Uh-oh! Setback?

Jan 30, 2010

January 28 I noticed some bright red blood present when I had a BM.  First thought?  Fissure.  Later that day, after another trip to the bathroom, I started thinking hemorrhoid, as there was bright red blood present in both the bowl and on the tissue.  Was it too much to hope for a totally complication - free recovery?  Called Dr Hill's office, they put me through to the bariatric office where I spoke to Linda.  Linda agreed, it sounds like a hemorrhoid but requested I involve my PCP and get a CBC drawn just to be safe.  I got in touch with Murphy, my PCP, she ordered the CBC and recommended a stool softener and some time, and let's see if it clears up on its own.  Last night, had a normal BM, no blood.  But today, whammo...2 trips to the bathroom, two episodes of bright red blood. And today I don't feel as good.  Murphy called and said my white blood count is fine and my red blood count is a little low for me but not low enough to call me anemic.  We figure being 6 weeks post op has more to do with that than anything.  So, I continue to take the colace and will wait and see what Monday brings.  If I am still having this issue, I will have to go to the office and see Murphy.

What have I eaten that could be causing this?  What can I do to make it go away?  I know in the large scheme of things this is so slight a setback that it is laughable, but I didn't want any setbacks.  GRRRR. I was just starting to feel really good! AARRRGGGHHHH! 


Thoughts on 40 pounds

Jan 26, 2010

Tomorrow I will be 6 weeks post-op.  Today, I crossed the 40 pounds lost threshold.  Yes that is exciting in and of itself, but for me, 40 pounds has special significance.  Twice before in my adult life I have lost 40 pounds.  Once, in my 20's, for my sister's wedding, and once (again) in my 30's.  Of course, both times it took 8 months to accomplish what I have now done in 6 weeks.  And of course, in both previous cases, I gained all 40 pounds back and then at least 40 pounds more.  I guess the amazing thing to think of right now is that this time I know these 40 pounds are gone for ever. What a powerful, powerful tool the DS is. 

Feeling better; medical leave extended; More WOWS!

Jan 22, 2010

Well, in spite of my wish to post more regularly, I see some time has elapsed since my last posting.  I am happy to report that I am feeling better than in my last post.  I still have issues with enough protein and water, but I am working on it.  I had the chance to see Dr. Hill on January 20, 2010 and he said I am healing like a vampire, I am doing so well.  However, he has concerns about the constant thirst and lack of adequate protein still so he suggested I take another month off.  A-OK with me, but the @#$%! administration at school is giving me a ration of crap about it, essentially challenging it.  Had to call Dr Hill's office and make sure that the verification letter is strongly worded and states plainly that I am not physically competent to preform the tasks of my job at this point.  Yes, the school wants mt to be doing sub plans, grading, and all that while I am out on extended medical leave.  Never mind that I am still fatigued, constantly thirsty, occasionally dizzy and eating all over the clock!  What am I supposed to do, collapse in the classroom from thirst and eat cottage cheese when my "protein alarm" goes off in my body?  Give me a break.  Anyway, enough about that.

I realized as I sat in the doctor's office on Wednesday that I had, without even thinking about it, managed to cross my legs!  I didn't have to struggle to do it, or "help" my leg with my hands.  It just happened!  And I also realized the other day that I am going to have to move the seat forward in my car, as there is now a good three inches between the bottom of the steering wheel and my stomach.  Yee Hah!  I have a pair of jeans that are so big on me now that I keep stepping on the legs as they slip down.  I tried on some clothes I had "outgrown" on the way UP the scale and they fit well enough now to wear in public.  I tried on some summer pants (seersucker) and they're too big already...will never be able to wear them this year. Damn!  Just have to go get some new ones I guess.

Dr. Hill gave me the OK to start at the gym on a limited basis. No strenuous lifting or toning yet, but treadmill, swimming, elliptical bike all ok. Hoping to start that soon. Weight down to 288.8 as of yesterday.  Looking back in my medical records I don't think I have been this "light" since 2003.  I am a work in progress!


Not such a good week

Jan 07, 2010

I have to admit I don't feel as good this week as I did last week.  Maybe the travel is catching up to me?  Maybe my body is simply telling me, "HEY!! You did something MAJOR to me and I need time to adjust!" and maybe it is a combination of all of these.  Two days ago I felt well enough to have some chicken for supper.  It tasted good, and seemed to settle alright but a couple hours later I was so full I couldn't stand it.  By the time I went to bed I was still full and ended up being awakened with reflux...3 times!  I finally got up and moved around a bit and then threw up a little bit.  I felt pressure inside, again like I was just so full.  Finally, after an hour and then going back to bed sitting up, I was able to get back to sleep with no further instances of reflux.

The next day (yesterday) I just felt washed out all day.  I had no appetite and I actually ate very little, sort of giving my innards a chance to recover from what must have been something too heavy or too much, too soon.  I would say the chicken was the culprit.  I couldn't drink much yesterday either.

The good news is, my systems are all working.  I was afraid I was getting constipated but things are moving.  I am able to drink more today than yesterday but I still don't have much of an appetite, not like I did.

I think this is all normal and par for the course, as I know you have to experiment and see what foods you can tolerate and in what quantities.  Kim told me the worst time for her was weeks 3 -5, and I am exactly at 3 weeks post op today.  Maybe I am right on schedule!

1 comment

First WOW! 1/02/10

Jan 02, 2010

Just to see, I tried on all of my rings which are all size 8, and they all spin on my finger and slide to my knuckle!  So then I got very brave, and went to the closet and pulled out my favorite blouse...the purple/fuchsia iridescent one.  (Avenue size 30/32) It would not even button the last I tried...and GUESS WHAT???  IT FITS BEAUTIFULLY!  I'm so excited, but I wish I had somewhere to wear it because it will be too big for me before too much longer! 

I also tried on some pants (Cabin Creek size 32W) and although they were still snug, they were on, and were not obscene!  Wow, again. So fast! I figure I am already down a full size.


First Post-op Follow up visit with Dr. Hill

Jan 02, 2010

Was on Monday, December 28, 2009.  Weight was 301.0 pounds, down a full 20.4 since my December 9 office visit with him. By now I am sure I am below 300.  I looked it up in my medical records and the last time I weighed under 300 was 12/4/04...5 years ago! I was 298 at that office visit. Wow!  VERY cold night in Saranac Lake, snowing and blowing everywhere. Stayed at Best Western. Slept in and well.  McDonald's egg anc cheese biscuit for breakfast...picked at it, really.  Headed for home about 11, driving myself.  Feeling good, just thirsty.  Got a big gatorade in Georgia.  Roads simpy awful all the way across Vermont.  Made it home with no trouble, by about 4:30. Cats so glad to see me!

Once again, playing catch up! (Or, my surgical story!)

Jan 02, 2010

I had every intention of posting while I was in the hospital but for whatever reason, I could not get the wifi to work for me so I ended up sending my laptop home with my mother back to the motel.  Hence, it is January 2, 2010 and I have several things to fill in!

Dec 4 - 16, 2009:  BUSY, BUSY, BUSY couple of weeks!  I went from thinking I was going to have a leisurely Christmas season to an absolute frenzy of activity as I had to make all my preparations both at work and here at home, in less than 2 weeks.  Mom started to fret about travel to Saranac Lake in the winter for her, but we quickly discovered that she could take a train to Plattsburgh and we could get here there so that made that easy.  School was not so easy to work with.  I had a ton of stuff to get graded, progress reports to get ready for, as well as getting my medical leave situated.  Surprise, surprise, my superintendent (who wears Carharts with a tie) wanted to give me some grief about it, telling me that I would need medical verification every three days while I am out. Really??  It's not enough for a doctor to say I will be out until at least January 26?  It always used to be enough...  Anyway... Managed to write sub plans enough to get through until Christmas, maintaining that as a long term medical leave, I am not expected to supply day by day plans.  I thought we had that covered. (Note the foreshadowing...)

December 16:  The day before surgery.  I traveled to Saranac Lake and got checked in at the motel in time to begin my bowel prep at noon.  Mom was due to arrive about 3, so a friend went to pick her up.  Well..... I'm telling you, that bowel prep is just about the worst thing ever.  After three hours my bowels completely let go with no cramping, no warning, and no time to make it to the bathroom. When I finally got there, much to my dismay, I began to vomit from the antibiotics, and having no basin to use, I had no choice but to vomit into a towel.  UGH.  I was so embarrassed!  Thankfully, I managed to get myself dressed in new clothes and got my other clothes and bath towel washed and dried before Mom arrived.  I had not been expecting the vomiting, so I called Dr Hill's office to make sure that was OK, and was told yes, unfortunately it was not uncommon and to tough it out.  So I drank my half-lytely every 10 minutes (gag) and took my antibiotics as told and continued to have an evening filled with diarrhea and vomiting.  Finally, about 10:30. I was all done and able to think about bed.  I slept well, no doubt exhausted from the prep.

December 17, 2009  SURGERY DAY!!  I was so calm.  Not a butterfly at all.  I was so ready to do this!  We were due at the hospital at 9:50 am, and by 10:00 I was in pre-op, in a johnny, and the nurse was starting my IV.  Mom kept patting my head, but knew I was really very calm about everything. The anesthesiologist came in and said he had reviewed my charts and thought I was going to be a great candidate and that he had no worries.  Nice man, nice handshake.  Mom said to him, "Take good care of her" and he said, "absolutely."  Dr. Hill came in about 11:30 or so, just to touch base and meet Mom. He said we'd be going in 45 minutes or so.  The OR called about 12:15 and said to bring me along, so they gave me my versed, which immediately made me say "Oh wow, look at the three Christmas trees! (there was only one).  They rolled me into the OR, moved me to the table and I remember the anesthesiologist saying OK Lois, a few deep breaths, and that was it.  Next thing I remember I was in my room, focusing on Mom, who was smiling and holding my hand, and I was pushing my PCA pump.  I found out later I was on the table from 1:00 - 4:00 and then in recovery from 4:00 until 5:30. I looked at Mom and said, "I DID it!!" and she smiled more. I was pretty out of it so Mom went back to the motel for the night about 6:00 pm.

December 17, 2009  SURGERY NIGHT  Thanks to an astute nurse doing vitals every hour, it was discovered that I was having an allergic reaction to the morphine in my PCA pump.  I was broken out in hives all over my body, and although I could not bend to see them below my waist, I saw them clear as a bell on my hands.  It looked like my hands were covered in spaghettios!  The nurse called the ER doctor up to have a look and he confirmed it was an allergy to the morphine, so my PCA pump was discontinued and they started another IV on me and loaded me with benadryl.  That night is foggy at best, but by morning my hives were gone and I had to call the nurses for pain meds instead of the PCA.  No problem.  They were always right there.

December 18, 2009:  First full day post op.  I was moved into a private room, next door and actually walked to that room.  A major undertaking, but I made it. A tray arrived for breakfast with a protein shake and some tea.  I had a couple spoonfuls of the shake by that was all I wanted for breakfast. Dr. Hill was in, said all was well so far. Pain was manageable with IV meds, slept a lot.

December 19 -20, 2009.  Still have the drain in.  The catheter was discontinued and so I had to be out of bed to the bathroom.  Bowels began to work again, nurses said everything looked just like it was supposed to.  Down to Tylenol for pain.  Dr. Hill was in both days, gave me the go -ahead for a shower, which was heavenly.  The nurse changed the dressing and I saw my incision for the first time. Longer than anticipated but Dr Hill had said he had some trouble with adhesions, so whatever.  It looked clean and healthy and was healing nicely. Walking in the halls when I can, still a bit wobbly on my feet.  Eating cream soups and tea and protein drinks and lots of ice water.  Still had such cotton mouth!

December 21, 2009:  DISCHARGED!  Dr. Hill came in, said I looked a lot better today and asked if I was ready to go.  He took my drain out at that point (wow...it didn't hurt at all but I was stunned to see how long it was!!) and then I got another shower and began to dress for discharge.  Mom and I managed...I walked all the way to the lobby and then sat and waited  for her to bring the car around.  Still very slow walking and still needed a little help in the bathroom, but found by that night that I was able to manage by myself.  Follow up appointment with Dr Hill scheduled for December 28, follow up with NUT scheduled for January 20.  Back to the motel in Saranac Lake for the night, and then if I am up to it, going to Connecticut to be with the family for Christmas.  I was already feeling thinner...my plus sized knee highs keep falling down!

December 22 - 27, 2009  Safely and easily rode to CT via Saratoga Springs with no discomfort or problems at all.  Great to see the family and even greater to have them be amazed at how well I was doing.  Eating cream soups, protein shakes, Popsicles, yogurt and tea.  The last couple days I convinced Mom to let me try a scrambled egg, which I tolerated well.  Christmas dinner was tough, as I was beginning to feel hungry again, and everything smelled so good.  But, I had cream of Chicken soup and was fine.  I did sneak a taste of mashed potatoes, which tasted really good, and settled fine. Sleeping very well, took a nap a couple days and did not go to midnight mass due to being so tired.  Up, showered and dressed each day by 10. Did a little shopping and lots of talking.  Still very thirsty!

December 28, 2009:  Back to Saranac Lake via Burlington as we took Alex back to school.  Snow!!!  Roads terrible from the ferry to Saranac Lake, and bitter, bitter cold.  Got to my appointment with Dr Hill on time.  (see entry about first follow up). Feeling good.  No pain.  Surgical incision healing very nicely.


Today I FINALLY got my surgery date

Dec 03, 2009

Two weeks from today...December 17!  I wanted to skip out of the hospital today telling everyone I saw that I had my date.  I kept in under control though!  Lots of phone calls to make tonight, lots of things to take care of in the next 2 weeks and so much to look forward to!   H U R R A H ! !


Such a silly thing to be excited about...

Nov 30, 2009

I can't believe how little it takes these days to get me excited about my upcoming DS!  No, I still don't have a date, but I did order and receive my blender bottles last week and I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. Then, yesterday, I ordered a sample pack of different protein shakes from Vitalady, just so I can start experimenting with them as far as flavors and textures go, and I am almost giddy about that.  If those silly things make me excited, I think I will just about jump out of my skin when I finally do get a date.  Speaking of which, I have an appointment in Saranac Lake on Thursday of this week, and hope to either get my date at that appointment or shortly thereafter. Please, oh please...  

Thoughts on the night before Thanksgiving

Nov 25, 2009

This is the first time in years that I am neither traveling for nor hosting a Thanksgiving, and so it seems a little strange to have nothing to do this evening before! I find myself thinking, as I think about tomorrow, that in all likelihood, this is my last fat holiday season.  (Gosh, I hope I did not just jinx myself!)  I am so thankful this evening for the guidance that brought me to my decision to seek WLS, and even more so, I am thankful for that little voice in my head that screamed at me to do more research and find the RIGHT WLS for me. I am thankful for the Internet and the ability to use it, and the availability of information on websites like DSFacts.com.  I am thankful for all the people who so freely give of their time and knowledge on the OH boards and who guided me to the DS decision.  I am thankful for Adirondack Medical Center and the great people there who are helping me through this process. I am thankful for Murphy, my PCP extraordinaire who supports my WLS and DS decision with great enthusiasm and excitement.  And I am thankful for the unconditional love and support of my beloved family and closest friends who not only embraced my decision with tears of joy and words and actions of unconditional love and support,  but who have committed to helping me in each and every part of this endeavor.  I am truly blessed and eternally grateful, and more than a little excited to see what next Thanksgiving brings!

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2009
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