Still sick!

Feb 13, 2015

Hello again! I'm still sick!! Since January 2nd!  I was feeling better two days ago the I aspirated gastric reflux!! AUGH!! It was awful. I almost went to the ER from coughing so severely and pain. I'm Already getting breathing treatments every 4 hours. Now I've had an exspiritory wheezing which is driving me nuts!!

on my weight loss journey, I call Barnes Bariatrics and the said a letter is in the mail inviting me to a seminar. Step one. I've probably been to at least 5 of these but it is their routine so I must follow. After the seminar, which is the last week of each month, you are allowed to make a doctor appointment. I Hope I can get into the February class!

Wish me luck!


I am SICK of being SICK!!

Feb 08, 2015

Well, I have been sick since January 2, 2015.  It started out with the flu, then became pneumonia.  Now it has settled into bronchitis.  I was admitted to the hospital with B/P of 198/112, HR of 164 and o2 sats of 88.  Now I am on steroids and breathing treatments every fours hours at home.  I am sicker because of my size!!I need this surgery!  My cardiologist put me on heart pills for my tachycardia in addition to my blood pressure meds.  AUGH!!!  I have to go to our areas leading teaching hospital because of my previous try at the sleeve.  They have their process which is to wait, and even get a doctors appointment.  I have two hurdles to jump!  So I am waiting for them to get my 'pre-assessment" paperwork to get scheduled into a informational meeting---Blah Blah Blah.  I've probably been to 10 of these, literally!  I NEED THIS SURGERY!! So I will do it!!


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My sleeve is OFF!

Aug 22, 2014

Well no sleeve for me.  I have been diagnosed with Barretts Esophagus with a Hiatal Hernia.  Strong Family history of Esophageal cancer.  My baractric surgeon has referred me to a large teaching hospitals specialist.  I guess we will see haw it goes from here.


Yay! PASSED my Psych Eval

Jul 10, 2014

Saw my psychitrist on Tuesday the 8th of July, 2014.  He wrote my letter of approval while I was in the room!  He is very happy for me and thinks it is a great thing!!  I am still NeRvOuS!  One step closer.  Scheduled my other appointments all for July.  I'm really getting nervous.  Scared of the big change but I need this!  I need to be able to use the restroom and clean my 'Bum' good.  I need to be able to get around better, walk without pain! I need to LIVE LIFE!!  I need this surgery!


Lots of tests! AUGH!!

Jul 06, 2014

I saw the surgeon on Thursday and he has ordered lots of tests.  I need a stress test, EKG, EGD, Doppler of lower extremities as well as letters from my cardiologist, Primary care doctor and Psychiatrist a a bunch of lab work.  I also have to be 14 days on a low calorie, no protein, clear liquid diet pre-op. augh!! he has some concerns about NSAIDs post-op for my knees and endometriosis.  I have those same concerns.  Our (my husband was with me) time with him was inturupted several times.  The staff was friendly but kinda felt like a number.  He did't seem interested in my health history...just in putting it in his computer which did an automatic letter for my Primary Doctor.  He comes highly reccomended so I think thats the most important thing.  I'd rather have an excellent surgeon with bad bedside manner than a good bedside and bad surgeon.  I was speechless coming out of his office.  A lot to take in.  I need to rest. LOL  

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Jul 01, 2014

Hello, I've decided I want to be a sleever.  Finally after maybe ten years of fighting weight gain and diets and the thought of WLS, I cry UNCLE!  I have several friends who have had WLS but I never thought it would be me too.  The reasons I NEED the surgery are many.  Mostly because of my knee pain.  I have had two surgeries on my knees and no have the 'bone on bone' that you hear about.  I can hardly walk, stairs are embarrassing and I am always sort of breath.  I can't sleep at night because my arms fall asleep about every hour, then I have to roll over, which in it's self is an ordeal.  

I am also Bipolar.  This is hard for me to say publicly but I am and have been for over twenty years.  I am VERY ANXIOUS about this surgeries effect on me being bipolar.  If you are bipolar please friend me.  I'd love to hear about your WLS journey.

I am married and the mother of two.  My daughter is 24 and newly divorced (my pic is at her wedding) and my son died in 2012 of cancer, he was 24.  I was very active in my faith but have fallen away since the death of my son.  I don't work.  I swim three days a week.  My mother passed away last December after a long illness. Now, I do a lot with my dad and sister. I am one of six children.  I was skinny as a child until after the birth of my children.  I actually lost my pregnancy weight but was diagnosed bipolar and put on weight related to my medication.

I can't think of anything else now other than I see my surgeon in two days for my first visit.  

Hope YOU have a GREAT DAY! & Take Care!!

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