My wanderings

Oct 14, 2006

The beginning of my journey...
CORI Centers have been a great help to me arranging this WLS process. I have received my packet and filled it out and sent it back and have my appointment with Dr. Taylor and Dr. Altier for Sept. 26th. Thanks Krissy!
I haven't heard anything back from CORI so I hope the appointment for the 26th is set. I think I have been eating more since I have not been feeling well lately. I have had a cold and not sleeping well in general. Too scared to jump on the scale. Need to make an appointment with my Internist for his LOS (letter of support). I hope he supports me.

All of my appointments are made. To make the traveling time mean the most, I have the nutritionist, psych, and surgeon all on the same day. Hope this works out. My husband is planning on coming with me. My internist supports me and is writing my letter. This means a lot to me since I work with him and I know he is a busy man, I hate to bother him, but he seemed happy to write it and said he thought that I would be a good candidate for WLS. I do not go to him for every little thing and I have other docs I see for special things like the arthritis and the psoriasis, so he does not always know what is going on with me. He trusts me as a nurse and to make my medical decisions. I think he will be a little surprised when he reads a letter I wrote to him detailing the last year and all that has happened to me. I updated him and spelled it all out. I weighed myself the other day and am up to 205 pounds! I hate steroids! I have taken them at least 5 times this year as well as joint injections and creams. I sure hope this surgery works out and can happen soon before my health worsens and I need more. I am breaking out again in a rash and I panic it will come back full blown. The dermatologist said I should not have any more steroids until after surgery due to healing issues. Enough for now....this is getting to be a book. 
I had my first appointment with the surgeon and also had my nutritionist and psych appointments on the 26th. I think it all went well. They sent me home with prescriptions for the pain elixer and lovenox for after surgery. Also gave me the blue binder with all of their information I need for surgery. I am very excited! My DH came with me and was the only man there but I was proud of him and glad he came with me. The discussion was kind of boring for him, but he was right beside me, supporting me. Yesterday I received a letter from my internist saying that they faxed and mailed my letter of support to CORI and sent me a copy also. I was almost moved to tears at how fast he came through for me. I truly appreciate his doing this for me so soon as I have read the troubles others have had with getting this letter from their PCP. He is the greatest! So, now I wait. And pray. God has organized it all so far and I know that He is in charge of my life. I have tremendous faith in Him. PTL 
October 3, 2006
When I got home from dinner last night with DH there was a message on the phone for me to call CORI to schedule my surgery date! I am so excited, it is all I can think about. I will call when they open this morning. Then I will post the details. Thank you Lord! 

October 3, 2006 PM update on date!
My surgical date is November 6th! Could have been sooner but my job needs more time due to others vacations. Loser's bench here I come!
Oct. 18th, 2006
Nothing really going on, just ordering supplies like protein samples, sweetners, soups, vitamins, etc.  Am looking here abd Susan Marie's site for all kinds of information and am finding a lot.  Only 19 days til surgery.  I am trying to be patient.
Oct. 24, 2006
Heard from Harper this morning to schedule my pre op testing.  It will be November 3rd at 11:30 AM.  Starting to get nervous about the unknown.  Hoping I have no complications like some I have read about. 
In a few hours I will leave for the Detroit area where I will have this lifechanging surgery on Monday.  I have my preops tomorrow at Harper Hosp.  The rest will be a blurr I am sure.  I am worried about my daughter and grandchildren as they are sick.  I have put them in the Lord's hands and there is no better place to be.  Thanks for the several posts with well wishes.  I appreciate the encouragement.  See you on the losing side.  

About Me
Wolverine, MI
Surgery Date
Jul 23, 2006
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My wanderings
