Firsts & Milestones!!!

Nov 08, 2011

Good afternoon all!

Well just wanted to have it noted a couple of very cool things that I only realised in the last few days. I am now below 100kg, so excited about that, as my doctor weighs in KGs so I am beyond grateful to get there. Also, my BMI is below 40 now!!!!!! That is very exciting as well. I am only 1lb away from being half way to target weightloss. So many things to be so grateful for!!!

This past weekend I had a cup of coffee, first since surgery, couldn't finish it but was so lovely to taste that again. Also I had a gin and tonic, again I didn't finish it but was so nice to feel that I could have an alcoholic drink in front of me. Being off my tablets has really helped me feel much better physically.

Just wanted to share my excitement!
Thanks Susan

Oh also put up 2 pics from around my 3 month mark, my apologies as they are not my usual angles but totally forgot the other way but I will make sure I resume to other pics at month 4 as those pics have been so helpful to me with other peoples blogs. Now I am finished

3 months post-op

Oct 27, 2011

Hi everyone,

So I am three months post-op today and down 64lbs. I have been having trouble with my bloods the last two months but thankfully I think we have gotten to the bottom of it. I am on Losec for my tummy and it obviously does not suit me, so I have to find a more natural alternative. I will let you know how that goes. Other than that I am doing fine. I struggle with my food, protein, liquids every day but think and hope that is normal at this stage still. Some days I am unsure if I eat enough and other days I am worried I have eaten too much. Is that normal? As you can read through this I am still a little confused, I definitely believe that the rules and outlines to follow are much more strict on the US side and I wish it was the same here, so that I may not be as confused as I am.

I am still delighted that I made this choice for myself and I am looking forward to the day that I can put up pics I am proud of. I will try take up todate pics this evening again, as I know that made a huge difference to me when I was looking into this process.

Hope everyone is doing really well!!!
Susan xxx

2 months post-op

Sep 27, 2011

Hi everyone,

So I am now 2 months post-op! I am over the moon to be saying that. I have found this past month still tough, but good. I'm getting there slowly but surely. I can now go out for lunch, I have yet to try a dinner out but who knows maybe this month. I am fighting everyday to get the correct protein and liquids in. Hopefully I will rectify this, this month. In the last week I have had pins and needles in my arms and legs easily, so I am going to my GP (PCP) tomorrow evening about that as it is becoming more frequent. I must be missing something from my diet and not realising.

I am going to upload some pics of before and now within the next couple of days. Its very hard to see some of the pics as I had hidden from myself for a long time. And in all honesty I do not see that much of a difference in myself even though others say they can see. I am now 50lbs down. The weight loss has definitely slowed and for one week did not move at all.

A lovely friend of mine asked my for other victories I guess NSV and I am grateful to him for that as I had not thought that way yet but he reminded me I have met plenty, so thank you Dean for that!

Things that are much easier already:
Painting my toe nails
Bending over
Cleaning the house
Keeping up with my friends
Getting in and out of the car
getting up and down off furniture

So thank you everyone here for your support and here's to another good month for us all! xxx

1 month post op

Aug 25, 2011

So I made it!!!! I am 1 month post op tomorrow and I have lost 34lbs, which I am very happy about! So how would I describe this past month to someone pre-op? For me, this past month has been fantastic, scary, humiliating, tough, eye-opening and fun! In other words its been a roller-coaster. As well as figuring out that my tummy is not ready for salmon, I also caught a tummy bug and I am still having some bother with that. Other than that I have been very blessed as I am manging away, have been back at work for 2 weeks and dealing with that.

I do have mental hunger from time to time but I just remind myself that this too will pass. I still have alot of nerves about different things but making it through this month has shown me that I am strong when I need to be and I will make it through any potential future obstacles as well.

I am over the moon that I made this decision for myself and I am looking forward to my new life. I am meeting my surgeon on Tuesday and also having my first physio appointment that morning, so hopefully I will be able and ready for the exercise plan laid out for me.

Thank you to all my OH friends for being there for me!


3 weeks post-op

Aug 16, 2011

Morning all,

Well I am now 3 weeks post-op. I am on pureed foods and they seem to be going well so far. My head is thinking further ahead than my body but I guess that is normal. I was with my dietician yesterday and he is happy with my progress and said this weekend to start building in soft foods, so that should be interesting. This has not been too easy for me but for reasons I was not anticipating. I have felt very vulnerable since the surgery which has caught me by surprise, so hopefully in the coming weeks that will become less and less. In the meantime I need to concentrate on my water and protein, as I have a schedule that works for me supplements etc. And obviously try move slowly to soft foods.

Just want to say thank you to everyone here as your direct messages to me and your regular blogs have given me great support as well.

Susan x

Finally post-op

Jul 31, 2011

Well I am home, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I have been having a little trouble with this pain in my left side that no pain killers hit, but it comes and goes so I am getting a chance to sleep etc. My surgeons assures me it will go over the coming weeks. Other than that I am doing really well. So glad that it is over and now just to recover. Hope everyone else is doing well or getting closer to their date. We are going to as fabulous on the outside as we all are on the inside.
Take care, Susan xxx
1 comment

2 days pre-op

Jul 24, 2011


So I am being admitted tomorrow afternoon and surgery on Wednesday morning. I will be home then on Saturday all going well. I am excited and nervous all rolled into one. After all this waiting, test, and planning I actually can not believe I have made it to this point. My life is about to change and for the BETTER.

I will post when I get home to let you know how good it all went. Hope everyone is doing really well.

1 week pre-op

Jul 20, 2011

Wow this day next week I am having my surgery!!! I am totally shocked that it's finally arriving. The surgeon office called today and I nearly dropped because I was thinking that they were calling with another delay, but it turned out I may not have a private room, that I can totally deal with. Here's hoping the other person is nice if I do have to share.

Today I am very excited and really looking forward to starting my new life! Thank you to everyone here for sharing their stories and updates as it really has helped me alot in the last couple of months and I am sure will continue in the coming months.

Love Susan x

2 weeks pre-op

Jul 12, 2011

So an update, I went to the support meeting and I was delighted with it. I met some lovely people and two were from the same city as me so that was fantastic contacts to have. I will definitely attend again. Amazing how supported I felt, I know that sounds silly after going to a support meeting but I have never been to one and didn't know what to expect.

I went to my GP this morning for my weigh-in to start off the pre-op diet and I am much heavier on that scale, I am hoping that it is wrong but I will adjust my details here just in case. Although I guess it really does not matter now seeing I am about to work very hard at losing it. Was a little disheartening though seeing I did not go wild in the last couple of months.

Hope everyone is doing really well and next week my weigh in will be much more fun!!!


Support Group

Jul 04, 2011

So tonight is my first support group meeting. I am so nervous about it! This day 3 weeks and I will be being admitted to the hospital!

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 27, 2011
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