What is that between my legs?

Apr 16, 2008

4-16-2008  Yesterday, I was walking up to the High School from my car and could see my reflection in the row of glass doors at the front of the school.  While I was walking, I kept seeing something white between my legs and couldn't figure out what it was.  I got a little close to the door and realized that I was seeing the paint from the white car parked behind me...I could see the car though my legs because they weren't rubbing together when I walked!  Major woo hoo moment for me and I laughed the whole way to the high school office! 

Back to running Woo Hoo!

Apr 13, 2008

4-13-08  This has been a good week for me.  I started going to the gym on Tuesday and have been every day except today.  We went to the park today and while Tommy and the kids were playing basketball, I set out on a walk, which turned into a 3 mile run.  It felt really good to run again.  It was sort of funny because I bought new running shoes the weekend before my doc told me not to run anymore so this week was the first time to use them...even though they are 2 months old.  At least I was able to break them in first!  :)  My daughter, Jordan, joined me on mile 2 and made it pretty clear that she could run faster than me, which made me feel bad since she is 11 years old.  I have to admit that a smile crept onto my face though as I noticed her starting to lag behind.  Sure, she could run faster than me...but she didn't have the endurance.  She kept saying,  "Mom, how do you do this?  How do you just keep on running without stopping?"  When that mile was over, she stayed with Tommy and I ran the last mile alone.  It made me feel good to know that even though I don't run very fast, I have the endurance to run 3 miles, even at over 190 pounds.

Other things for this week...hmmm...let's see.  Ethan started preschool because Tommy started a new job and doesn't work from home anymore to be able to watch him.  Ethan loves preschool, but Tommy doesn't love his job so much.  Ethan had a soccer game yesterday and they won.  T-ball starts tomorrow.  Geez my calendar is full.  I'd rather it be full than empty though.  An empty calendar for me equals boredom eating!  I need to really gain control over that, ok...now that I've said it, I will have put a plan in place by  my next post!

When I checked my OH messages this morning, there was a person from Michigan I think who said that she has been to a seminar, but not had surgery.  Somehow she found my profile and said that I was 'beautiful'.  WOW.  Total WOW.  Right now, I don't know this person's name or if she is a boy or girl...probably a girl.  She asked to be on my friends list and I messaged her back and offered my support to her.  She totally made my day.

My friend, Julie, is moving back to S'ville in June.  I'm excited to see her and to be able to hang out with her again.  We are a lot alike and have kids the same ages.  It will be like old times!  Watch out Texas!!  ha ha.

Well peeps, I need to give Ethan a bath and ready for bed.  Love you all.  Much love!


Mar 20, 2008

3-20-2008  I'm in ONDERLAND!    The scale today said 195 pounds, I am so happy.  The really neat thing is that I looked back in my blog and I started my diet exactly one year ago today at 333 pounds.  That is a 138 pound loss in one year.  Talk about coincidence on the dates!  I'm currently on day 4 of the 5 day pouch test and have not cheated at all.  Tommy is doing it with me and came to have baked salmon with me for lunch.  It was pretty good too!  I posted on the Texas board that I made it to onderland and so many of my wonderful friends have left comments...over 20 so far and it's only 1:47 in the afternoon.  I am truly blessed! 

Getting back on track, Take 2

Mar 13, 2008

3-13-08  Here I am, the same weight as I was last month because I have made poor choices.  At least I realize it.  At least I know that I can do something about it.  At least I have my friends here at OH who truly do care about me and are helping me through this rough spot.  Well, it's been more than a spot...spots usually don't drag on for two months!    Next time I post, I WILL be under 200 pounds.  See you soon.

Getting back on track

Feb 11, 2008

2-11-08  Sigh...that is what I just did when trying to figure out what to say on this post.  I've not been eating right, haven't been exercising either.  I had started experiencing massive hip pain and my doc said no more running and sent me to a chiropractor who also said no more running.  The wind was knocked out of my sails.  I tend to be an 'all or nothing' kind of girl so I went from all to nothing in the matter of one sentence from my doc.  Since this means I won't be running in the Cowtown, my husband suggested I walk it instead.  Thatjust doesn't sound as good to me.  But, good thing is last week I tried to eat better and when I weighed today, I had lost 6 pounds since last week's weigh in.  I'm down a total of 130 pounds and am at 203...that's almost to ONDERLAND!  I'm going to the gym today, or maybe for a long walk a the park after work.  I'm really looking forward to it as the temperature is about 65 outside.

Saturday is the DFW dinner in Arlington.  There are about 70 OH people signed up.  There will be a clothing exchange and I'm really glad for that because I need clothes badly!  Yesterday, I had on size 22 jeans for Jordan's birthday party, but after a few hours, had to change into a 20 because they were just too big.  How cool is that?  JCPenney was having a sale, so I went and bought a pair of size 18 capri jeans.  They are tight, but I can get into them, not comfortably yet, but they do button and zip.  WOO HOO!  I cut my hair off a couple of weeks ago too.  It is short and sassy now.  My digital camera is broken and I don't know how to upload a pic from my phone, so the old pic will remain for now.

Amazing start to the new year!

Jan 01, 2008

1-1-2008   I can't believe this happened!  I'm training for the Cowtown 5k race in February that will be held in Fort Worth.  So far, I've been running on the treadmill at the gym following the 'Couch to 5k Training Schedule' with Loralea.  Well, since today is New Years Day, the gym is closed so I went to the local park to do my run there.  The running path is 1.15 miles long with markers along the way.  At the gym, I can only run 10 minutes max without having to slow the treadmill down and walk for 2 minutes.  Well, today at the park I RAN THE ENTIRE 5K WITHOUT STOPPING!!!!!    I did run slower at the park than at the gym, but that's ok.  My time was 44:55.  I am so happy and can't wait to go do it again.  Look out Cowtown...here I come! 

Note to self...

Dec 29, 2007

12-29-07  I was sick and took off 10 days from working out.  Today was my third day back.  Here is today's workout...a new record!  45 minutes on resistance 3, 6565 total strides and 736.4 calories burned!  Woo hoo!

Note to self...

Dec 14, 2007

12-14-07  Today's workout:  45 minutes on the elliptical, 6382 total strides all done on resistance level 3.

4 Month Update

Dec 08, 2007

12-8-2007  I'm a couple of days late posting my 4 month post-op update but have lots to share!  Today's workout was great.  45 minutes on the eliptical with 6011 strides and 671 calories burned.    I have finished week 2 of training for the Cowtown 5k that will be held in Fort Worth in late February.    Yesterday, my run was 2.6 miles and a total of 36 minutes with the warm up and cool down.  My weight yesterday was 224 pounds, so that is 64 pounds lost since surgery and a total loss of 109 pounds!  WOO HOO!    

I started the pilates and cardio strength classes at the gym.  The first week totally kicked my butt BAD!    I was so sore and could hardly walk, but that is good, right?    I look forward to the classes each week and the instructor is great.  I also didn't get a new cross necklace for my 100 pound loss because I found my old one and cleaned it with silver cleaner and it just sparkles.  I've always loved this cross and am happy to be wearing it again.    I still need to buy myself a present...I don't think the sports bras I ordered online count though!  ha ha. 

I will go pick Ethan up in Georgia a week from Tuesday and I am looking so forward to seeing him.  I miss my baby.    Corbett is out on a date with a girl named Hope tonight.  I'm sure next time I post there will be a different girl in his life.    Jordan is doing good, just her regular self.  She had a performance at the Christmas in the Park two nights ago and she honestly was the best in her hip-hop class.    I was really proud of her.  Tommy and I are getting along better, so that is good.  Sweet Chase is here this weekend, but Colin stayed home at his mom's house beause he is sick.  I'm gonna wrap this up because we are going to drive around and look at Christmas lights.  Ho Ho Ho!

5k, Here I come!

Nov 25, 2007

11-25-2007  Today was totally empowering for me as I started training to run in the Cowtown 5k to be held February 23, 2008.    Loralea posted a cool training schedule for going from the couch to a 5k in 9 weeks.  I was going to do my training at the local park because I was too embarassed to do it at the gym,  but God had other plans...it was in the 20's and WET today, so off to the gym I went.  The plan called for me to do a 5 minute brisk walk to warm up, then 90 seconds running followed by 2 minutes walking continuing that for 20 minutes.  After the first 90 second leg of running, I thought that wasn't too bad at all and finished the rest with 2 minute legs of running and walking with 4.3 mph being my best time.  It wasn't near as hard as I thought it would be and I feel like I've accomplished something!  To make a sweet day even sweeter, I could see myself in the mirrors and I didn't look like a goober the way I had pictured myself in my head.  I am so excited about the Cowtown 5k!!!  My first, but not last, race. 

About Me
Stephenville, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 02, 2003
Member Since

Friends 155

Latest Blog 48
Watch out...I'M BACK!!
Note to self...
Note to self...
My first 5k and other news
Note to self
Note to Self...
100 Pounds Lost Since Surgery
Tommy leaves for Afghanistan
Best WOW moment yet!
