether. People are starting to really notice, my clothes fit loose and I feel really good. I'm sure that once I really begin to start walking and exercising the pounds are really gona drop off...that begins tomorrow.  I really believe this was the right decision for me. It has been a tough 3 weeks...but I know it will get better as my stomach heals and I become more active.I see how amazing people have done from this surgery and it totally motivates me. If i hadn't done this I'd probably still be sitting on the couch right now eating something I shouldn't be and feeling sick about if afterwards. I dont even get hungry now...infact there are times when I actually have to remind myself to eat. 
Well I hope you all have a great Monday...til then take care and God bless...Cindy


Jan 28, 2008

Hi Everyone!
      Well here I am....4 days post-op, and I feel good. Actually, I can't believe how good I really feel. I honestly thought I would be in some major pain, but I'm not. 

My surgery took about 1hr and 15min. I was in the recovery room about a couple hours or more waiting on a room. When I got to my room, they hooked me up and let me rest a bit. Within an hour I was up and walking around....that was something I promised myself I was going to do. What pain I do have or should I say where "most" of my pain originates from is the site where they inserted the stapler. It hurts, but it's bearable. You will find it only really hurts when you have to get up and move around. But when you are resting, you dont really feel it much. At first I depended on my family help me get up and around, but now I can pretty much do it on my own.  My biggest feat was going to the bathroom, I went alot from the IV they had in me and from all the water they encouraged me to drink. I also had alot of trapped gas, which was very uncomfortable at times. When I finally passed it, it felt good...no lie.  

Right now I am on pain meds, when I need it and blood thinners to prevent blood-clots. I move around as much as possible. I also drink as much water as I can...my mouth gets really dry at times. The protien drink they have me on "Optisource" is really sweet and tastes like coffee creamer to me. At times its hard to drink, so Alice told me thin it out with a little milk, and that has helped, but Im really tired of it. I'm also drinking Crystle lite and chicken broth. 

I'm really looking forward to these couple weeks to be over with so I can move on to somewhat "normal" food. I'm really not hungry at at right now, but when i am I just dont like drinking that carmel stuff...way tooo sweet for me, lol 

Thank you all...especially you "Alice" for coming to see me and for your gifts and all your encouragement..you truely are an Angel. I am proud to be on the losers Bench with you all now. God Bless....Cindy

2 days!

Jan 22, 2008

Well here I am 2 days from my surgery....and I am sick! I came down with a head cold a couple days ago and it has really done a job on me. Thankfully today, I feel better than I have in the last few, but Im still not 100%. Atleast I can breathe today. I'm waiting on a call from my Dr.s office to see if this will interfere with my surgery....I'm sure they will tell me what to do. I didn't do my Optifast at all yesterday, I just had chicken broth and soup....the thought of drinking chocolate was grossing me out. I wanted something hot and comforting...the soup did it. Anyways, Im up and about today, feeling better that is. Hopefully it is enough to still have my surgery, we will see.... I will let you know.

Take care and God Bless....Cindy

Let's Go!

Jan 15, 2008

My pre-op appointment went very well yesterday. I lost enough weight for my doctor to be happy...which was what I was stressing over. So I got the "Go-Ahead" for my surgery next week. I am so excited. So next Thursday, January 24th is my surgery.... Wish me luck and say a prayer for me. Take care and God bless....Cindy


Jan 14, 2008

Well tomorrow is my H&P, my last before surgery. I've lost about 8.5 lbs between dieting and starting my optifast. Hopefully doc will be happy, he wanted 10. The Optifast has not been bad at all, but I do get hungry on it now and then so I munched on carrots and broccoli...if I snacked it mine as well be helathy I guess. Tomorrow is kinda scarey, but I been looking forward to getting it over with for a long time now. God Bless....Cindy


Jan 09, 2008

Well I started my liquid diet today (Optifast). It actually doesn't taste too bad, it's very tolerable. I've had 2 today so far...and only a slight feeling of hunger is attacking me. Im fighting it off with water and Crystal lite. If i get past today and the next two I think i will be fine for 2 weeks of this stuff. It's really a small price to pay for such a huge reward in the end. I'll keep you posted on my results. God Bless...Cindy


Jan 08, 2008

I decided to start my Optifast tomorrow...one day early. I need to get a jumpstart on losing the weight. It has been a struggle in every sense of the word to lose weight before surgery for me. I've lost about 3lbs and I needed to lose 10 before my next appointment on the 15th. So I am hoping this Optifast will work a miracle on me. I've got a treadmill and Im gonna put that to use also now and after surgery...so wish me luck. I will definitely let you all know how it went for me at my appointment. Take care...

Decisions, decisions....

Jan 07, 2008

Well Im a week away from my final appointment before surgery, I start my liquid diet in 2 days. I kinda had a meltdown this weekend....I was so sure that this was the right thing to do and then I was up late on Friday, couldn't sleep and began reading the memorials...it scared me, alot.
All of a sudden, I wasn't sure if I should be doing this...I mean C'mon, I could die. Now don't get me wrong, I knew my risks along time ago. But reading those memorials made them very real to me. I know, I know...I have to consider the health of the individuals before they had the surgery...some were very sick. I also have to consider their BMI, age and etc.... It's just that I have always "heard" the risks but never really read the stories of those who actually died from them. 

So...I got scared, I cried, ALOT.  I got up real early and just sat in the quiet of my house and thought about it. When my husband got up I told him and I cried, AGAIN. This is NOT a decision to be taken lightly...it is life changing...am I ready? 

Well I emailed a friend I met on here who actually had the same surgeon I have now who will be preforming my surgery and she has been a Godsend. She called me lastnight and reassured me that what I was feeling was very normal and answered so many of my questions. I feel more at ease now and more comfortable with doing this. I am actually gonna meet her soon and I can't wait. 

What this really comes down to (for me) is being at peace with my decision, leaving it in God's hands and letting him take over. I believe in the Lord with all my heart. He knows how much I have struggled with my weight..more than anyone, cause he knows my soul and how much it has hurt over this. My one friend told me today..."Cindy, God created you and has a plan for you...he has control of this and you will be fine...it's a win, win situation...if you have the surgery and begin your new healthy life...you win. If by chance the Lord calls you home....you also win."  Well I'm hoping it's the first one, cause I don't want to leave this world just yet...but if by chance it's the other, then I am ready for that journey also. God Bless....Cindy


Jan 04, 2008

Ok, It's 5 days til I begin the optifast diet, 11 days til I see my surgeon before my scheduled surgery on the 24th and I have not been able to lose any weight...I am so frustrated. I know my problem is because I am hypothyroid because it has prevented me from losing weight for a few years now. The last time I seen my surgeon which was Dec.11 he said he wanted me down by 10 lbs before he saw me again. I have done everything to lose and I bounce between 2-4 lbs and that is it. I am so scared that this is going to prevent me from having my surgery. I dont want to lose the weight the wrong way because I want to be strong for my surgery...but if i dont lose it I wont be able to have it at all...what am I to do??? Does anyone have any answers?? I am desperate.

About Me
Havelock, NC
Surgery Date
Dec 28, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 10
3 weeks post-op
2 days!
Let's Go!
Decisions, decisions....
